<?xml version='1.0'encoding='utf-8'?>encoding='UTF-8'?> <!DOCTYPE rfc [ <!ENTITY nbsp " "> <!ENTITY zwsp "​"> <!ENTITY nbhy "‑"> <!ENTITY wj "⁠"> ]><?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="rfc2629.xslt" ?> <!-- generated by https://github.com/cabo/kramdown-rfc version 1.7.18 (Ruby 3.3.3) --><rfc xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" ipr="trust200902" submissionType="IETF" docName="draft-ietf-mls-architecture-15" number="9750" category="info" tocInclude="true" sortRefs="true" symRefs="true"version="3"> <!-- xml2rfc v2v3 conversion 3.22.0 -->version="3" consensus="true" updates="" obsoletes="" xml:lang="en"> <front> <title abbrev="MLS Architecture">The Messaging Layer Security (MLS) Architecture</title> <seriesInfoname="Internet-Draft" value="draft-ietf-mls-architecture-15"/>name="RFC" value="9750"/> <author initials="B." surname="Beurdouche" fullname="Benjamin Beurdouche"> <organization>Inria & Mozilla</organization> <address> <email>ietf@beurdouche.com</email> </address> </author> <author initials="E." surname="Rescorla" fullname="Eric Rescorla"> <organization>Windy Hill Systems, LLC</organization> <address> <email>ekr@rtfm.com</email> </address> </author> <author initials="E." surname="Omara" fullname="Emad Omara"> <organization/> <address> <email>emad.omara@gmail.com</email> </address> </author> <author initials="S." surname="Inguva" fullname="Srinivas Inguva"> <organization/> <address> <email>singuva@yahoo.com</email> </address> </author> <author initials="A." surname="Duric" fullname="Alan Duric"> <organization>Wire</organization> <address> <email>alan@wire.com</email> </address> </author> <dateyear="2024" month="August" day="03"/> <area>Security</area> <keyword>Internet-Draft</keyword>year="2025" month="February"/> <area>SEC</area> <workgroup>mls</workgroup> <!-- [rfced] Please insert any keywords (beyond those that appear in the title) for use on <https://www.rfc-editor.org/search>. --> <abstract><?line 222?><t>The Messaging Layer Security (MLS) protocol(I-D.ietf-mls-protocol)(RFC 9420) provides a Group Key Agreement protocol for messaging applications. MLS is meant to protect against eavesdropping, tampering, and messageforgery,forgery and to provide Forward Secrecy (FS) and Post-Compromise Security(PCS).</t>(PCS). <!-- [rfced] Abstract: We do not see "Group Key Agreement protocol" in the text of any published RFC. Should this term be lowercased or perhaps explained in the body of the document? Original: The Messaging Layer Security (MLS) protocol (I-D.ietf-mls-protocol) provides a Group Key Agreement protocol for messaging applications. --> </t> <t>This document describes the architecture for using MLS in a general secure group messaging infrastructure and defines the security goals for MLS. It provides guidance on building a group messaging system and discusses security and privacytradeoffstrade-offs offered by multiple security mechanisms that are part of the MLS protocol (e.g., frequency of public encryption key rotation). The document also provides guidance for parts of the infrastructure that are not standardized by MLS and are instead left to the application.</t> <t>While the recommendations of this document are not mandatory to follow in order to interoperate at the protocol level, they affect the overall security guarantees that are achieved by a messaging application. This is especially true in the case of active adversaries that are able to compromise clients, the delivery service, or the authentication service.</t> </abstract><note removeInRFC="true"> <name>Discussion Venues</name> <t>Discussion of this document takes place on the MLS Working Group mailing list (mls@ietf.org), which is archived at <eref target="https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/browse/mls/"/>.</t> <t>Source for this draft and an issue tracker can be found at <eref target="https://github.com/mlswg/mls-architecture"/>.</t> </note></front> <middle><?line 245?><section anchor="introduction"> <name>Introduction</name><t>RFC EDITOR: PLEASE REMOVE THE FOLLOWING PARAGRAPH</t> <t>The source for this draft is maintained in GitHub. Suggested changes should be submitted as pull requests at https://github.com/mlswg/mls-architecture. Instructions are on that page as well. Editorial changes can be managed in GitHub, but any substantive change should be discussed on the MLS mailing list.</t><t>End-to-end security is used in the vast majority of instant messagingsystems,systems and is also deployed in systems for other purposes such as calling and conferencing. In this context, "end-to-end" captures the notion that users of the system enjoy some level of security -- with the precise level depending on the system design -- even in the face of malicious actions by the operator of the messaging system.</t> <t>Messaging Layer Security (MLS) specifies an architecture (this document) and a protocol <xreftarget="I-D.ietf-mls-protocol"/>target="RFC9420"/> for providing end-to-end security in this setting. MLS is not intended as a full instant messaging protocol but rather is intended to be embedded in concrete protocols, such asXMPPthe Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP) <xref target="RFC6120"/>. Implementations of the MLS protocol will interoperate at the cryptographic level, though they may have incompatibilities in terms of how protected messages are delivered, contents of protected messages, and identity/authentication infrastructures. The MLS protocol has been designed to provide the same security guarantees to all users, for all group sizes, including groups of only two clients.</t> </section> <section anchor="general-setting"> <name>General Setting</name> <section anchor="protocol-overview"> <name>Protocol Overview</name> <t>MLS provides a way for <em>clients</em> to form <em>groups</em> within which they can communicate securely. For example, a set of users might use clients on their phones or laptops to join a group and communicate with each other. A group may be as small as two clients (e.g., for simpleperson to personperson-to-person messaging) or as large as hundreds of thousands. A client that is part of a group is a <em>member</em> of that group. As groups change membership and group or member properties, they advance from one <em>epoch</em> to another and the cryptographic state of the group evolves.</t> <t>The group is represented as a tree, which represents the members as the leaves of a tree. It is used to efficiently encrypt to subsets of the members. Each member has a state called a <em>LeafNode</em> object holding the client's identity, credentials, and capabilities.</t> <t>Various messages are used in the evolution from epoch to epoch. A <em>Proposal</em> message proposes a change to be made in the next epoch, such as adding or removing a member. A <em>Commit</em> message initiates a new epoch by instructing members of the group to implement a collection of proposals. Proposals and Commits are collectively called <em>Handshakemessages</em>.messages</em>. A <em>KeyPackage</em> provides keys that can be used to add the client to a group, including its LeafNode, and <em>SignatureKey</em>.Key</em>. A <em>Welcome</em> message provides a new member to the group with the information to initialize their state for the epoch in which they were added.</t> <t>Of course most (but not all) applications use MLS to send encrypted group messages. An <em>application message</em> is an MLS message with an arbitrary application payload.</t> <t>Finally, a <em>PublicMessage</em> contains an integrity-protected MLS Handshake message, while a <em>PrivateMessage</em> contains a confidential, integrity-protected Handshake or application message.</t> <t>For a more detailed explanation of these terms, please consult the MLS protocol specification <xref target="RFC9420"/>.</t> </section> <section anchor="abstract-services"> <name>Abstract Services</name> <t>MLS is designed to operate within the context of a messaging service, which may be a single service provider, a federated system, or some kind of peer-to-peer system. The service needs to provide two services that facilitate client communication using MLS:</t> <ul spacing="normal"> <li> <t>An Authentication Service (AS) which is responsible for attesting to bindings between application-meaningful identifiers and the public key material used for authentication in the MLS protocol. The AS must also be able to generate credentials that encode these bindings and validate credentials provided by MLSclients.</t>clients. <!-- [rfced] Sections 2.2 and subsequent: After the initial definition of "AS" in Section 2.2, we see alternating use of "AS" and "Authentication Service". Would you like to use the abbreviation in running text after the initial definition? We have the same question for * "DS" and "Delivery Service" * "FS" and "Forward Secrecy" * "PCS" and "Post-Compromise Security" It seems that each of these terms is used often enough that the abbreviations could be used after the terms are first defined. A few examples (for "DS" and "AS"; "Delivery Services, which is responsible ..." has been corrected): * A Delivery Service (DS) which can receive and distribute messages between group members. In the case of group messaging, the delivery service may also be responsible for acting as a "broadcaster" where the sender sends a single message which is then forwarded to each recipient in the group by the DS. ... It is important to note that the Authentication Service can be completely abstract in the case of a Service Provider which allows MLS clients to generate, distribute, and validate credentials themselves. As with the AS, the Delivery Service can be completely abstract if users are able to distribute credentials and messages without relying on a central Delivery Service (as in a peer-to-peer system). Note, though, that in such scenarios, clients will need to implement logic that assures the delivery properties required of the DS (see Section 5.2). ... She sends both of these messages to the Delivery Services, which is responsible for sending them to the appropriate people. Note that the security of MLS does not depend on the DS forwarding the Welcome message only to Bob, as it is encrypted for him; it is simply not necessary for other group members to receive it. ... The Authentication Service design is left to the infrastructure designers. In most designs, a compromised AS is a serious matter, as the AS can serve incorrect or attacker-provided identities to clients. --> </t> </li> <li> <t>A Delivery Service (DS) which can receive and distribute messages between group members. In the case of group messaging, the delivery service may also be responsible for acting as a "broadcaster" where the sender sends a single message which is then forwarded to each recipient in the group by the DS. The DS is also responsible for storing and delivering initial public key material required by MLS clients in order to proceed with the group secret key establishment that is part of the MLS protocol.</t> </li> </ul> <!-- [rfced] Sections 2.2 and subsequent: We found the use of "which" in this document confusing at times. Please see "Restrictive (that) and non-restrictive (which) clauses" on <https://www.rfc-editor.org/styleguide/tips/>. When reviewing usage, it might help to ask this question: Does "which" here mean "sometimes" (in which case it should be "that"), or "always" (in which case "which" preceded by a comma is correct)? We found the following confusing: * An Authentication Service (AS) which is responsible for attesting to bindings between application-meaningful identifiers and the public key material used for authentication in the MLS protocol. The AS must also be able to generate credentials that encode these bindings and validate credentials provided by MLS clients. * A Delivery Service (DS) which can receive and distribute messages between group members. In the case of group messaging, the delivery service may also be responsible for acting as a "broadcaster" where the sender sends a single message which is then forwarded to each recipient in the group by the DS. The DS is also responsible for storing and delivering initial public key material required by MLS clients in order to proceed with the group secret key establishment that is part of the MLS protocol. ... Alice, Bob, and Charlie authenticate to the DS and store some initial keying material which can be used to send encrypted messages to them for the first time. ... The simplest pattern is for a client to just send a Commit which contains one or more Proposals, for instance Alice could send a Commit with the Proposal Add(Bob) embedded to add Bob to the group. ... In the centralized setting, DoS protection can typically be performed by using tickets or cookies which identify users to a service for a certain number of connections. ... Each encrypted MLS message carries a "generation" number which is a per-sender incrementing counter. ... In this section, we consider the case where the signature keys are not compromised, which can occur if the attacker has access to part of the memory containing the group secrets but not to the signature keys which might be stored in a secure enclave. ... This in turn induces a signature key rotation which could provide the attacker with part or the full value of the private key depending on the architecture of the service provider. --> <t>For presentation purposes, this document treats the AS and DS as conventional networkservices, howeverservices. However, MLS does not require a specific implementation for the AS or DS. These services may reside on the same server or different servers, they may be distributed between server and client components, and they may even involve some action by users. For example:</t> <ul spacing="normal"> <li> <t>Several secure messaging services today provide a centralizedDS,DS and rely on manual comparison of clients' public keys as the AS.</t> </li> <li> <t>MLS clients connected to a peer-to-peer network could instantiate a decentralized DS by transmitting MLS messages over that network.</t> </li> <li> <t>In an MLS group using a Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) for authentication, the AS would comprise the certificate issuance and validation processes, both of which involve logic inside MLS clients as well as various existing PKI roles(ex:(e.g., Certification Authorities).</t> </li> </ul> <t>It is important to note that the Authentication Service can be completely abstract in the case of a Service Providerwhichthat allows MLS clients to generate, distribute, and validate credentials themselves. As with the AS, the Delivery Service can be completely abstract if users are able to distribute credentials and messages without relying on a central Delivery Service (as in a peer-to-peer system). Note, though, that in such scenarios, clients will need to implement logic that assures the delivery properties required of the DS (see <xref target="delivery-guarantees"/>).</t> <t><xref target="fig-mls-overview"/> shows the relationship of these concepts, with three clients and one group, and clients 2 and 3 being part of the group and client 1 not being part of any group.</t> <figure anchor="fig-mls-overview"> <name>A Simplified Messaging System</name> <artset> <artwork type="svg"><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" version="1.1" height="256" width="456" viewBox="0 0 456 256" class="diagram" text-anchor="middle" font-family="monospace" font-size="13px" stroke-linecap="round"> <path d="M 8,32 L 8,80" fill="none" stroke="black"/> <path d="M 80,144 L 80,176" fill="none" stroke="black"/> <path d="M 144,32 L 144,80" fill="none" stroke="black"/> <path d="M 168,144 L 168,176" fill="none" stroke="black"/> <path d="M 184,32 L 184,80" fill="none" stroke="black"/> <path d="M 208,144 L 208,176" fill="none" stroke="black"/> <path d="M 248,80 L 248,144" fill="none" stroke="black"/> <path d="M 296,144 L 296,176" fill="none" stroke="black"/> <path d="M 304,32 L 304,80" fill="none" stroke="black"/> <path d="M 336,144 L 336,176" fill="none" stroke="black"/> <path d="M 424,144 L 424,176" fill="none" stroke="black"/> <path d="M 8,32 L 144,32" fill="none" stroke="black"/> <path d="M 184,32 L 304,32" fill="none" stroke="black"/> <path d="M 8,80 L 144,80" fill="none" stroke="black"/> <path d="M 184,80 L 304,80" fill="none" stroke="black"/> <path d="M 80,144 L 168,144" fill="none" stroke="black"/> <path d="M 208,144 L 296,144" fill="none" stroke="black"/> <path d="M 336,144 L 424,144" fill="none" stroke="black"/> <path d="M 80,176 L 168,176" fill="none" stroke="black"/> <path d="M 208,176 L 296,176" fill="none" stroke="black"/> <path d="M 336,176 L 424,176" fill="none" stroke="black"/> <path d="M 304,80 L 336,144" fill="none" stroke="black"/> <path d="M 152,144 L 184,80" fill="none" stroke="black"/> <g class="text"> <text x="76" y="52">Authentication</text> <text x="244" y="52">Delivery</text> <text x="56" y="68">Service</text> <text x="108" y="68">(AS)</text> <text x="224" y="68">Service</text> <text x="276" y="68">(DS)</text> <text x="432" y="100">Group</text> <text x="212" y="116">........</text> <text x="284" y="116">........</text> <text x="388" y="116">................</text> <text x="184" y="132">.</text> <text x="448" y="132">.</text> <text x="184" y="148">.</text> <text x="448" y="148">.</text> <text x="116" y="164">Client</text> <text x="152" y="164">1</text> <text x="184" y="164">.</text> <text x="244" y="164">Client</text> <text x="280" y="164">2</text> <text x="372" y="164">Client</text> <text x="408" y="164">3</text> <text x="448" y="164">.</text> <text x="184" y="180">.</text> <text x="448" y="180">.</text> <text x="184" y="196">.</text> <text x="236" y="196">Member</text> <text x="272" y="196">1</text> <text x="364" y="196">Member</text> <text x="400" y="196">2</text> <text x="448" y="196">.</text> <text x="184" y="212">.</text> <text x="448" y="212">.</text> <text x="316" y="228">..................................</text> </g> </svg> </artwork> <artwork type="ascii-art"><![CDATA[ +----------------+ +--------------+ | Authentication | | Delivery | | Service (AS) | | Service (DS) | +----------------+ +-------+------+ / | \ Group / ........|........\................ / . | \ . +--------+-+ . +----+-----+ +----------+ . | Client 1 | . | Client 2 | | Client 3 | . +----------+ . +----------+ +----------+ . . Member 1 Member 2 . . . .................................. ]]></artwork> </artset> </figure><t><xref target="fig-mls-overview"/> shows the relationship of these concepts, with three clients and one group, and clients 2 and 3 being part of the group and client 1 not being part of any group.</t></section> </section> <section anchor="overview-of-operation"> <name>Overview of Operation</name> <t><xref target="fig-group-formation-example"/> shows the formation of an example group consisting of Alice, Bob, and Charlie, with Alice driving the creation of the group.</t> <figure anchor="fig-group-formation-example"> <name>Group Formation Example</name> <artset> <artwork type="svg"><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" version="1.1" height="464" width="592" viewBox="0 0 592 464" class="diagram" text-anchor="middle" font-family="monospace" font-size="13px" stroke-linecap="round"> <path d="M 528,64 L 528,144" fill="none" stroke="black"/> <path d="M 528,176 L 528,208" fill="none" stroke="black"/> <path d="M 528,240 L 528,320" fill="none" stroke="black"/> <path d="M 528,352 L 528,448" fill="none" stroke="black"/> <path d="M 128,64 L 392,64" fill="none" stroke="black"/> <path d="M 8,80 L 304,80" fill="none" stroke="black"/> <path d="M 208,96 L 392,96" fill="none" stroke="black"/> <path d="M 88,112 L 304,112" fill="none" stroke="black"/> <path d="M 288,128 L 392,128" fill="none" stroke="black"/> <path d="M 168,144 L 304,144" fill="none" stroke="black"/> <path d="M 200,176 L 480,176" fill="none" stroke="black"/> <path d="M 280,192 L 480,192" fill="none" stroke="black"/> <path d="M 360,208 L 480,208" fill="none" stroke="black"/> <path d="M 264,240 L 480,240" fill="none" stroke="black"/> <path d="M 8,256 L 256,256" fill="none" stroke="black"/> <path d="M 144,272 L 480,272" fill="none" stroke="black"/> <path d="M 104,288 L 480,288" fill="none" stroke="black"/> <path d="M 88,304 L 344,304" fill="none" stroke="black"/> <path d="M 88,320 L 368,320" fill="none" stroke="black"/> <path d="M 296,352 L 480,352" fill="none" stroke="black"/> <path d="M 8,368 L 224,368" fill="none" stroke="black"/> <path d="M 176,384 L 480,384" fill="none" stroke="black"/> <path d="M 152,400 L 480,400" fill="none" stroke="black"/> <path d="M 88,416 L 312,416" fill="none" stroke="black"/> <path d="M 176,432 L 312,432" fill="none" stroke="black"/> <path d="M 176,448 L 336,448" fill="none" stroke="black"/> <polygon class="arrowhead" points="488,400 476,394.4 476,405.6" fill="black" transform="rotate(0,480,400)"/> <polygon class="arrowhead" points="488,384 476,378.4 476,389.6" fill="black" transform="rotate(0,480,384)"/> <polygon class="arrowhead" points="488,352 476,346.4 476,357.6" fill="black" transform="rotate(0,480,352)"/> <polygon class="arrowhead" points="488,288 476,282.4 476,293.6" fill="black" transform="rotate(0,480,288)"/> <polygon class="arrowhead" points="488,272 476,266.4 476,277.6" fill="black" transform="rotate(0,480,272)"/> <polygon class="arrowhead" points="488,240 476,234.4 476,245.6" fill="black" transform="rotate(0,480,240)"/> <polygon class="arrowhead" points="488,208 476,202.4 476,213.6" fill="black" transform="rotate(0,480,208)"/> <polygon class="arrowhead" points="488,192 476,186.4 476,197.6" fill="black" transform="rotate(0,480,192)"/> <polygon class="arrowhead" points="488,176 476,170.4 476,181.6" fill="black" transform="rotate(0,480,176)"/> <polygon class="arrowhead" points="400,128 388,122.4 388,133.6" fill="black" transform="rotate(0,392,128)"/> <polygon class="arrowhead" points="400,96 388,90.4 388,101.6" fill="black" transform="rotate(0,392,96)"/> <polygon class="arrowhead" points="400,64 388,58.4 388,69.6" fill="black" transform="rotate(0,392,64)"/> <polygon class="arrowhead" points="184,448 172,442.4 172,453.6" fill="black" transform="rotate(180,176,448)"/> <polygon class="arrowhead" points="184,432 172,426.4 172,437.6" fill="black" transform="rotate(180,176,432)"/> <polygon class="arrowhead" points="176,144 164,138.4 164,149.6" fill="black" transform="rotate(180,168,144)"/> <polygon class="arrowhead" points="96,416 84,410.4 84,421.6" fill="black" transform="rotate(180,88,416)"/> <polygon class="arrowhead" points="96,320 84,314.4 84,325.6" fill="black" transform="rotate(180,88,320)"/> <polygon class="arrowhead" points="96,304 84,298.4 84,309.6" fill="black" transform="rotate(180,88,304)"/> <polygon class="arrowhead" points="96,112 84,106.4 84,117.6" fill="black" transform="rotate(180,88,112)"/> <polygon class="arrowhead" points="16,368 4,362.4 4,373.6" fill="black" transform="rotate(180,8,368)"/> <polygon class="arrowhead" points="16,256 4,250.4 4,261.6" fill="black" transform="rotate(180,8,256)"/> <polygon class="arrowhead" points="16,80 4,74.4 4,85.6" fill="black" transform="rotate(180,8,80)"/> <g class="text"> <text x="24" y="36">Alice</text> <text x="96" y="36">Bob</text> <text x="192" y="36">Charlie</text> <text x="396" y="36">AS</text> <text x="476" y="36">DS</text> <text x="28" y="68">Create</text> <text x="88" y="68">account</text> <text x="356" y="84">Credential</text> <text x="108" y="100">Create</text> <text x="168" y="100">account</text> <text x="556" y="100">Step</text> <text x="584" y="100">1</text> <text x="356" y="116">Credential</text> <text x="188" y="132">Create</text> <text x="248" y="132">account</text> <text x="356" y="148">Credential</text> <text x="32" y="180">Initial</text> <text x="92" y="180">Keying</text> <text x="156" y="180">Material</text> <text x="112" y="196">Initial</text> <text x="172" y="196">Keying</text> <text x="236" y="196">Material</text> <text x="556" y="196">Step</text> <text x="584" y="196">2</text> <text x="192" y="212">Initial</text> <text x="252" y="212">Keying</text> <text x="316" y="212">Material</text> <text x="16" y="244">Get</text> <text x="48" y="244">Bob</text> <text x="96" y="244">Initial</text> <text x="156" y="244">Keying</text> <text x="220" y="244">Material</text> <text x="280" y="260">Bob</text> <text x="328" y="260">Initial</text> <text x="388" y="260">Keying</text> <text x="452" y="260">Material</text> <text x="16" y="276">Add</text> <text x="48" y="276">Bob</text> <text x="76" y="276">to</text> <text x="112" y="276">Group</text> <text x="556" y="276">Step</text> <text x="584" y="276">3</text> <text x="32" y="292">Welcome</text> <text x="84"y="292">(Bob</text>y="292">(Bob)</text> <text x="368" y="308">Add</text> <text x="400" y="308">Bob</text> <text x="428" y="308">to</text> <text x="464" y="308">Group</text> <text x="408" y="324">Welcome</text> <text x="464" y="324">(Bob)</text> <text x="16" y="356">Get</text> <text x="64" y="356">Charlie</text> <text x="128" y="356">Initial</text> <text x="188" y="356">Keying</text> <text x="252" y="356">Material</text> <text x="264" y="372">Charlie</text> <text x="328" y="372">Initial</text> <text x="388" y="372">Keying</text> <text x="452" y="372">Material</text> <text x="16" y="388">Add</text> <text x="64" y="388">Charlie</text> <text x="108" y="388">to</text> <text x="144" y="388">Group</text> <text x="32" y="404">Welcome</text> <text x="104" y="404">(Charlie)</text> <text x="556" y="404">Step</text> <text x="584" y="404">4</text> <text x="336" y="420">Add</text> <text x="384" y="420">Charlie</text> <text x="428" y="420">to</text> <text x="464" y="420">Group</text> <text x="336" y="436">Add</text> <text x="384" y="436">Charlie</text> <text x="428" y="436">to</text> <text x="464" y="436">Group</text> <text x="376" y="452">Welcome</text> <text x="448" y="452">(Charlie)</text> </g> </svg> </artwork> <artwork type="ascii-art"><![CDATA[ Alice Bob Charlie AS DS Create account ---------------------------------> | <------------------------------------- Credential | Create account -----------------------> | Step 1 <--------------------------- Credential | Create account -------------> | <----------------- Credential | Initial Keying Material -----------------------------------> | Initial Keying Material -------------------------> | Step 2 Initial Keying Material ---------------> | Get Bob Initial Keying Material ---------------------------> | <------------------------------- Bob Initial Keying Material | Add Bob to Group ------------------------------------------> | Step 3 Welcome(Bob)---------------------------------------------->(Bob) ---------------------------------------------> | <-------------------------------- Add Bob to Group | <----------------------------------- Welcome (Bob) | Get Charlie Initial Keying Material -----------------------> | <--------------------------- Charlie Initial Keying Material | Add Charlie to Group --------------------------------------> | Welcome (Charlie) -----------------------------------------> | Step 4 <---------------------------- Add Charlie to Group | <----------------- Add Charlie to Group | <-------------------- Welcome (Charlie) | ]]></artwork> </artset> </figure> <t>This process proceeds as follows.</t> <section anchor="step-1-account-creation"> <name>Step 1: Account Creation</name> <t>Alice, Bob, and Charlie create accounts with a service provider and obtain credentials from the AS. This is a one-time setup phase.</t> </section> <section anchor="step-2-initial-keying-material"> <name>Step 2: Initial Keying Material</name> <t>Alice, Bob, and Charlie authenticate to the DS and store some initial keying material which can be used to send encrypted messages to them for the first time. This keying material is authenticated with their long-term credentials. Although in principle this keying material can be reused for multiple senders, in order to provide forward secrecy it is better for this material to be regularly refreshed so that each sender can use a new key.</t> </section> <section anchor="step-3-adding-bob-to-the-group"> <name>Step 3: Adding Bob to the Group</name> <t>When Alice wants to create a group including Bob, she first uses the DS to look up his initial keying material. She then generates two messages:</t> <ul spacing="normal"> <li> <t>A message to the entire group (which at this point is just her and Bob) that adds Bob to the group.</t> </li> <li> <t>A <em>Welcome</em> message just to Bob encrypted with his initial keying material that includes the secret keying information necessary to join the group.</t> </li> </ul> <t>She sends both of these messages to the DeliveryServices,Service, which is responsible for sending them to the appropriate people. Note that the security of MLS does not depend on the DS forwarding the Welcome message only to Bob, as it is encrypted for him; it is simply not necessary for other group members to receive it.</t> </section> <section anchor="step-4-adding-charlie-to-the-group"> <name>Step 4: Adding Charlie to the Group</name> <t>If Alice then wants to add Charlie to the group, she follows a similar procedure as with Bob:sheShe first uses the DS to look up his initial keying material and then generates two messages:</t> <ul spacing="normal"> <li> <t>A message to the entire group (consisting of her, Bob, and Charlie) adding Charlie to the group.</t> </li> <li> <t>A <em>Welcome</em> message just to Charlie encrypted with his initial keying material that includes the secret keying information necessary to join the group.</t> </li> </ul> <t>At the completion of this process, we have a group with Alice, Bob, and Charlie, which means that they share a single encryption key that can be used to send messages or to key other protocols. <!-- [rfced] Section 3.4: "or to key other protocols" reads oddly. Are some words missing, or does the text indicate that other protocols are keyed? In other words, is "key" used as a verb here? Original: At the completion of this process, we have a group with Alice, Bob, and Charlie, which means that they share a single encryption key which can be used to send messages or to key otherprotocols.</t>protocols. --> </t> </section> <section anchor="other-group-operations"> <name>Other Group Operations</name> <t>Once the group has been created, clients can perform other actions, such as:</t> <ul spacing="normal"> <li> <t>sending a message to everyone in the group</t> </li> <li> <t>receiving a message from someone in the group</t> </li> <li> <t>adding one or more clients to an existing group</t> </li> <li><t>remove<t>removing one or more members from an existing group</t> </li> <li> <t>updating their own key material</t> </li> <li><t>leave<t>leaving a group (by asking to be removed)</t> </li> </ul> <t>Importantly, MLS does not itself enforce any access control on group operations. For instance, any member of the group can send a message to add a new member or to evict an existing member. This is in contrast to some designs in which there is a single group controller who can modify the group. MLS-using applications are responsible for setting their own access control policies. For instance, if only the group administrator is allowed to change group members, then it is the responsibility of the application to inform members of this policy and who the administrator is.</t> </section> <section anchor="proposals-and-commits"> <name>Proposals and Commits</name> <t>The general pattern for any change in the group state (e.g., to add or remove a user) is that it consists of two messages:</t> <dl><dt>Proposal</dt><dt>Proposal:</dt> <dd> <t>This message describes the change to be made (e.g., add Bob to the group) but does not effect a change.</t> </dd><dt>Commit</dt><dt>Commit:</dt> <dd> <t>This message changes the group state to include the changes described in a set of proposals.</t> </dd> </dl> <t>The simplest pattern is for a client to just send a Commit which contains one or moreProposals,Proposals; forinstanceinstance, Alice could send a Commit with the Proposal Add(Bob) embedded to add Bob to the group. However, there are situations in which one client might send a proposal and another might send the commit. For instance, Bob might wish to remove himself from the group and send a Remove Proposal to do so (see <xref section="12.1.3" sectionFormat="of" target="RFC9420"/>). Because Bob cannot send the Commit, an existing member must do so. Commits can apply to multiple valid Proposals, in which case all the listed changes are applied.</t> <t>It is also possible for a Commit to apply to an empty set ofProposalsProposals, in which case it just updates the cryptographic state of the group without changing its membership.</t> </section> <section anchor="group-members"> <name>Users, Clients, and Groups</name> <t>While it's natural to think of a messaging system as consisting of groups of users, possibly using different devices, in MLS the basic unit of operation is not the user but rather the "client". Formally, a client is a set of cryptographic objects composed of public values such as a name (an identity), a public encryption key, and a public signature key. As usual, a user demonstrates ownership of the client by demonstrating knowledge of the associated secret values.</t> <t>In some messaging systems, clients belonging to the same user must all share the same signature key pair, but MLS does not assume this;insteadinstead, a user may have multiple clients with the same identity and different keys. In this case, each client will have its own cryptographic state, and it is up to the application to determine how to present this situation to users. For instance, it may render messages to and from a given user identically regardless of which client they are associated with, or it may choose to distinguish them.</t> <t>When a client is part of a Group, it is called a Member. A group in MLS is defined as the set of clients that have knowledge of the shared group secret established in the group key establishment phase. Note that until a client has been added to the group and contributed to the group secret in a manner verifiable by other members of the group, other members cannot assume that the client is a member of the group; for instance, the newly added member might not have received the Welcome message or might not have beenunableable to decrypt it for some reason.</t> </section> </section> <section anchor="authentication-service"> <name>Authentication Service</name> <t>The Authentication Service (AS) has to provide three services:</t> <ol spacing="normal" type="1"><li> <t>Issue credentials to clients that attest to bindings between identities and signature keypairs</t>pairs.</t> </li> <li> <t>Enable a client to verify that a credential presented by another client is valid with respect to a referenceidentifier</t>identifier.</t> </li> <li> <t>Enable a group member to verify that a credential represents the same client as anothercredential</t>credential.</t> </li> </ol> <t>A member with a valid credential authenticates its MLS messages by signing them with the private key corresponding to the public key bound by its credential.</t> <t>The AS is considered an abstract layer by the MLSspecification andspecification; part of this service could be, for instance, running on the members' devices, while another part is a separate entity entirely. The following examples illustrate the breadth of this concept:</t> <ul spacing="normal"> <li> <t>A PKI could be used as an AS <xref target="RFC5280"/>. The issuance function would be provided by the certificate authorities in the PKI, and the verification function would correspond to certificate verification by clients.</t> </li> <li> <t>Several current messaging applications rely on users verifying each other's key fingerprints for authentication. In this scenario, the issuance function is simply the generation of a key pair (i.e., a credential is just an identifier and public key, with no information to assist in verification). The verification function is the application function that enables users to verify keys.</t> </li> <li> <t>In a system based on<xref target="CONIKS"/> end userend-user Key Transparency (KT) <xreftarget="KT"/>,target="CONIKS"/> <xref target="I-D.ietf-keytrans-architecture"/>, the issuance function would correspond to the insertion of a key in a KT log under a user's identity. The verification function would correspond to verifying a key's inclusion in the log for a claimed identity, together with the KT log's mechanisms for a user to monitor and control which keys are associated with their identity.</t> </li> </ul> <t>By the nature of its roles in MLS authentication, the AS is invested with a large amount of trust and the compromise of the AS could allow an adversary to, among other things, impersonate group members. We discuss security considerations regarding the compromise of the different AS functions in detail in <xref target="as-compromise"/>.</t> <t>The association between members' identities and their signature keys is fairly flexible in MLS. As noted above, there is no requirement that all clients belonging to a given user have the same signature key (in fact, having duplicate signature keys in a group is forbidden). A member can also rotate the signature key they use within a group. These mechanisms allow clients to use different signature keys in different contexts and at different points in time, providing unlinkability and post-compromise security benefits. Some security trade-offs related to this flexibility are discussed in the securityconsiderations.</t>considerations. <!-- [rfced] Section 4: Should "the security considerations" be "Section 8" or some other section? Original: Some security trade-offs related to this flexibility are discussed in the security considerations. --> </t> <t>In many applications, there are multiple MLS clients that represent a singleentity,entity -- forexampleexample, a human user with a mobile and desktop version of an application.OftenOften, the same set of clients is represented in exactly the same list of groups. In applications where this is the intended situation, other clients can check that a user is consistently represented by the same set of clients. This would make it more difficult for a malicious AS to issue fake credentials for a particular user because clients would expect the credential to appear in all groups of which the user is a member. If a client credential does not appear in all groups after some relatively short period of time, clients have an indication that the credential might have been created without the user's knowledge. Due to the asynchronous nature of MLS, however, there may be transient inconsistencies in a user's client set, so correlating users' clients across groups is more of a detection mechanism than a prevention mechanism.</t> </section> <section anchor="delivery-service"> <name>Delivery Service</name> <t>The Delivery Service (DS) plays two major roles in MLS:</t> <ul spacing="normal"> <li> <t>As a directory service providing the initial keying material for clients to use. This allows a client to establish a shared key and send encrypted messages to other clients even if they're offline.</t> </li> <li> <t>Routing MLS messages among clients.</t> </li> </ul> <t>While MLS depends on correct behavior by the Authentication Service in order to provide endpoint authentication and hence confidentiality of the group key, these properties do not depend on correct behavior by the DS; even a malicious DS cannot add itself to groups or recover the group key. However, depending precisely on how MLS is used, the DS may be able to determine group membership or prevent changes to the group from taking place (e.g., by blocking group change messages).</t> <section anchor="key-storage-and-retrieval"> <name>Key Storage and Retrieval</name> <t>Upon joining the system, each client stores its initial cryptographic key material with the Delivery Service. This key material, called a KeyPackage, advertises the functional abilities of the client such as supported protocol versions, supported extensions, and the following cryptographic information:</t> <ul spacing="normal"> <li> <t>A credential from the Authentication Service attesting to the binding between the identity and the client's signature key.</t> </li> <li> <t>The client's asymmetric encryption public key.</t> </li> </ul> <t>All the parameters in the KeyPackage are signed with the signature private key corresponding to the credential. As noted in <xref target="group-members"/>, users may own multiple clients, each with their own keying material. Each KeyPackage is specific to an MLS version and ciphersuite, but a client may want to offer support for multiple protocol versions and ciphersuites. As such, there may be multiple KeyPackages stored by each user for a mix of protocol versions, ciphersuites, and end-user devices.</t> <t>When a client wishes to establish a group or add clients to a group, it first contacts the Delivery Service to request KeyPackages for each other client, authenticates the KeyPackages using the signature keys, includes the KeyPackages in Add Proposals, and encrypts the information needed to join the group (the <em>GroupInfo</em> object) with an ephemeralkey,key; it then separately encrypts the ephemeral key with the <tt>init_key</tt> from each KeyPackage. When a client requests a KeyPackage in order to add a user to a group, the Delivery Service should provide the minimum number of KeyPackages necessary to satisfy the request. For example, if the request specifies the MLS version, the DS might provide one KeyPackage per supported ciphersuite, even if it has multiple such KeyPackages to enable the corresponding client to be added to multiple groups before needing to upload more freshKeyPackages.</t>KeyPackages. <!-- [rfced] Section 5.1: The only published RFC to date that mentions "init_key" is Normative Reference RFC 9420. May we cite it here for ease of the reader? This question also applies to "epoch_authenticator" and any other parameters mentioned in this document and defined in RFC 9420. Alternatively, we could add this sentence to the end of the Introduction section: It is expected that readers are familiar with the terms used in [RFC9420]. Original: When a client wishes to establish a group or add clients to a group, it first contacts the Delivery Service to request KeyPackages for each other client, authenticates the KeyPackages using the signature keys, includes the KeyPackages in Add Proposals, encrypts the information needed to join the group (the _GroupInfo_ object) with an ephemeral key, then separately encrypts the ephemeral key with the init_key from each KeyPackage. Suggested: When a client wishes to establish a group or add clients to a group, it first contacts the Delivery Service to request KeyPackages for each other client, authenticates the KeyPackages using the signature keys, includes the KeyPackages in Add Proposals, and encrypts the information needed to join the group (the _GroupInfo_ object) with an ephemeral key; it then separately encrypts the ephemeral key with the init_key [RFC9420] from each KeyPackage. --> </t> <t>In order to avoid replay attacks and provide forward secrecy for messages sent using the initial keying material, KeyPackages are intended to be used only once. The Delivery Service is responsible for ensuring that each KeyPackage is only used to add its client to a single group, with the possible exception of a "last resort" KeyPackage that is specially designated by the client to be used multiple times. Clients are responsible for providing new KeyPackages as necessary in order to minimize the chance that the "last resort" KeyPackage will be used.</t><ul empty="true"> <li> <t><strong>RECOMMENDATION:</strong><t indent="3"><strong>RECOMMENDATION:</strong> Ensure that "last resort" KeyPackages don't get used by provisioning enough standard KeyPackages.</t></li> </ul> <ul empty="true"> <li> <t><strong>RECOMMENDATION:</strong><t indent="3"><strong>RECOMMENDATION:</strong> Rotate "last resort" KeyPackages as soon as possible after being used or if they have been stored for a prolonged period of time. Overall, avoid reusinglast resort"last resort" KeyPackages as much as possible.</t></li> </ul> <ul empty="true"> <li> <t><strong>RECOMMENDATION:</strong><t indent="3"><strong>RECOMMENDATION:</strong> Ensure that the client for which alast resort"last resort" KeyPackage has been used is updating leaf keys as early as possible.</t></li> </ul><!-- [rfced] Sections 5.1 and subsequent: Do you think other documents may want to refer to specific recommendations in this document? We wonder whether it would be helpful to number the recommendations (e.g., Recommendation 1, or Req 1). In addition, as <strong> is used for RECOMMENDATION, may we change this to Recommendation? The use of capitalization seems unnecessary since it's already bold. --> <t>Overall, it needs to be noted that key packages need to be updated when signature keys are changed.</t> </section> <section anchor="delivery-guarantees"> <name>Delivery of Messages</name> <t>The main responsibility of the Delivery Service is to ensure delivery of messages. Some MLS messages need only be delivered to specific clients (e.g., a Welcome message initializing a new member's state), while others need to be delivered to all the members of a group. The Delivery Service may enable the latter delivery pattern via unicast channels (sometimes known as "client fanout"), broadcast channels ("server fanout"), or a mix of both.</t> <t>For the most part, MLS does not require the Delivery Service to deliver messages in any particular order. Applications can set policies that control their tolerance for out-of-order messages (see <xref target="operational-requirements"/>), and messages that arrive significantlyout-of-orderout of order can be dropped without otherwise affecting the protocol. There are two exceptions to this. First, Proposal messages should all arrive before the Commit that references them. Second, because an MLS group has a linear history of epochs, the members of the group must agree on the order in which changes are applied. Concretely, the group must agree on a single MLS Commit message that ends each epoch and begins the next one.</t> <t>In practice, there's a realistic risk of two members generating Commit messages at the same time, based on the same epoch, and both attempting to send them to the group at the same time. The extent to which this is a problem, and the appropriate solution,dependsdepend on the design of the Delivery Service. Per the CAP theorem <xref target="CAPBR"/>, there are two general classes of distributedsystemsystems that the Delivery Service might fall into:</t> <ul spacing="normal"> <li> <t>Consistent and Partition-tolerant, or Strongly Consistent,systemssystems, which can provide a globally consistent view of data buthashave the inconvenience of clients needing to handle rejectedmessages;</t>messages.</t> </li> <li> <t>Available and Partition-tolerant, or Eventually Consistent,systemssystems, which continue working despite network issues but may return different views of data to different users.</t> </li> </ul> <t>Strategies for sequencing messages in strongly and eventually consistent systems are described in the next two subsections. Most Delivery Services will use the Strongly Consistentparadigmparadigm, but this remains a choice that can be handled in coordination with the client andadvertizedadvertised in the KeyPackages.</t> <t>However, note that a malicious Delivery Service could also reorder messages or provide an inconsistent view to different users. The "generation" counter in MLS messages provides per-sender loss detection and ordering that cannot be manipulated by the DS, but this does not provide complete protection against partitioning. A DS can cause a partition in the group by partitioning key exchange messages; this can be detected only by out-of-band comparison (e.g., confirming that all clients have the same <tt>epoch_authenticator</tt> value). A mechanism for more robust protections is discussed in <xref target="I-D.ietf-mls-extensions"/>.</t> <t>Other forms of Delivery Service misbehavior are still possible that are not easy to detect. For instance, a Delivery Service can simply refuse to relay messages to and from a given client. Without some sort of side information, other clients cannot generally detect this form ofDenial of ServiceDenial-of-Service (DoS) attack.</t> <section anchor="strongly-consistent"> <name>Strongly Consistent</name> <t>With this approach, the Delivery Service ensures that some types of incoming messages have a linear order and all members agree on that order. The Delivery Service is trusted to break ties when two members send a Commit message at the same time.</t> <t>As an example, there could be an "ordering server" Delivery Service that broadcasts all messages received to all users and ensures that all clients see messages in the same order. This would allow clients to only apply the first valid Commit for an epoch and ignore subsequentones.Commits. Clients that send a Commit would then wait to apply it until it is broadcast back to them by the Delivery Service, assuming that they do not receive another Commitfirst.</t>first. <!-- [rfced] Sections 5.2.1 and 8.1.4: As it appears that "ones" in these sentences refers to Commits, we changed "ones" to "Commits". If this is incorrect, please clarify the text. Original: This would allow clients to only apply the first valid Commit for an epoch and ignore subsequent ones. ... As discussed in Section 5, the Delivery Service is trusted to select the single Commit message that is applied in each epoch from among the ones sent by group members. Currently: This would allow clients to only apply the first valid Commit for an epoch and ignore subsequent Commits. ... As discussed in Section 5, the Delivery Service is trusted to select the single Commit message that is applied in each epoch from among the Commits sent by group members. --> </t> <t>Alternatively, the Delivery Service can rely on the <tt>epoch</tt> and <tt>content_type</tt> fields of an MLSMessage to provide an order only to handshake messages, and possibly even filter or reject redundant Commit messages proactively to prevent them from being broadcast. There is some risk associated withfiltering, whichfiltering; this is discussed further in <xref target="invalid-commits"/>.</t> </section> <section anchor="eventually-consistent"> <name>Eventually Consistent</name> <t>With this approach, the Delivery Service is built in a way that may be significantly more available or performant than a strongly consistent system, but offers weaker consistency guarantees. Messages may arrive to different clients in different orders and with varying amounts of latency, which means clients are responsible forreconciliation.</t>reconciliation. <!-- [rfced] Section 5.2.2: Does "offers" refer to the Delivery Service or the way? Original: With this approach, the Delivery Service is built in a way that may be significantly more available or performant than a strongly consistent system, but offers weaker consistency guarantees. Perhaps (the Delivery Service): With this approach, the Delivery Service is built in a way that may be significantly more available or performant than a strongly consistent system, but it offers weaker consistency guarantees. Or possibly (the way): With this approach, the Delivery Service is built in a way that may be significantly more available or performant than a strongly consistent system but that offers weaker consistency guarantees. --> </t> <t>This type of Delivery Service might arise, for example, when group members are sending each message to each other memberindividually,individually or when a distributed peer-to-peer network is used to broadcast messages.</t> <t>Upon receiving a Commit from the Delivery Service, clients caneither:</t>do either of the following:</t> <ol spacing="normal" type="1"><li> <t>Pause sending new messages for a short amount of time to account for a reasonable degree of network latency and see if any other Commits are received for the same epoch. If multiple Commits are received, the clients can use a deterministic tie-breaking policy to decide which to accept, and then resume sending messages as normal.</t> </li> <li> <t>Accept the Commit immediately but keep a copy of the previous group state for a short period of time. If another Commit for a past epoch is received, clients use a deterministic tie-breaking policy to decide if they should continue using the Commit they originally accepted or revert and use the later one. Note that any copies of previous or forked group states must be deleted within a reasonable amount of time to ensure that the protocol providesforward-secrecy.</t>forward secrecy.</t> </li> </ol> <t>If the Commit references an unknown proposal, group members may need to solicit the Delivery Service or other group members individually for the contents of the proposal.</t> </section> <section anchor="welcome-messages"> <name>Welcome Messages</name> <t>Whenever a commit adds new members to a group, MLS requires the committer to send a Welcome message to the new members. Applications should ensure that Welcome messages are coupled with the tie-breaking logic forcommits, discussed in <xref target="strongly-consistent"/>commits (see Sections <xref target="strongly-consistent" format="counter"/> and <xreftarget="eventually-consistent"/>.target="eventually-consistent" format="counter"/>). That is, when multiple commits are sent for the same epoch, applications need to ensure that only Welcome messages corresponding to the commit that "succeeded" are processed by new members.</t> <t>This is particularly important when groups are being reinitialized. When a group is reinitialized, it is restarted with a different protocol version and/or ciphersuite but identical membership. Whenever an authorized member sends and commits a ReInit proposal, this immediately freezes the existing group and triggers the creation of a new group with a new <tt>group_id</tt>.</t> <t>Ideally, the new group would be created by the same member that committed the <tt>ReInit</tt> proposal (including sending Welcome messages for the new group to all of the previous group's members).HoweverHowever, this operation is not always atomic, so it's possible for a member to go offline after committing a ReInit proposal but before creating the new group. If this happens, it's necessary for another member to continue the reinitialization by creating the new group and sending out Welcome messages.</t> <t>This has the potential to create a race condition, where multiple members try to continue the reinitialization at the same time, and members receive multiple Welcome messages for each attempt at reinitializing the same group. Ensuring that all members agree on which reinitialization attempt is "correct" is key to prevent this from causing forks.</t> </section> </section> <section anchor="invalid-commits"> <name>Invalid Commits</name> <t>Situations can arise where a malicious or buggy client sends a Commit that is not accepted by all members of the group, and the DS is not able to detect this and reject the Commit. For example, a buggy client might send an encrypted Commit with an invalid set of proposals, or a malicious client might send a malformed Commit of the form described in <xref section="16.12" sectionFormat="of" target="RFC9420"/>.</t> <t>In situations where the DS is attempting to filter redundant Commits, the DS might update its internal state under the assumption that a Commit has succeeded and thus end up in a state inconsistent with the members of the group. For example, the DS might think that the current epoch is now <tt>n+1</tt> and reject any commits from other epochs, while the members think the epoch is <tt>n</tt>, and as a result, the group is stuck -- no member can send a Commit that the DS will accept.</t> <t>Such“desynchronization”"desynchronization" problems can arise even when the Delivery Service takes no stance on which Commit is "correct" for an epoch. The DS can enable clients to choose between Commits, for example by providing Commits in the order received and allow clients to reject any Commits that violate their view of the group's policies. As such, all honest andcorrectly-implementedcorrectly implemented clients will arrive at the same "first valid Commit" and choose to process it. Malicious or buggy clients that process a different Commit will end up in a forked view of thegroup.</t>group. <!-- [rfced] Section 5.3: This sentence does not parse. If neither suggestion below is correct, please clarify. Original: The DS can enable clients to choose between Commits, for example by providing Commits in the order received and allow clients to reject any Commits that violate their view of the group's policies. Suggestion #1: The DS can enable clients to choose between Commits - for example, by providing Commits in the order received and allowing clients to reject any Commits that violate their view of the group's policies. Suggestion #2: The DS can enable clients to choose between Commits - for example, by providing Commits in the order received - and allow clients to reject any Commits that violate their view of the group's policies. --> </t> <t>When these desynchronizations happen, the application may choose to take action to restore the functionality of the group. These actions themselves can have security implications. For example, a client developer might have a client automatically rejoin a group, using an external join, when it processes an invalid Commit. In this operation, however, the client trusts that the GroupInfo provided by the DS faithfully represents the state of the group, and not, say, an earlier state containing a compromised leaf node. In addition, the DS may be able to trigger this condition by deliberately sending the victim an invalid Commit. In certain scenarios, this trust can enable the DS or a malicious insider to undermine the post-compromise security guarantees provided by MLS.</t> <t>Actions to recover from desynchronization can also have availability and DoS implications. For example, if a recovery mechanism relies on external joins, a malicious member that deliberately posts an invalid Commit could also post a corrupted GroupInfo object in order to prevent victims from rejoining the group. Thus, careful analysis of security implications should be made for any system for recovering from desynchronization.</t> </section> </section> <section anchor="functional-requirements"> <name>Functional Requirements</name> <t>MLS is designed as a large-scale group messaging protocol and hence aims to provide both performance and security(e.g.(e.g., integrity and confidentiality) to its users. Messaging systems that implement MLS provide support for conversations involving two or more members, and they aim to scale to groups with tens of thousands of members, typically including many users using multiple devices.</t> <section anchor="membership-changes"> <name>Membership Changes</name> <t>MLS aims to provide agreement on group membership, meaning that all group members have agreed on the list of current group members.</t> <t>Some applications may wish to enforceACLsAccess Control Lists (ACLs) to limit addition or removal of group members, to privileged clients or users. Others may wish to require authorization from the current group members or a subset thereof. Such policies can be implemented at the application layer, on top of MLS. Regardless, MLS does not allow for or support addition or removal of group members without informing all othermembers.</t>members. <!-- [rfced] Section 6.1: The comma in this sentence makes it difficult to parse. Is the comma necessary? Original: Some applications may wish to enforce ACLs to limit addition or removal of group members, to privileged clients or users. --> </t> <t>Membership of an MLS group is managed at the level of individual clients. In most cases, a client corresponds to a specific device used by a user. If a user has multiple devices, the user will generally be represented in a group by multiple clients (although applications could choose to have devices share keying material). If an application wishes to implement operations at the level of users, it is up to the application to track which clients belong to a given user and ensure that they areadded / removedadded/removed consistently.</t> <t>MLS provides two mechanisms for changing the membership of a group. The primary mechanism is for an authorized member of the group to send a Commit that adds or removes other members. The second mechanism is an "external join": A member of the group publishes certain information about the group, which a new member can use to construct an "external" Commit message that adds the new member to the group. (There is no similarly unilateral way for a member to leave the group; they must be removed by a remainingmember.)</t>member.) <!-- [rfced] Section 6.1: Because "primary" is used instead of "first", should "second" in the next sentence be "secondary"? Original: The primary mechanism is for an authorized member of the group to send a Commit that adds or removes other members. The second mechanism is an "external join": A member of the group publishes certain information about the group, which a new member can use to construct an "external" Commit message that adds the new member to the group. --> </t> <t>With both mechanisms, changes to the membership are initiated from inside the group. When members perform changes directly, this is clearly the case. External joins are authorized indirectly, in the sense that a member publishing a GroupInfo object authorizes anyone to join who has access to the GroupInfo object, subject to whatever access control policies the application applies for external joins.</t> <t>Both types of joins are done via a Commit message, which could be blocked by the DS or rejected by clients if the join is not authorized. The former approach requires that Commits be visible to the DS; the latter approach requires that clients all share a consistent policy. In the unfortunate event that an unauthorized member is able to join, MLS enables any member to remove them.</t> <t>Application setup may also determine other criteria for membership validity. For example, per-device signature keys can be signed by an identity key recognized by other participants. If a certificate chain is used to authenticate device signature keys, then revocation by the owner adds an alternative mechanism to prompt membership removal.</t> <t>An MLS group's secrets change on every change of membership, so each client only has access to the secrets used by the group while they are a member. Messages sent before a client joins or after they are removed are protected with keys that are not accessible to the client. Compromise of a member removed from a group does not affect the security of messages sent after their removal. Messages sent during the client's membership are also secure as long as the client has properly implemented the MLS deletion schedule, which calls for the secrets used to encrypt or decrypt a message to be deleted after use, along with any secrets that could be used to derive them.</t> </section> <section anchor="parallel-groups"> <name>Parallel Groups</name> <t>Any user or client may have membership in several groups simultaneously. The set of members of any group may or may not form a subset of the members of another group. MLS guarantees that the FS and PCS goals within a given group are maintained and not weakened by user membership in multiple groups. However, actions in other groups likewise do not strengthen the FS and PCS guarantees within a given group, e.g., key updates within a given group following a device compromisedoesdo not provide PCS healing in other groups; each group must be updated separately to achieve these security objectives. This also applies to future groups that a member has yet to join, which are likewise unaffected by updates performed in current groups.</t> <t>Applications can strengthen connectivity among parallel groups by requiring periodic key updates from a user across all groups in which they havemembership.</t>membership. <!-- [rfced] Section 6.2: Does "they have" refer to "a user" (in which case "they have" should be "the user has") or something else? Original: Applications can strengthen connectivity among parallel groups by requiring periodic key updates from a user across all groups in which they have membership. --> </t> <t>MLS provides a pre-shared key (PSK) that can be used to link healing properties among parallel groups. For example, suppose a common member M of two groups A and B has performed a key update in group A but not in group B. The key update provides PCS with regard to M in group A. If a PSK is exported from group A and injected into group B, then some of these PCS properties carry over to group B, since the PSK and secrets derived from it are only known to the new, updated version of M, not to the old, possibly compromised version of M.</t> </section> <section anchor="asynchronous-usage"> <name>Asynchronous Usage</name> <t>No operation in MLS requires two distinct clients or members to be online simultaneously. In particular, members participating in conversations protected using MLS can update the group's keys, add or remove new members, and send messages without waiting for another user's reply.</t> <t>Messaging systems that implement MLS have to provide a transport layer for delivering messages asynchronously and reliably.</t> </section> <section anchor="access-control"> <name>Access Control</name> <t>Because all clients within a group (members) have access to the shared cryptographic material, the MLS protocol allows each member of the messaging group to perform operations. However, every service/infrastructure has control over policies applied to its own clients. Applications managing MLS clients can be configured to allow for specific group operations. On the one hand, an application could decide that a group administrator will be the only member to perform add and remove operations. On the other hand, in many settings such as open discussion forums, joining can be allowed foranyone.</t>anyone. <!-- [rfced] Section 6.4: a) We see "add and remove operations" here but "Remove Proposal" in Section 3.6 and "Remove group operation" in Section Should "add and remove operations" be changed to "Add and Remove operations"? Original: On the one hand, an application could decide that a group administrator will be the only member to perform add and remove operations. b) Regarding "Remove Proposal" and "Add Proposal" as used in this document: RFC 9420 uses "Remove proposal" and "Add proposal" in its text. Would you like to use lowercase "proposal" in this document per RFC 9420? --> </t> <t>While MLS Application messages are always encrypted, MLS handshake messages can be sent either encrypted (in an MLS PrivateMessage) or unencrypted (in an MLS PublicMessage). Applications may be designed such that intermediaries need to see handshake messages, for example to enforce policy on which commits are allowed, or to provide MLS ratchet tree data in a central location. If handshake messages are unencrypted, it is especially important that they be sent over a channel with strong transport encryption (see <xref target="security-and-privacy-considerations"/>) in order to prevent external attackers from monitoring the status of the group. Applications that use unencrypted handshake messages may take additional steps to reduce the amount of metadata that is exposed to the intermediary. Everything else being equal, using encrypted handshake messages provides stronger privacy properties than using unencrypted handshake messages, as it prevents intermediaries from learning about the structure of thegroup.</t>group. <!-- [rfced] Section 6.4: It is not clear what "for example" refers to in this sentence. If the suggested text is not correct, please clarify. Original: Applications may be designed such that intermediaries need to see handshake messages, for example to enforce policy on which commits are allowed, or to provide MLS ratchet tree data in a central location. Suggested (removing the comma after "allowed"): Applications may be designed such that intermediaries need to see handshake messages - for example, to enforce policy on which commits are allowed or to provide MLS ratchet tree data in a central location. --> </t> <t>If handshake messages are encrypted, any access control policies must be applied at the client, so the application must ensure that the access control policies are consistent across all clients to make sure that they remain in sync. If two different policies were applied, the clients might not accept or reject a group operation andend-upend up in different cryptographic states, breaking their ability to communicate.</t><ul empty="true"> <li> <t><strong>RECOMMENDATION:</strong><t indent="3"><strong>RECOMMENDATION:</strong> Avoid using inconsistent access control policies in the case of encrypted group operations.</t></li> </ul><t>MLS allows actors outside the group to influence the group in two ways: External signers can submit proposals for changes to the group, and new joiners can use an external join to add themselves to the group. The <tt>external_senders</tt> extension ensures that all members agree on which signers are allowed to send proposals, but any other policies must be assured to beconsistentconsistent, as noted above.</t><ul empty="true"> <li> <t><strong>RECOMMENDATION:</strong><t indent="3"><strong>RECOMMENDATION:</strong> Have an explicit group policy setting the conditions under which external joins are allowed.</t></li> </ul></section> <section anchor="handling-authentication-failures"> <name>Handling Authentication Failures</name> <t>Within an MLS group, every member is authenticated to every other member by means of credentials issued and verified by the Authentication Service. MLS does not prescribe what actions, if any, an application should take in the event that a group member presents an invalid credential. For example, an application may require such a member to be immediatelyevicted,evicted or may allow some grace period for the problem to be remediated. To avoid operational problems, it is important for all clients in a group to have a consistent view of which credentials in a group are valid, and how to respond to invalid credentials.</t><ul empty="true"> <li> <t><strong>RECOMMENDATION:</strong><t indent="3"><strong>RECOMMENDATION:</strong> Have a uniform credential validation process to ensure that all group members evaluate other members' credentials in the same way.</t></li> </ul> <ul empty="true"> <li> <t><strong>RECOMMENDATION:</strong><t indent="3"><strong>RECOMMENDATION:</strong> Have a uniform policy for how invalid credentials are handled.</t></li> </ul><t>In some authentication systems, it is possible for apreviously-validpreviously valid credential to become invalid over time. For example, in a system based on X.509 certificates, credentials can expire or be revoked. The MLS update mechanisms allow a client to replace an old credential with a new one. This is best done before the old credential becomes invalid.</t><ul empty="true"> <li> <t><strong>RECOMMENDATION:</strong><t indent="3"><strong>RECOMMENDATION:</strong> Proactively rotate credentials, especially if a credential is about to become invalid.</t></li> </ul></section> <section anchor="state-loss"> <name>Recovery After State Loss</name> <t>Group members whose local MLS state is lost or corrupted can reinitialize their state byre-joiningrejoining the group as a new member and removing the member representing their earlier state. An application can require that a client performing such a reinitialization prove its prior membership with a PSK that was exported from theprevoiusprevious state.</t> <t>There are a few practical challenges to this approach. For example, the application will need to ensure that all members have the required PSK, including any new members that have joined the group since the epoch in which the PSK was issued. And of course, if the PSK is lost or corrupted along with the member's other state, then it cannot be used to recover.</t> <t>Reinitializing in this way does not provide the member with access to group messagesfromexchanged during the state loss window, but it enables proof of prior membership in the group. Applications may choose various configurations for providing lost messages to valid group members that are able to prove prior membership.</t> </section> <section anchor="support-for-multiple-devices"> <name>Support for Multiple Devices</name> <t>It is typically expectedforthat users within a grouptowill own various devices. A new device can be added to a group and be considered as a new client by the protocol. This client will not gain access to the history even if it is owned by someone who owns another member of the group. MLS does not provide direct support for restoring history in this case, but applications can elect to provide such a mechanism outside of MLS. Such mechanisms, if used, may reduce the FS and PCS guarantees provided by MLS.</t> </section> <section anchor="extensibility"> <name>Extensibility</name> <t>The MLS protocol provides several extension points where additional information can be provided. Extensions to KeyPackages allow clients to disclose additional information about their capabilities. Groups can also have extension data associated with them, and the group agreement properties of MLS will confirm that all members of the group agree on the content of these extensions.</t> </section> <section anchor="application-data-framing-and-type-advertisements"> <name>Application Data Framing and Type Advertisements</name> <t>Application messages carried by MLS are opaque to the protocol; they can contain arbitrary data. Each applicationwhichthat uses MLS needs to define the format of its <tt>application_data</tt> and any mechanism necessary to determine the format of that content over the lifetime of an MLS group. In manyapplicationsapplications, this means managing format migrations for groups with multiple members who may each be offline at unpredictable times.</t><ul empty="true"> <li> <t><strong>RECOMMENDATION:</strong><t indent="3"><strong>RECOMMENDATION:</strong> Use the default content mechanism defined in <xref section="3.3" sectionFormat="of" target="I-D.ietf-mls-extensions"/>, unless the specific application defines another mechanism that more appropriately addresses the same requirements for that application of MLS. <!-- [rfced] Section 6.9: We do not see the word "default" or any indication of a default mechanism in Section 3.3 of [I-D.ietf-mls-extensions]. Please confirm that the text and citation are correct and will be clear to readers. Original: *RECOMMENDATION:* Use the default content mechanism defined in Section 3.3 of [I-D.ietf-mls-extensions], unless the specific application defines another mechanism which more appropriately addresses the same requirements for that application ofMLS.</t> </li> </ul>MLS. --> </t> <t>The MLS framing for application messages also provides a field where clients can send information that is authenticated but not encrypted. Such information can be used by servers that handle the message, but group members are assured that it has not been tampered with.</t> </section> <section anchor="federation"> <name>Federation</name> <t>The protocol aims to be compatible with federated environments. While this document does not specify all necessary mechanisms required for federation, multiple MLS implementations can interoperate to form federated systems if they use compatible authentication mechanisms, ciphersuites, application content, and infrastructure functionalities. Federation is described in more detail in <xref target="I-D.ietf-mls-federation"/>.</t> </section> <section anchor="compatibility-with-future-versions-of-mls"> <name>Compatibility with Future Versions of MLS</name> <t>It is important that multiple versions of MLS be able to coexist in the future. Thus, MLS offers a version negotiation mechanism; this mechanism prevents version downgrade attacks where an attacker would actively rewrite messages with a lower protocol version than theonesmessages originally offered by the endpoints. When multiple versions of MLS are available, the negotiation protocol guarantees that the version agreed upon will be the highest version supported in common by the group.</t> <t>In MLS 1.0, the creator of the group is responsible for selecting the best ciphersuite supported across clients. Each client is able to verify availability of protocol version,ciphersuitesciphersuites, and extensions at all times onceheit has at least received the first group operation message.</t> <t>Each member of an MLS group advertises the protocol functionality they support. These capability advertisements can be updated over time, e.g., if client software is updated while the client is a member of a group. Thus, in addition to preventing downgrade attacks, the members of a group can also observe when it is safe to upgrade to a new ciphersuite or protocol version.</t> </section> </section> <section anchor="operational-requirements"> <name>Operational Requirements</name> <t>MLS is a security layer that needs to be integrated with an application. Afully-functionalfully functional deployment of MLS will have to make a number of decisions about how MLS is configured and operated. Deployments that wish to interoperate will need to make compatible decisions. This section lists all of the dependencies of an MLS deployment that are external to the protocol specification, but would still need to be aligned within a given MLS deployment, or for two deployments to potentiallyinteroperate.</t>interoperate. <!-- [rfced] Section 7: This sentence is difficult to parse. To what does ", or for two deployments to potentially interoperate" refer? If the suggested text is not correct, please clarify. Original: This section lists all of the dependencies of an MLS deployment that are external to the protocol specification, but would still need to be aligned within a given MLS deployment, or for two deployments to potentially interoperate. Suggested: This section lists all of the dependencies of an MLS deployment that are external to the protocol specification but would still need to be aligned within a given MLS deployment so that two deployments can potentially interoperate. --> </t> <t>The protocol has a built-in ability to negotiate protocol versions, ciphersuites, extensions, credential types, and additional proposal types. For two deployments to interoperate, they must have overlapping support in each of these categories. The <tt>required_capabilities</tt> extension(Section 7.2 of <xref(<xref section="7.2" sectionFormat="of" target="RFC9420"/>) can promote interoperability with a wider set of clients by ensuring that certain functionality continues to be supported by a group, even if the clients in the group aren't currently relying on it.</t> <t>MLS relies on the following network services,thatwhich need to be compatible in order for two different deployments based on them to interoperate.</t> <ul spacing="normal"> <li> <t>An <strong>Authentication Service</strong>, described fully in <xref target="authentication-service"/>, defines the types of credentialswhichthat may be used in a deployment and provides methods for: </t> <ol spacing="normal" type="1"><li> <t>Issuing new credentials with a relevant credential lifetime,</t> </li> <li> <t>Validating a credential against a reference identifier,</t> </li> <li> <t>Validating whether or not two credentials represent the same client, and</t> </li> <li> <t>Optionally revoking credentialswhichthat are no longer authorized.</t> </li> </ol> </li> <li> <t>A <strong>Delivery Service</strong>, described fully in <xref target="delivery-service"/>, provides methods for: </t> <ol spacing="normal" type="1"><li> <t>Delivering messages for a group to all members in the group.</t> </li> <li> <t>Delivering Welcome messages to new members of a group.</t> </li> <li> <t>Uploading new KeyPackages for a user's own clients.</t> </li> <li> <t>Downloading KeyPackages for specific clients. Typically, KeyPackages are used once and consumed.</t> </li> </ol> </li> <li> <t>Additional services may or may not berequiredrequired, depending on the application design: </t> <ul spacing="normal"> <li> <t>In cases where group operations are not encrypted, the DS has the ability to observe and maintain a copy of the public group state. In particular, this is useful forclients(1) clients that do not have the ability to send the full public state in a Welcome message when inviting auser,user orfor a(2) a client that needs to recover from losing their state. Such public state can containprivacy sensitiveprivacy-sensitive information such as group members' credentials and related publickeys, hencekeys; hence, services need to carefully evaluate the privacy impact of storing this data on the DS.</t> </li> <li> <t>If external joiners are allowed, there must be a methodto publishfor publishing a serialized <tt>GroupInfo</tt> object (with an <tt>external_pub</tt> extension) that corresponds to a specific group and epoch, andkeepfor keeping that object in sync with the state of the group.</t> </li> <li> <t>If an application chooses not to allow external joining, it may instead provide a method for external users to solicit group members (or a designated service) to add them to a group.</t> </li> <li> <t>If the application uses PSKs that members of a group may not have access to (e.g., to control entry into the group or to prove membership in the group in the past, as discussed in <xreftarget="state-loss"/>)target="state-loss"/>), there must be a method for distributing these PSKs to group members who might not havethem,them -- forinstanceinstance, if they joined the group after the PSK was generated.</t> </li> <li> <t>If an application wishes to detect and possibly discipline members that send malformed commits with the intention of corrupting a group's state, there must be a method for reporting and validating malformed commits.</t> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> <t>MLS requires the following parameters to be defined, which must be the same for two implementations to interoperate:</t> <ul spacing="normal"> <li> <t>The maximum total lifetime that is acceptable for a KeyPackage.</t> </li> <li> <t>How long to store the resumption PSK for past epochs of a group.</t> </li> <li> <t>The degree of tolerance that's allowed for out-of-order message delivery: </t> <ul spacing="normal"> <li> <t>How long to keep unused nonce and key pairs for asender</t>sender.</t> </li> <li> <t>A maximum number of unused key pairs to keep.</t> </li> <li> <t>A maximum number of steps that clients will move a secret tree ratchet forward in response to a single message before rejecting it.</t> </li> <li> <t>Whether to buffer messages that aren't yet able to be understoodyetdue to other messages not arrivingfirst, andfirst and, if so, how many and for howlong. Forlong -- for example, Commit messages that arrive before a proposal theyreference,reference or application messages that arrive before the Commit starting an epoch.</t> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> <t>If implementations differ in these parameters, they will interoperate to some extent but may experience unexpected failures in certain situations, such as extensive message reordering.</t> <t>MLS provides the following locations where an application may store arbitrary data. The format and intention of any data in these locations must align for two deployments to interoperate:</t> <ul spacing="normal"> <li> <t>Application data, sent as the payload of an encrypted message.</t> </li> <li> <t>Additional authenticated data, sent unencrypted in an otherwise encrypted message.</t> </li> <li> <t>Group IDs, as decided by group creators and used to uniquely identify a group.</t> </li> <li> <t>Application-level identifiers of public key material(specifically(specifically, the <tt>application_id</tt> extension as defined in <xref section="5.3.3" sectionFormat="of" target="RFC9420"/>).</t> </li> </ul> <t>MLS requires the following policies to be defined, which restrict the set of acceptablebehaviorbehaviors in a group. These policies must be consistent between deployments for them to interoperate:</t> <ul spacing="normal"> <li> <t>A policy on which ciphersuites are acceptable.</t> </li> <li> <t>A policy on any mandatory or forbidden MLS extensions.</t> </li> <li> <t>A policy on when to send proposals and commits in plaintext instead of encrypted.</t> </li> <li> <t>A policy for which proposals are valid to have in a commit, including but not limited to: </t> <ul spacing="normal"> <li> <t>When a member is allowed to add or remove other members of the group.</t> </li> <li> <t>When, and under what circumstances, a reinitialization proposal is allowed.</t> </li> <li> <t>When proposals from external senders are allowed and how to authorize those proposals.</t> </li> <li> <t>When external joiners are allowed and how to authorize those external commits.</t> </li> <li> <t>Which other proposal types are allowed.</t> </li> </ul> </li> <li> <t>A policy of when members should commit pending proposals in a group.</t> </li> <li> <t>A policy of how to protect and share the GroupInfo objects needed for external joins.</t> </li> <li> <t>A policy for when two credentials represent the same client. Note that many credentials may be issued attesting the same identity but for different signature keys, because each credential corresponds to a different client owned by the same application user. However, one device may control multiple signature keys -- for instance, if the device has keys corresponding to multiple overlapping time periods -- but should still only be considered a single client. <!-- [rfced] Section 7: As it appears that "they have" refers to "one device", we changed "they have" to "the device has". If this is incorrect, please clarify the text. Original: However, one device may control multiple signature keys - for instance if they have keys corresponding to multiple overlapping time periods--- but should still only be considered a singleclient.</t>client. Currently: However, one device may control multiple signature keys - for instance, if the device has keys corresponding to multiple overlapping time periods - but should still only be considered a single client. --> </t> </li> <li> <t>A policy on how long to allow a member to stay in a group without updating its leaf keys before removing them.</t> </li> </ul> <t>Finally, there are some additional application-defined behaviors that are partially an individual application's decision but may overlap with interoperability:</t> <ul spacing="normal"> <li> <t>When and how to pad messages.</t> </li> <li> <t>When to send a reinitialization proposal.</t> </li> <li> <t>How often clients should update their leaf keys.</t> </li> <li> <t>Whether to prefer sending full commits or partial/empty commits.</t> </li> <li> <t>Whether there should be a <tt>required_capabilities</tt> extension in groups.</t> </li> </ul> </section> <section anchor="security-and-privacy-considerations"> <name>Security and Privacy Considerations</name> <t>MLS adopts the Internet threat model <xref target="RFC3552"/> and therefore assumes that the attacker has complete control of the network. It is intended to provide the security services described in <xref target="intended-security-guarantees"/> in the face of attackers who can:</t> <ul spacing="normal"> <li> <t>Monitor the entire network.</t> </li> <li> <t>Read unprotected messages.</t> </li> <li><t>Can generate, inject<t>Generate, inject, and delete any message in the unprotected transport layer.</t> </li> </ul> <t>While MLS should be run over a secure transport such as QUIC <xref target="RFC9000"/> or TLS <xref target="RFC8446"/>, the security guarantees of MLS do not depend on the transport. This departs from the usual design practice of trusting the transport because MLS is designed to provide security even in the face of compromised network elements, especially the DS.</t> <t>Generally, MLS is designed under the assumption that the transport layer is present to keep metadata private from network observers, while the MLS protocol provides confidentiality, integrity, and authentication guarantees for the application data (which could pass through multiple systems). Additional properties such as partial anonymity or deniability could also be achieved in specific architecture designs.</t> <t>In addition, these guarantees are intended to degrade gracefully in the presence of compromise of the transport security links as well as of both clients and elements of the messaging system, as described in the remainder of this section.</t> <section anchor="assumptions-on-transport-security-links"> <name>Assumptions on Transport Security Links</name> <t>As discussed above, MLS provides the highest level of security when its messages are delivered over an encrypted transport. The main use of the secure transport layer for MLS is to protect thealready limitedalready-limited amount of metadata. Very little information is contained in the unencrypted header of the MLS protocol message format for group operation messages, and application messages are always encrypted in MLS.</t><ul empty="true"> <li> <t><strong>RECOMMENDATION:</strong><t indent="3"><strong>RECOMMENDATION:</strong> Use transports that provide reliability and metadata confidentiality whenever possible, e.g., by transmitting MLS messages over a protocol such as TLS <xref target="RFC8446"/> or QUIC <xref target="RFC9000"/>.</t></li> </ul><t>MLS avoids needing to send the full list of recipients to the server for dispatching messages because that list could potentially contain tens of thousands of recipients. Header metadata in MLS messages typically consists of an opaque <tt>group_id</tt>, a numerical value to determine the epoch of the group (the number of changes that have been made to the group), and whether the message is an application message, a proposal, or a commit.</t> <t>Even though some of this metadata information does not consist of sensitive information, in correlation with other data a network observer might be able to reconstruct sensitive information. Using a secure channel to transfer this information will prevent a network attacker from accessing this MLS protocol metadata if it cannot compromise the secure channel.</t> <section anchor="integrity-and-authentication-of-custom-metadata"> <name>Integrity and Authentication of Custom Metadata</name> <t>MLS provides an authenticated "Additional Authenticated Data" (AAD) field for applications to make data available outside a PrivateMessage, while cryptographically binding it to the message.</t><ul empty="true"> <li> <t><strong>RECOMMENDATION:</strong><t indent="3"><strong>RECOMMENDATION:</strong> Use the "Additional Authenticated Data" field of the PrivateMessage instead of using other unauthenticated means of sending metadata throughout the infrastructure. If the data should be kept private, the infrastructure should use encrypted Application messages instead.</t></li> </ul></section> <section anchor="metadata-protection-for-unencrypted-group-operations"> <name>Metadata Protection for Unencrypted Group Operations</name> <t>Having no secure channel to exchange MLS messages can have a serious impact on privacy when transmitting unencrypted group operation messages. Observing the contents and signatures of the group operation messages may lead an adversary to extract information about the group membership.</t><ul empty="true"> <li> <t><strong>RECOMMENDATION:</strong><t indent="3"><strong>RECOMMENDATION:</strong> Never use the unencrypted mode for group operations without using a secure channel for the transport layer.</t></li> </ul></section> <section anchor="dos-protection"> <name>DoSprotection</name>Protection</name> <t>Ingeneralgeneral, we do not considerDenial of Service (DoS)DoS resistance to be the responsibility of the protocol. However, it should not be possible for anyone aside from the Delivery Service to perform a trivial DoS attack from which it is hard to recover. This can be achieved through the secure transport layer.</t> <t>In the centralized setting, DoS protection can typically be performed by using tickets or cookies which identify users to a service for a certain number of connections. Such a system helps in preventing anonymous clients from sending arbitrary numbers of group operation messages to the Delivery Service or the MLS clients.</t><ul empty="true"> <li> <t><strong>RECOMMENDATION:</strong><t indent="3"><strong>RECOMMENDATION:</strong> Use credentialsuncorrellateduncorrelated with specific users to help prevent DoS attacks, in aprivacy preserving manner.manner that preserves privacy. Note that the privacy of these mechanisms has to be adjusted in accordance with the privacy expected from secure transport links. (See more discussion in the next section.)</t></li> </ul></section> <section anchor="message-suppression-and-error-correction"> <name>Message Suppression and Error Correction</name> <t>As noted above, MLS is designed to provide some robustness in the face of tampering within the secure transport, i.e., tampering by the Delivery Service. The confidentiality and authenticity properties of MLS prevent the DS from reading or writing messages. MLS also provides a few tools for detecting message suppression, with the caveat that message suppression cannot always be distinguished from transportfailure.</t>failure. <!-- [rfced] Section 8.1.4: Is tampering by the Delivery Service the only type of tampering scenario (in which case "i.e.," is correct), or is it one example of a tampering scenario (in which case "e.g.," would be correct)? Original: As noted above, MLS is designed to provide some robustness in the face of tampering within the secure transport, i.e., tampering by the Delivery Service. --> </t> <t>Each encrypted MLS message carries a "generation" number which is a per-sender incrementing counter. If a group member observes a gap in the generation sequence for a sender, then they know that they have missed a message from that sender. MLS also provides a facility for group members to send authenticated acknowledgments of application messages received within a group.</t> <t>As discussed in <xref target="delivery-service"/>, the Delivery Service is trusted to select the single Commit message that is applied in each epoch from among theonesCommits sent by group members. Since only one Commit per epoch is meaningful, it's not useful for the DS to transmit multiple Commits to clients. The risk remains that the DS will use the ability maliciously.</t> <t>While it is difficult or impossible to prevent a network adversary from suppressing payloads in transit, in certain infrastructures such as banks orgovernmentsgovernment settings, unidirectional transports can be used and be enforced via electronic or physical devices such as diodes. This can lead to payloadcorruptioncorruption, which does not affect the security or privacy properties of the MLS protocol but does affect the reliability of the service. In thatcasecase, specific measures can be taken to ensure the appropriate level of redundancy and quality of service for MLS.</t> </section> </section> <section anchor="intended-security-guarantees"> <name>Intended Security Guarantees</name> <t>MLS aims to provide a number of security guarantees, covering authentication, as well as confidentiality guarantees to different degrees in different scenarios.</t> <section anchor="message-secrecy-authentication"> <name>Message Secrecy and Authentication</name> <t>MLS enforces the encryption of application messages and thus generally guarantees authentication and confidentiality of application messages sent in a group.</t> <t>In particular, this means that only other members of a given group can decrypt the payload of a given application message, which includes information about the sender of the message.</t> <t>Similarly, group members receiving a message from another group member can authenticate that group member as the sender of the message and verify the message's integrity.</t> <t>Message content can be deniable if the signature keys are exchanged over a deniable channel prior to signing messages.</t> <t>Depending on the group settings, handshake messages can be encrypted as well. If that is the case, the same security guarantees apply.</t> <t>MLS optionally allows the addition of padding to messages, mitigating the amount of information leaked about the length of the plaintext to an observer on the network.</t> </section> <section anchor="fs-and-pcs"> <name>Forward and Post-Compromise Security</name> <!-- [rfced] Section 8.2.2: Does "Forward" here refer to Forward Secrecy (FS) or forward security as mentioned in Section 8.4.2? Please note that we only see one instance of "forward security" in this document (Section 8.4.2) and do not see this term used in RFC 9420. Original: 8.2.2. Forward and Post-Compromise Security --> <t>MLS provides additional protection regarding secrecy of past messages and future messages. These cryptographic security properties are Forward Secrecy (FS) and Post-Compromise Security (PCS).</t> <t>FS means that access to all encrypted traffic history combined with access to all current keying material on clients will not defeat the secrecy properties of messages older than the oldest key of the compromised client. Note that this means that clients have to delete the appropriate keys as soon as they have been used with the expectedmessage, otherwisemessage; otherwise, the secrecy of the messages and the securityforof MLSisare considerably weakened.</t> <t>PCS means that if a group member's state is compromised at some time t1 but the group member subsequently performs an update at some time t2, then all MLS guarantees apply to messages sent by the member after timet2,t2 and sent by other members after they have processed the update. For example, if an attacker learns all secrets known to Alice at time t1, including both Alice's long-term secret keys and all shared group keys, but Alice performs a key update at time t2, then the attacker is unable to violate any of the MLS security properties after the updates have been processed.</t> <t>Both of these properties are satisfied even against compromised DSs andASsASes in the case where some other mechanism for verifying keys is in use, such as Key Transparency <xreftarget="KT"/>.</t>target="I-D.ietf-keytrans-architecture"/>.</t> <t>Confidentiality is mainly ensured on the client side. BecauseForward Secrecy (FS)FS andPost-Compromise Security (PCS)PCS rely on the active deletion and replacement of keying material, any clientwhichthat is persistently offline may still be holding old keying material and thus be a threat to both FS and PCS if it is later compromised.</t> <t>MLS partially defends against this problem by active members including freshness. However, not much can be done on the inactive side especially in the case where the client has not processed messages. <!-- [rfced] Section 8.2.2: We had trouble following this sentence. Does "by active members including freshness" mean "by active members ensuring freshness of data" or something else? Original: MLS partially defends against this problem by active members including freshness, however not much can be done on the inactive side especially in the case where the client has not processedmessages.</t> <ul empty="true"> <li> <t><strong>RECOMMENDATION:</strong>messages. --> </t> <t indent="3"><strong>RECOMMENDATION:</strong> Mandate key updates from clients that are not otherwise sending messages and evict clientswhichthat are idle for too long.</t></li> </ul><t>These recommendations will reduce the ability of idle compromised clients to decrypt a potentially long set of messages that might have been sent after the point of compromise. <!-- [rfced] Section 8.2.2: "followed" read oddly in this sentence. We updated the text. If this is incorrect, please clarify the meaning of "followed". Original: These recommendations will reduce the ability of idle compromised clients to decrypt a potentially long set of messages that might have followed the point of thecompromise.</t>compromise. Currently: These recommendations will reduce the ability of idle compromised clients to decrypt a potentially long set of messages that might have been sent after the point of compromise. --> </t> <t>The precise details of such mechanisms are a matter of local policy and beyond the scope of this document.</t> </section> <section anchor="Non-Repudiation-vs-Deniability"> <name>Non-Repudiationvsvs. Deniability</name> <t>MLS provides strong authentication within a group, such that a group member cannot send a message that appears to be from another group member. Additionally, some services require that a recipient be able to prove to the service provider that a message was sent by a given client, in order to report abuse. MLS supports both of these use cases. In some deployments, these services are provided by mechanismswhichthat allow the receiver to prove a message's origin to a third party. This is often called "non-repudiation".</t> <t>Roughly speaking, "deniability" is the opposite of "non-repudiation", i.e., the property that it is impossible to prove to a third party that a message was sent by a given sender. MLS does not make any claims with regard to deniability. It may be possible to operate MLS in ways that provide certain deniability properties, but defining the specific requirements and resulting notions of deniability requires further analysis.</t> </section> <section anchor="associating-a-users-clients"> <name>Associating a User's Clients</name> <t>When a user has multiple devices, the base MLS protocol only describes how to operate each device as a distinct client in the MLS groups that the user is a member of. As a result, the other members of the group will be able to identify which of a user's devices sent eachmessage, and thereforemessage and, therefore, which device the user was using at the time. Group members would also be able to detect when the user adds or removes authorized devices from their account. For some applications, this may be an unacceptable breach of the user's privacy.</t> <t>This risk only arises when the leaf nodes for the clients in question provide data that can be used to correlate the clients.SoSo, one way to mitigate this risk is by only doing client-level authentication within MLS. If user-level authentication is still desirable, the application would have to provide it through some other mechanism.</t> <t>It is also possible to maintain user-level authentication while hiding information about the clients that a user owns. This can be done by having the clients share cryptographic state, so that they appear as a single client within the MLS group. Appearing as a single client has the privacy benefits of no longer leaking which device was used to send a particularmessage,message and no longer leaking the user's authorized devices. However, the application would need to provide a synchronization mechanism so that the clients' state remain consistent across changes to the MLS group. Flaws in this synchronization mechanism may impair the ability of the user to recover from a compromise of one of their devices. In particular, state synchronization may make it easier for an attacker to use one compromised device to establish exclusive control of a user's account, locking them out entirely and preventing them fromrecovering.</t>recovering. <!-- [rfced] Section 8.2.4: Should "the clients' state remain" be "the clients' state remains" or "the clients' states remain"? Original: However, the application would need to provide a synchronization mechanism so that the clients' state remain consistent across changes to the MLS group. --> </t> </section> </section> <section anchor="endpoint-compromise"> <name>Endpoint Compromise</name> <t>The MLS protocol adopts a threat modelwhichthat includes multiple forms of endpoint/client compromise. While adversaries are in a strong position if they have compromised an MLS client, there are still situations where security guarantees can be recovered thanks to the PCS properties achieved by the MLS protocol.</t> <t>In thissectionsection, we will explore the consequences and recommendations regarding the following compromise scenarios:</t> <ul spacing="normal"> <li> <t>The attacker has access to a symmetric encryptionkey</t>key.</t> </li> <li> <t>The attacker has access toaan application ratchetsecret</t>secret.</t> </li> <li> <t>The attacker has access to the group secrets for onegroup</t>group.</t> </li> <li> <t>The attacker has access to a signature oracle for anygroup</t>group.</t> </li> <li> <t>The attacker has access to the signature key for onegroup</t>group.</t> </li> <li> <t>The attacker has access to all secrets of a user for all groups (full statecompromise)</t>compromise).</t> </li> </ul> <section anchor="symmetric-key-compromise"> <name>Compromise of Symmetric Keying Material</name> <t>As described above, each MLS epoch creates a new Group Secret.</t> <t>These group secrets are then used to create a per-sender Ratchet Secret, which in turn is used to create a per-sender with an additional data(AEAD)(Authenticated Encryption with Associated Data (AEAD)) key <xref target="RFC5116"/>keythat is then used to encrypt MLS Plaintext messages. Each time a message is sent, the Ratchet Secret is used to create a new Ratchet Secret and a new corresponding AEAD key. Because of the properties of the key derivation function, it is not possible to compute a Ratchet Secret from its corresponding AEAD key or compute Ratchet Secret n-1 from Ratchet Secretn.</t>n. <!-- [rfced] Section 8.3.1: "a per-sender with" in this sentence is difficult to follow. If the suggested text is not correct, please clarify. Original: These group secrets are then used to create a per-sender Ratchet Secret, which in turn is used to create a per-sender with additional data (AEAD) [RFC5116] key that is then used to encrypt MLS Plaintext messages. Suggested: These group secrets are then used to create a per-sender Ratchet Secret, which in turn is used to create a per-sender key with additional data (Authenticated Encryption with Associated Data (AEAD); see [RFC5116]) that is then used to encrypt MLS Plaintext messages. --> </t> <t>Below, we consider the compromise of each of these pieces of keying material in turn, in ascending order of severity. While this is a limited kind of compromise, it can be realistic in cases of implementation vulnerabilities where only part of the memory leaks to the adversary.</t> <section anchor="compromise-of-aead-keys"> <name>Compromise of AEAD Keys</name> <t>In some circumstances, adversaries may have access to specific AEAD keys and nonceswhichthat protect an Application message or a Group Operation message. Compromise of these keys allows the attacker to decrypt the specific message encrypted with that key but no other; because the AEAD keys are derived from the Ratchet Secret, it cannot generate the next Ratchet Secret and hence not the next AEAD key.</t> <t>In the case of an Application message, an AEAD key compromise means that the encrypted application message will be leaked as well as the signature over that message. This means that the compromise has both confidentiality and privacy implications on the future AEAD encryptions of that chain. In the case of a Group Operation message, only the privacy is affected, as the signature is revealed, because the secrets themselves are protected byHPKE encryption.Hybrid Public Key Encryption (HPKE). Note that under that compromise scenario, authentication is not affected in either of these cases. As every member of the group can compute the AEAD keys for all the chains (they have access to the Group Secrets) in order to send and receive messages, the authentication provided by the AEAD encryption layer of the common framing mechanism is weak. Successful decryption of an AEAD encrypted message only guarantees that some member of the group sent themessage.</t>message. <!-- [rfced] Section For ease of the reader, we expanded "HPKE" as "Hybrid Public Key Encryption". If this is incorrect, please provide the correct definition. Original: In the case of a Group Operation message, only the privacy is affected, as the signature is revealed, because the secrets themselves are protected by HPKE encryption. Currently: In the case of a Group Operation message, only the privacy is affected, as the signature is revealed, because the secrets themselves are protected by Hybrid Public Key Encryption (HPKE). --> </t> <t>Compromise of the AEAD keys allows the attacker to send an encrypted message using that key, but the attacker cannot send a message to a groupwhichthat appears to be from any valid clientsince theybecause the attacker cannot forge the signature. This applies to all the forms of symmetric key compromise described in <xreftarget="symmetric-key-compromise"/>.</t>target="symmetric-key-compromise"/>. <!-- [rfced] Section This sentence as written appeared to say that the compromise cannot forge the signature. We updated it to indicate that the attacker cannot forge the signature. If this is incorrect, please provide clarifying text. Original: Compromise of the AEAD keys allows the attacker to send an encrypted message using that key, but cannot send a message to a group which appears to be from any valid client since they cannot forge the signature. Currently: Compromise of the AEAD keys allows the attacker to send an encrypted message using that key, but the attacker cannot send a message to a group that appears to be from any valid client because the attacker cannot forge the signature. --> </t> </section> <section anchor="compromise-of-ratchet-secret-material"> <name>Compromise of Ratchet Secretmaterial</name>Material</name> <t>When a Ratchet Secret is compromised, the adversary can compute both the current AEAD keys for a given sender as well as any future keys for that sender in this epoch. Thus, it can decrypt current and future messages by the corresponding sender. However, because it does not have previous Ratchet Secrets, it cannot decrypt past messages as long as those secrets and keys have beendeleted.</t>deleted. <!-- [rfced] Section Does "both the current AEAD keys for a given sender as well as any future keys" mean "both of the current AEAD keys for a given sender, as well as any future keys", "both (1) the current AEAD keys for a given sender and (2) any future keys", or something else? Original: When a Ratchet Secret is compromised, the adversary can compute both the current AEAD keys for a given sender as well as any future keys for that sender in this epoch. --> </t> <t>Because of its Forward Secrecy guarantees, MLS will also retain secrecy of all other AEAD keys generated for <em>other</em> MLS clients, outside this dedicated chain of AEAD keys and nonces, even within the epoch of the compromise. MLS provides Post-Compromise Security against an active adaptive attacker across epochs for AEAD encryption, which means that as soon as the epoch is changed, if the attacker does not have access to more secret material they won't be able to access any protected messages from future epochs.</t> </section> <section anchor="compromise-of-the-group-secrets-of-a-single-group-for-one-or-more-group-epochs"> <name>Compromise of the Group Secrets of asingle groupSingle Group foroneOne ormore group epochs</name>More Group Epochs</name> <t>An adversary who gains access to a set of Groupsecrets--assecrets -- for example, when a member of the group iscompromised--iscompromised -- is significantly more powerful. In this section, we consider the case where the signature keys are not compromised, which can occur if the attacker has access to part of the memory containing the group secrets but not to the signature keys which might be stored in a secure enclave.</t> <t>In this scenario, the adversary gains the ability to compute any number of Ratchet Secrets for the epoch and their corresponding AEAD encryption keys and thus can encrypt and decrypt all messages for the compromised epochs.</t> <t>If the adversary is passive, it is expected from the PCS properties of the MLS protocolthat,that as soon as the compromised party remediates the compromise and sends an honest Commit message, the next epochs will provide message secrecy.</t> <t>If the adversary is active, the adversary can engage in the protocol itself and perform updates on behalf of the compromised party with no ability for an honest group to recover message secrecy. However, MLS provides PCS against active adaptive attackers through its Remove group operation. This meansthat,that as long as other members of the group are honest, the protocol will guarantee message secrecy for all messages exchanged in the epochs after the compromised party has been removed.</t> </section> </section> <section anchor="compromise-by-an-active-adversary-with-the-ability-to-sign-messages"> <name>Compromise by anactive adversaryActive Adversary with theabilityAbility tosign messages</name>Sign Messages</name> <t>If an active adversary has compromised an MLS client and can sign messages, two differentsettingsscenarios emerge. In the strongest compromise scenario, the attacker has access to the signing key and can forge authenticated messages. In aweaker, yetweaker but realistic scenario, the attacker has compromised a client but the client signature keys are protected with dedicated hardware featureswhichthat do not allow direct access to the value of the private key and instead provide a signature API.</t> <t>When considering an active adaptive attacker with access to a signature oracle, the compromise scenario implies a significant impact on both the secrecy and authentication guarantees of the protocol, especially if the attacker also has access to the group secrets. In thatcasecase, both secrecy and authentication are broken. The attacker can generate any message, for the current and future epochs, until the compromise is remediated and the formerly compromised client sends an honest update.</t> <t>Note that under this compromise scenario, the attacker can perform all operationswhichthat are available to a legitimate client even without access to the actual value of the signature key.</t> </section> <section anchor="compromise-of-the-authentication-with-access-to-a-signature-key"> <name>Compromise of theauthenticationAuthentication withaccessAccess to asignature key</name>Signature Key</name> <t>The difference between having access to the value of the signature key and only having access to a signing oracle is not about the ability of an active adaptive network attacker to perform different operations during the time of thecompromise,compromise; the attacker can perform every operation available to a legitimate client in both cases.</t> <t>There is a significant difference,howeverhowever, in terms of recovery after a compromise.</t> <t>Because of the PCS guarantees provided by the MLS protocol, when a previously compromised client recovers from compromise and performs an honest Commit, both secrecy and authentication of future messages can be recovered as long as the attacker doesn't otherwise get access to the key. Because the adversary doesn't have the signing key, they cannot authenticate messages on behalf of the compromised party, even if they still have control over some group keys by colluding with other members of the group.</t> <t>This is in contrast with the case where the signature key is leaked. In thatcasecase, the compromised endpoint needs to refresh its credentials and invalidate the old credentials before the attacker will be unable to authenticate messages.</t> <t>Beware that in both oracle and private key access, an active adaptive attacker can follow the protocol and request to update its own credential. This in turn induces a signature key rotation which could provide the attacker with part or the full value of the privatekeykey, depending on the architecture of the service provider.</t><ul empty="true"> <li> <t><strong>RECOMMENDATION:</strong><t indent="3"><strong>RECOMMENDATION:</strong> Signature private keys should be compartmentalized from other secrets and preferably protected by a Hardware Security Module (HSM) or dedicated hardware features to allow recovery of the authentication for future messages after a compromise. <!-- [rfced] Section 8.3.3: Given "dedicated hardware features" in this sentence, we expanded "HSM" as "Hardware Security Module" for ease of the reader. If this is incorrect, please provide the correct definition. Original: *RECOMMENDATION:* Signature private keys should be compartmentalized from other secrets and preferably protected by an HSM or dedicated hardware features to allow recovery of the authentication for future messages after acompromise.</t> </li> </ul> <ul empty="true"> <li> <t><strong>RECOMMENDATION:</strong>compromise. Currently: *RECOMMENDATION:* Signature private keys should be compartmentalized from other secrets and preferably protected by a Hardware Security Module (HSM) or dedicated hardware features to allow recovery of the authentication for future messages after a compromise. --> </t> <t indent="3"><strong>RECOMMENDATION:</strong> When the credential type supports revocation, the users of a group should check for revoked keys.</t></li> </ul></section> <sectionanchor="security-consideration-in-the-context-of-a-full-state-compromise">anchor="security-considerations-in-the-context-of-a-full-state-compromise"> <name>SecurityconsiderationConsiderations in thecontextContext of afull state compromise</name>Full State Compromise</name> <t>In real-world compromise scenarios, it is often the case that adversaries target specific devices to obtain parts of the memory or even the ability to execute arbitrary code in the targeted device.</t> <t>Also, recall that in this setting, the application will often retain the unencrypted messages. If so, the adversary does not have to break encryption at all to access sent and received messages. Messages may also be sent by using the application to instruct the protocol implementation.</t><ul empty="true"> <li> <t><strong>RECOMMENDATION:</strong><t indent="3"><strong>RECOMMENDATION:</strong> If messages are stored on the device, they should be protected using encryption at rest, and the keys used should be stored securely using dedicated mechanisms on the device.</t></li> </ul> <ul empty="true"> <li> <t><strong>RECOMMENDATION:</strong><t indent="3"><strong>RECOMMENDATION:</strong> If the threat model of the system is against an adversarywhichthat can access the messages on the device without even needing to attack MLS, the application should delete plaintext and ciphertext messages as soon as practical after encryption or decryption.</t></li> </ul><t>Note that this document makes a clear distinction between the way signature keys and other group shared secrets must be handled. In particular, a large set of group secrets cannot necessarily be assumed to be protected by an HSM or secure enclave features. This is especially true because these keys are frequently used and changed with each message received by a client.</t> <t>However, the signature private keys are mostly used by clients to send a message. They also provide strong authentication guarantees to otherclients, henceclients; hence, we consider that their protection by additional security mechanisms should be a priority.</t><t>Overall<t>Overall, there is no way to detect or prevent these compromises, as discussed in the previoussections, performingsections: Performing separation of the application secret states can help recovery aftercompromise,compromise; this is the case for signaturekeyskeys, but similarconcern existsconcerns exist for a client's encryption private keys.</t><ul empty="true"> <li> <t><strong>RECOMMENDATION:</strong><t indent="3"><strong>RECOMMENDATION:</strong> The secret keys used for public key encryption should be stored similarly to the way the signature keys are stored, as keys can be used to decrypt the group operation messages and contain the secret material used to compute all the group secrets.</t></li> </ul><t>Even if secure enclaves are not perfectlysecure,secure or are even completely broken, adopting additional protections for these keys can ease recovery of the secrecy and authentication guarantees after a compromise where, for instance, an attacker can sign messages without having access to the key. In certain contexts, the rotation of credentials might only be triggered by the AS throughACLs,ACLs and hence beoutside ofbeyond the capabilities of the attacker.</t> </section> </section> <section anchor="service-node-compromise"> <name>Service Node Compromise</name> <section anchor="general-considerations"> <name>Generalconsiderations</name>Considerations</name> <section anchor="privacy-of-the-network-connections"> <name>Privacy of thenetwork connections</name>Network Connections</name> <t>There are many scenarios leading to communication between the application on a device and the Delivery Service or the AuthenticationService. In particularService -- in particular, when:</t> <ul spacing="normal"> <li> <t>The application connects to the Authentication Service to generate or validate a new credential before distributing it.</t> </li> <li> <t>The application fetches credentials at the Delivery Service prior to creating a messaging group (one-to-one or more than two clients).</t> </li> <li> <t>The application fetches service provider information or messages on the Delivery Service.</t> </li> <li> <t>The application sends service provider information or messages to the Delivery Service.</t> </li> </ul> <t>In all these cases, the application will often connect to the device via a secure transportwhichthat leaks information about the origin of therequestrequest, such as the IP address and -- depending on the protocol -- theMACMedia Access Control (MAC) address of the device.</t> <t>Similar concerns exist in the peer-to-peer use casesoffor MLS.</t><ul empty="true"> <li> <t><strong>RECOMMENDATION:</strong><t indent="3"><strong>RECOMMENDATION:</strong> In the case where privacy or anonymity is important, using adequate protection such asMASQUEMultiplexed Application Substrate over QUIC Encryption (MASQUE) <xref target="I-D.schinazi-masque-proxy"/>, Top-of-Rack (ToR) switches, or a VPN can improve metadata protection. <!-- [rfced] Section For ease of the reader, we expanded "MASQUE" and "ToR". If the definition of "ToR" is incorrect, please provide the correct definition. (The definition of "MASQUE" was taken from draft-schinazi-masque-proxy.) Original: *RECOMMENDATION:* In the case where privacy or anonymity is important, using adequate protection such as MASQUE [I-D.schinazi-masque-proxy], ToR, or a VPN can improve metadataprotection.</t> </li> </ul>protection. Currently: *RECOMMENDATION:* In the case where privacy or anonymity is important, using adequate protection such as Multiplexed Application Substrate over QUIC Encryption (MASQUE) [MASQUE-PROXY], Top-of-Rack (ToR) switches, or a VPN can improve metadata protection. --> </t> <t>More generally, using anonymous credentials in anMLS basedMLS-based architecture might not be enough to provide strong privacy or anonymity properties.</t> </section> <sectionanchor="storage-of-metadata-and-ecryption-at-rest-on-the-servers">anchor="storage-of-metadata-and-encryption-at-rest-on-the-servers"> <name>Storage of Metadata andEcryptionEncryption atrestRest on the Servers</name> <t>In the case where private data or metadata has to be persisted on the servers for functionality (mappings between identities and push tokens, groupmetadata...),metadata, etc.), it should be stored encrypted at rest and only decrypted upon need during the execution. Honest Service Providers can rely on suchencryptionan "encryption atrestrest" mechanism to be able to prevent access to the data when not using it.</t><ul empty="true"> <li> <t><strong>RECOMMENDATION:</strong><t indent="3"><strong>RECOMMENDATION:</strong> Store cryptographic material used for server-side decryption of sensitivemeta-datametadata on the clients and only send it when needed. The server can use the secret to open and update encrypted data containers after which they can delete these keys until the next time they need it, in which case those can be provided by the client.</t></li> </ul> <ul empty="true"> <li> <t><strong>RECOMMENDATION:</strong><t indent="3"><strong>RECOMMENDATION:</strong> Rely on group secrets exported from the MLS session for server-side encryption at rest and update the key after each removal from the group.RotateOtherwise, rotate those keys on a regularbasis otherwise.</t> </li> </ul>basis.</t> </section> </section> <section anchor="delivery-service-compromise"> <name>Delivery Service Compromise</name> <t>MLS is intended to provide strong guarantees in the face of compromise of the DS. Even a totally compromised DS should not be able to read messages or inject messages that will be acceptable to legitimate clients. It should also not be able to undetectably remove,reorderreorder, or replay messages.</t> <t>However, a malicious DS can mount a variety of DoS attacks on the system, including total DoS attacks (where it simply refuses to forward any messages) and partial DoS attacks (where it refuses to forward messages to and from specific clients). As noted in <xref target="delivery-guarantees"/>, these attacks are only partially detectable by clients without an out-of-band channel. Ultimately, failure of the DS to provide reasonable service must be dealt with as a customer service matter, not via technology.</t> <t>Because the DS is responsible for providing the initial keying material to clients, it can provide stale keys. This does not inherently lead to compromise of the message stream, but it does allow it to attack forward security to a limited extent. This threat can be mitigated by having initial keys expire.</t> <t>Initial keying material (KeyPackages) using the <tt>basic</tt> Credential type is more vulnerable to replacement by a malicious or compromised DS, as there is no built-in cryptographic binding between the identity and the public key of the client.</t><ul empty="true"> <li> <t><strong>RECOMMENDATION:</strong><t indent="3"><strong>RECOMMENDATION:</strong> Prefer a Credential type in KeyPackageswhichthat includes a strong cryptographic binding between the identity and its key (forexampleexample, the <tt>x509</tt> Credential type). When using the <tt>basic</tt> Credentialtypetype, take extra care to verify the identity (typicallyout-of-band).</t> </li> </ul>out of band).</t> <section anchor="privacy-of-delivery-and-push-notifications"> <name>Privacy ofdeliveryDelivery andpush notifications</name> <t>AnPush Notifications</name> <t>Push-tokens provide an important mechanism that is often ignored from the standpoint of privacyconsiderations are the push-tokens.considerations. In many modern messaging architectures, applications are using push notification mechanisms typically provided by OS vendors. This is to make sure that when messages are available at the Delivery Service (orbyvia other mechanisms if the DS is not a central server), the recipient application on a device knows about it. Sometimes the push notification can contain the application messageitself whichitself; this saves a round trip with the DS.</t> <t>To "push" this information to the device, the service provider and the OS infrastructures use unique per-device, per-application identifiers called push-tokens. This means that the push notification provider and the service provider have information on which devices receive information and at which point in time. Alternatively, non-mobile applications could use awebsocketWebSocket or persistent connection for notifications directly from the DS.</t> <t>Even though they can't necessarily access the content, which is typically encrypted MLS messages, the service provider and the push notification provider have to be trusted to avoid making correlation on which devices are recipients of the samemessage.</t>message. <!-- [rfced] Section We had trouble parsing this sentence. Are some words missing? If the suggested text is not correct, please clarify "they" and "content, which is typically encrypted MLS messages". Original: Even though they can't necessarily access the content, which is typically encrypted MLS messages, the service provider and the push notification provider have to be trusted to avoid making correlation on which devices are recipients of the same message. Suggested: Even though the service provider and the push notification provider can't necessarily access the content (typically encrypted MLS messages), they have to be trusted to avoid making correlations regarding which devices are recipients of the same message. --> </t> <t>For secure messaging systems, push notifications are often sentreal-timein real time, as it is not acceptable to create artificial delays for message retrieval.</t><ul empty="true"> <li> <t><strong>RECOMMENDATION:</strong><t indent="3"><strong>RECOMMENDATION:</strong> Ifreal timereal-time notifications are not necessary, one can delay notifications randomly across recipient devices using a mixnet or other techniques.</t></li> </ul><t>Note that with a legal request to ask the service provider for the push-token associated with an identifier, it is easy to correlate the token with a second request to the company operating the push-notification system to get information about the device, which is often linked with a real identity via a cloud account, a creditcardcard, or other information.</t><ul empty="true"> <li> <t><strong>RECOMMENDATION:</strong><t indent="3"><strong>RECOMMENDATION:</strong> If stronger privacy guarantees are needed with regard to the push notification provider, the client can choose to periodically connect to the Delivery Service without the need of a dedicated push notification infrastructure.</t></li> </ul><t>Applications can also consider anonymous systems for server fanout (forexampleexample, <xref target="Loopix"/>).</t> </section> </section> <section anchor="as-compromise"> <name>Authentication Service Compromise</name> <t>The Authentication Service design is left to the infrastructure designers. In most designs, a compromised AS is a serious matter, as the AS can serve incorrect or attacker-provided identities to clients.</t> <ul spacing="normal"> <li> <t>The attacker can link an identity to acredential</t>credential.</t> </li> <li> <t>The attacker can generate newcredentials</t>credentials.</t> </li> <li> <t>The attacker can sign newcredentials</t>credentials.</t> </li> <li> <t>The attacker can publish or distributecredentials</t>credentials.</t> </li> </ul> <t>An attacker that can generate or sign new credentials may or may not have access to the underlying cryptographic material necessary to perform such operations. In that last case, it results in windows of time for which all emitted credentials might be compromised.</t><ul empty="true"> <li> <t><strong>RECOMMENDATION:</strong><t indent="3"><strong>RECOMMENDATION:</strong> Use HSMs to store the root signature keys to limit the ability of an adversary with no physical access to extract the top-level signature private key.</t></li> </ul><t>Note that historically some systems generate signature keys on the Authentication Service and distribute the private keys to clients along with their credential. This is a dangerous practice because it allows the AS or an attacker who has compromised the AS to silently impersonate the client.</t> <section anchor="authentication-compromise-ghost-users-and-impersonations"> <name>Authenticationcompromise:Compromise: GhostusersUsers andimpersonations</name>Impersonations</name> <t>One important property of MLS is that all Members know which other members are in the group at all times. If all Members of the group and the Authentication Service are honest, no parties other than the members of the current group can read and write messages protected by the protocol for that Group.</t> <t>This guarantee applies to the cryptographic identities of the members. Details about how to verify the identity of a client depend on the MLS Credential type used. For example, cryptographic verification of credentials can be largely performed autonomously (e.g., without user interaction) by the clients themselves for the <tt>x509</tt> Credential type.</t> <t>In contrast, when MLS clients use the <tt>basic</tt> Credential type,thensome other mechanism must be used to verify identities. Forinstanceinstance, the Authentication Service could operate some sort of directory server to provide keys, or users could verify keys via an out-of-band mechanism.</t><ul empty="true"> <li> <t><strong>RECOMMENDATION:</strong><t indent="3"><strong>RECOMMENDATION:</strong> Select the MLS Credential type with the strongest securitywhichthat is supported by all target members of an MLS group.</t></li> </ul> <ul empty="true"> <li> <t><strong>RECOMMENDATION:</strong><t indent="3"><strong>RECOMMENDATION:</strong> Do not use the same signature keypair across groups. Update all keys for all groups on a regular basis. Do not preserve keys in different groups when suspecting a compromise.</t></li> </ul><t>If the AS is compromised, it could validate a signature keypair (or generate anew) signature keypairnew one) for an attacker. The attacker could then use this keypair to join a group as if it were another of the user's clients. Because a user can have many MLS clients running the MLS protocol, it possibly has many signature keypairs for multiple devices. These attacks could be very difficult to detect, especially in large groups where the UI might not reflect all the changes back to the users. If the application participates in a key transparency mechanism in which it is possible to determine every key for a given user, then this would allow for detection of surreptitiously created false credentials.</t><ul empty="true"> <li> <t><strong>RECOMMENDATION:</strong><t indent="3"><strong>RECOMMENDATION:</strong> Make sure that MLS clients reflect all the membership changes to the users as they happen. If a choice has to be made because the number of notifications is too high, the client should provide a log of state of the device so that the user can examine it.</t></li> </ul> <ul empty="true"> <li> <t><strong>RECOMMENDATION:</strong><t indent="3"><strong>RECOMMENDATION:</strong> Provide a key transparency mechanism for the AuthenticationServicesService to allow public verification of the credentials authenticated by this service.</t></li> </ul><t>While the ways to handle MLS credentials are not defined by the protocol or the architecture documents, the MLS protocol has been designed with a mechanism that can be used to provide out-of-band authentication to users. The "authentication_secret" generated for each user at each epoch of the group is a one-time,per client,per-client authentication secretwhichthat can be exchanged between users to prove theiridentityidentities to each other. This can bedonedone, forinstanceinstance, using a QR code that can be scanned by the otherparties.</t> <ul empty="true"> <li> <t><strong>RECOMMENDATION:</strong>parties. <!-- [rfced] Section In this document's XML file, all other parameters containing underscores are placed in <tt>s except for "authentication_secret". May we place it in <tt>s and remove the quotes? Original: The "authentication_secret" generated for each user at each epoch of the group is a one-time, per client, authentication secret which can be exchanged between users to prove their identity to each other. --> </t> <t indent="3"><strong>RECOMMENDATION:</strong> Provide one or more out-of-band authentication mechanisms to limit the impact of an Authentication Service compromise.</t></li> </ul><t>We note, again, that the Authentication Service may not be a centralizedsystem,system and could be realized by many mechanisms such as establishing prior one-to-one deniable channels, gossiping, or using trust on first use (TOFU) for credentials used by the MLSProtocol.</t>protocol.</t> <t>Another important consideration is the ease of redistributing new keys on client compromise, which helps recovering security faster in various cases.</t> </section> <section anchor="privacy-of-the-group-membership"> <name>Privacy of the Group Membership</name> <t>Group membership is itself sensitiveinformationinformation, and MLS is designed to limit the amount of persistent metadata. However, large groups often require an infrastructurewhichthat provides server fanout. In the case of client fanout, the destination of a message is known by allclients, henceclients; hence, the server usually does not need this information. However, they may learn this information through traffic analysis. Unfortunately, in a server-side fanout model, the Delivery Service can learn that a given client is sending the same message to a set of other clients. In addition, there may be applications of MLS in which the group membership list is stored on some server associated with the DeliveryService.</t>Service. <!-- [rfced] Section It is not clear to us whether "they" in the second sentence refers to "all clients" or "the server" in the first sentence. Please clarify. Original (the run-on sentence has been fixed): In the case of client fanout, the destination of a message is known by all clients, hence the server usually does not need this information. However, they may learn this information through traffic analysis. --> </t> <t>While this knowledge is not a breach of the protocol's authentication or confidentiality guarantees, it is a serious issue for privacy.</t> <t>Someinfrastructureinfrastructures keep a mapping between keys used in the MLS protocol and user identities. An attacker with access to this information due to compromise or regulation can associate unencrypted group messages (e.g., Commits and Proposals) with the corresponding user identity.</t><ul empty="true"> <li> <t><strong>RECOMMENDATION:</strong><t indent="3"><strong>RECOMMENDATION:</strong> Use encrypted group operation messages to limit privacy risks whenever possible.</t></li> </ul><t>In certain cases, the adversary can access specific bindings between public keys and identities. If the signature keys are reused across groups, the adversary can get more information about the targeted user.</t><ul empty="true"> <li> <t><strong>RECOMMENDATION:</strong><t indent="3"><strong>RECOMMENDATION:</strong> Ensure that linking between public keys and identities only happens in expected scenarios.</t></li> </ul></section> </section> </section> <section anchor="considerations-for-attacks-outside-of-the-threat-model"> <name>Considerations forattacks outsideAttacks Outside of thethreat model</name>Threat Model</name> <t>Physical attacks on devices storing and executing MLS principals are not considered in depth in the threat model of the MLS protocol. While non-permanent, non-invasive attacks can sometimes be equivalent to software attacks, physical attacks are considered outside of the MLS threat model.</t> <t>Compromise scenarios typically consist of a software adversary, which can maintain active adaptive compromise and arbitrarily change the behavior of the client or service.</t> <t>On the other hand, security goals consider that honest clients will always run the protocol according to its specification. This relies on implementations of the protocol to securely implement the specification, which remains non-trivial.</t><ul empty="true"> <li> <t><strong>RECOMMENDATION:</strong><t indent="3"><strong>RECOMMENDATION:</strong> Additional steps should be taken to protect the device and the MLS clients from physical compromise. In such settings, HSMs and secure enclaves can be used to protect signature keys.</t></li> </ul></section> <section anchor="cryptographic-analysis-of-the-mls-protocol"> <name>Cryptographic Analysis of the MLS Protocol</name> <t>Various academic works have analyzed MLS and the different security guarantees it aims to provide. The security of large parts of the protocol has been analyzed by <xref target="BBN19"/>(draft(regarding MLS Draft 7), <xref target="ACDT21"/>(draft 11)(regarding MLS Draft 11), and <xref target="AJM20"/>(draft(regarding MLS Draft 12).</t> <t>Individual components of various drafts of the MLS protocol have been analyzed in isolation and with differing adversarialmodels, formodels. For example, <xref target="BBR18"/>, <xref target="ACDT19"/>, <xref target="ACCKKMPPWY19"/>, <xref target="AJM20"/>, <xref target="ACJM20"/>, and <xref target="AHKM21"/> analyze the ratcheting tree sub-protocol of MLS that facilitates keyagreement,agreement; <xref target="WPBB22"/> analyzes the sub-protocol of MLS for group state agreement andauthentication, whileauthentication; and <xref target="BCK21"/> analyzes the key derivation paths in the ratchet tree and key schedule. Finally, <xref target="CHK21"/> analyzes the authentication and cross-group healing guarantees provided by MLS.</t> </section> </section> <section anchor="iana-considerations"> <name>IANA Considerations</name> <t>This documentmakeshas norequests of IANA.</t>IANA actions.</t> </section> </middle> <back> <displayreference target="I-D.ietf-keytrans-architecture" to="KT"/> <displayreference target="I-D.ietf-mls-extensions" to="EXTENSIONS"/> <displayreference target="I-D.ietf-mls-federation" to="FEDERATION"/> <displayreference target="I-D.schinazi-masque-proxy" to="MASQUE-PROXY"/> <references anchor="sec-combined-references"> <name>References</name> <references anchor="sec-normative-references"> <name>Normative References</name><reference anchor="I-D.ietf-mls-protocol"> <front> <title>The Messaging Layer Security (MLS) Protocol</title> <author fullname="Richard Barnes" initials="R." surname="Barnes"> <organization>Cisco</organization> </author> <author fullname="Benjamin Beurdouche" initials="B." surname="Beurdouche"> <organization>Inria & Mozilla</organization> </author> <author fullname="Raphael Robert" initials="R." surname="Robert"> <organization>Phoenix R&D</organization> </author> <author fullname="Jon Millican" initials="J." surname="Millican"> <organization>Meta Platforms</organization> </author> <author fullname="Emad Omara" initials="E." surname="Omara"> <organization>Google</organization> </author> <author fullname="Katriel Cohn-Gordon" initials="K." surname="Cohn-Gordon"> <organization>University of Oxford</organization> </author> <date day="27" month="March" year="2023"/> <abstract> <t>Messaging applications are increasingly making use of end-to-end security mechanisms to ensure that messages are only accessible to the communicating endpoints, and not to any servers involved in delivering messages. Establishing keys to provide such protections is challenging for group chat settings, in which more than two clients need to agree on a key but may not be online at the same time. In this document, we specify a key establishment protocol that provides efficient asynchronous group key establishment with forward secrecy (FS) and post-compromise security (PCS) for groups in size ranging from two to thousands. </t> </abstract> </front> <seriesInfo name="Internet-Draft" value="draft-ietf-mls-protocol-20"/> </reference> <reference anchor="RFC9420"> <front> <title>The Messaging Layer Security (MLS) Protocol</title> <author fullname="R. Barnes" initials="R." surname="Barnes"/> <author fullname="B. Beurdouche" initials="B." surname="Beurdouche"/> <author fullname="R. Robert" initials="R." surname="Robert"/> <author fullname="J. Millican" initials="J." surname="Millican"/> <author fullname="E. Omara" initials="E." surname="Omara"/> <author fullname="K. Cohn-Gordon" initials="K." surname="Cohn-Gordon"/> <date month="July" year="2023"/> <abstract> <t>Messaging applications are increasingly making use of end-to-end security mechanisms to ensure that messages are only accessible to the communicating endpoints, and not to any servers involved in delivering messages. Establishing keys to provide such protections is challenging for group chat settings, in which more than two clients need to agree on a key but may not be online at the same time. In this document, we specify a key establishment protocol that provides efficient asynchronous group key establishment with forward secrecy (FS) and post-compromise security (PCS) for groups in size ranging from two to thousands.</t> </abstract> </front> <seriesInfo name="RFC" value="9420"/> <seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.17487/RFC9420"/> </reference> <reference anchor="RFC5116"> <front> <title>An Interface and Algorithms for Authenticated Encryption</title> <author fullname="D. McGrew" initials="D." surname="McGrew"/> <date month="January" year="2008"/> <abstract> <t>This document defines algorithms for Authenticated Encryption with Associated Data (AEAD), and defines a uniform interface and a registry for such algorithms. The interface and registry can be used as an application-independent set of cryptoalgorithm suites. This approach provides advantages in efficiency and security, and promotes the reuse of crypto implementations. [STANDARDS-TRACK]</t> </abstract> </front> <seriesInfo name="RFC" value="5116"/> <seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.17487/RFC5116"/> </reference><!-- draft-ietf-mls-protocol (RFC 9420; published) --> <xi:include href="https://bib.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.9420.xml"/> <xi:include href="https://bib.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.5116.xml"/> </references> <references anchor="sec-informative-references"> <name>Informative References</name><reference anchor="KT"> <front> <title>Key Transparency Architecture</title> <author fullname="Brendan McMillion" initials="B." surname="McMillion"> </author> <date day="4" month="March" year="2024"/> <abstract> <t> This document defines the terminology and interaction patterns involved in the deployment of Key Transparency (KT) in a general secure group messaging infrastructure, and specifies the security properties that the protocol provides. It also gives more general, non-prescriptive guidance on how to securely apply KT to a number of common applications. </t> </abstract> </front> <seriesInfo name="Internet-Draft" value="draft-ietf-keytrans-architecture-01"/> </reference><!-- draft-ietf-keytrans-architecture (I-D Exists) --> <xi:include href="https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/bibxml3/reference.I-D.ietf-keytrans-architecture.xml"/> <reference anchor="CONIKS" target="https://www.usenix.org/system/files/conference/usenixsecurity15/sec15-paper-melara.pdf"> <front> <title>CONIKS: Bringing Key Transparency to End Users</title> <authorinitials="M."initials="M. S." surname="Melara" fullname="Marcela S. Melara"> <organization/> </author> <author initials="A." surname="Blankstein" fullname="Aaron Blankstein"> <organization/> </author> <author initials="J." surname="Bonneau" fullname="Joseph Bonneau"> <organization/> </author> <authorinitials="E."initials="E. W." surname="Felten" fullname="Edward W. Felten"> <organization/> </author> <authorinitials="M."initials="M. J." surname="Freedman" fullname="Michael J. Freedman"> <organization/> </author> <date month="August" year="2015"/> </front> <refcontent>Proceedings of the 24th USENIX Security Symposium</refcontent> </reference> <referenceanchor="CAPBR">anchor="CAPBR" target="https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/343477.343502"> <front> <title>Towards robust distributed systems (abstract)</title> <author fullname="Eric A. Brewer"initials="E."initials="E. A." surname="Brewer"> <organization>UC Berkeley and Inktomi</organization> </author> <date month="July" year="2000"/> </front><seriesInfo name="Proceedings<refcontent>Proceedings of the nineteenth annual ACM symposium on Principles ofdistributed" value="computing"/>distributed computing, p. 7</refcontent> <seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.1145/343477.343502"/><refcontent>ACM</refcontent></reference> <reference anchor="ACCKKMPPWY19" target="https://eprint.iacr.org/2019/1489"> <front> <title>Keep the Dirt: Tainted TreeKEM, Adaptively and Actively Secure Continuous Group Key Agreement</title> <author initials="J." surname="Alwen" fullname="Joel Alwen"> <organization/> </author> <author initials="M." surname="Capretto" fullname="Margarita Capretto"> <organization/> </author> <author initials="M." surname="Cueto" fullname="Miguel Cueto"> <organization/> </author> <author initials="C." surname="Kamath" fullname="Chethan Kamath"> <organization/> </author> <author initials="K." surname="Klein" fullname="Karen Klein"> <organization/> </author> <author initials="I." surname="Markov" fullname="Ilia Markov"> <organization/> </author> <author initials="G." surname="Pascual-Perez" fullname="Guillermo Pascual-Perez"> <organization/> </author> <author initials="K." surname="Pietrzak" fullname="Krzysztof Pietrzak"> <organization/> </author> <author initials="M." surname="Walter" fullname="Michael Walter"> <organization/> </author> <author initials="M." surname="Yeo" fullname="Michelle Yeo"> <organization/> </author> <date year="2019"/> </front> <refcontent>Cryptology ePrint Archive</refcontent> </reference> <reference anchor="ACDT19" target="https://eprint.iacr.org/2019/1189.pdf"> <front> <title>Security Analysis and Improvements for the IETF MLS Standard for Group Messaging</title> <author initials="J." surname="Alwen" fullname="Joel Alwen"> <organization/> </author> <author initials="S." surname="Coretti" fullname="Sandro Coretti"> <organization/> </author> <author initials="Y." surname="Dodis" fullname="Yevgeniy Dodis"> <organization/> </author> <author initials="Y." surname="Tselekounis" fullname="Yiannis Tselekounis"> <organization/> </author> <date year="2019"/> </front> <refcontent>Cryptology ePrint Archive</refcontent> </reference> <reference anchor="ACDT21" target="https://eprint.iacr.org/2021/1083.pdf"> <front> <title>Modular Design of Secure Group Messaging Protocols and the Security of MLS</title> <author initials="J." surname="Alwen" fullname="Joel Alwen"> <organization/> </author> <author initials="S." surname="Coretti" fullname="Sandro Coretti"> <organization/> </author> <author initials="Y." surname="Dodis" fullname="Yevgeniy Dodis"> <organization/> </author> <author initials="Y." surname="Tselekounis" fullname="Yiannis Tselekounis"> <organization/> </author> <date year="2021"/> </front> <refcontent>Cryptology ePrint Archive</refcontent> </reference> <reference anchor="ACJM20" target="https://eprint.iacr.org/2020/752.pdf"> <front> <title>Continuous Group Key Agreement with Active Security</title> <author initials="J." surname="Alwen" fullname="Joel Alwen"> <organization/> </author> <author initials="S." surname="Coretti" fullname="Sandro Coretti"> <organization/> </author> <author initials="D." surname="Jost" fullname="Daniel Jost"> <organization/> </author> <author initials="M." surname="Mularczyk" fullname="Marta Mularczyk"> <organization/> </author> <date year="2020"/> </front> <refcontent>Cryptology ePrint Archive</refcontent> </reference> <reference anchor="AHKM21" target="https://eprint.iacr.org/2021/1456.pdf"> <front> <title>Server-Aided Continuous Group Key Agreement</title> <author initials="J." surname="Alwen" fullname="Joel Alwen"> <organization/> </author> <author initials="D." surname="Hartmann" fullname="Dominik Hartmann"> <organization/> </author> <author initials="E." surname="Kiltz" fullname="Eike Kiltz"> <organization/> </author> <author initials="M." surname="Mularczyk" fullname="Marta Mularczyk"> <organization/> </author> <date year="2021"/> </front> <refcontent>Cryptology ePrint Archive</refcontent> </reference> <reference anchor="AJM20" target="https://eprint.iacr.org/2020/1327.pdf"> <front> <title>On The Insider Security of MLS</title> <author initials="J." surname="Alwen" fullname="Joel Alwen"> <organization/> </author> <author initials="D." surname="Jost" fullname="Daniel Jost"> <organization/> </author> <author initials="M." surname="Mularczyk" fullname="Marta Mularczyk"> <organization/> </author> <date year="2020"/> </front> <refcontent>Cryptology ePrint Archive</refcontent> </reference> <reference anchor="BBN19" target="https://inria.hal.science/hal-02425229/document"> <front> <title>Formal Models and Verified Protocols for Group Messaging: Attacks and Proofs for IETF MLS</title> <author initials="K." surname="Bhargavan" fullname="Karthikeyan Bhargavan"> <organization/> </author> <author initials="B." surname="Beurdouche" fullname="Benjamin Beurdouche"> <organization/> </author> <author initials="P." surname="Naldurg" fullname="Prasad Naldurg"> <organization/> </author> <date year="2019"/> </front> <seriesInfo name="HAL ID" value="hal-02425229"/> </reference> <reference anchor="BBR18" target="https://hal.inria.fr/hal-02425247/file/treekem+%281%29.pdf"> <front> <title>TreeKEM: Asynchronous Decentralized Key Management for Large Dynamic Groups - A protocol proposal for Messaging Layer Security (MLS)</title> <author initials="K." surname="Bhargavan" fullname="Karthikeyan Bhargavan"> <organization/> </author> <author initials="R." surname="Barnes" fullname="Richard Barnes"> <organization/> </author> <author initials="E." surname="Rescorla" fullname="Eric Rescorla"> <organization/> </author> <date year="2018"/> </front> <seriesInfo name="HAL ID" value="hal-02425247"/> </reference> <reference anchor="BCK21" target="https://eprint.iacr.org/2021/137.pdf"> <front><title>Cryptographic Security<title>Security Analysis of the MLSRFC, Draft 11</title>Key Distribution</title> <author initials="C." surname="Brzuska" fullname="Chris Brzuska"> <organization/> </author> <author initials="E." surname="Cornelissen" fullname="Eric Cornelissen"> <organization/> </author> <author initials="K." surname="Kohbrok" fullname="Konrad Kohbrok"> <organization/> </author> <date year="2021"/> </front> <refcontent>Cryptology ePrint Archive</refcontent> </reference> <!-- [rfced] [BCK21]: We updated this listing to use the title found on the provided URL, as we found "Cryptographic Security of the MLS RFC, Draft 11" on <https://eprint.iacr.org/2021/137> but again found "Security Analysis of the MLS Key Distribution" when we clicked "PDF" under "Available format(s)". Please let us know any concerns. Original: [BCK21] Brzuska, C., Cornelissen, E., and K. Kohbrok, "Cryptographic Security of the MLS RFC, Draft 11", 2021, <https://eprint.iacr.org/2021/137.pdf>. Currently: [BCK21] Brzuska, C., Cornelissen, E., and K. Kohbrok, "Security Analysis of the MLS Key Distribution", Cryptology ePrint Archive, 2021, <https://eprint.iacr.org/2021/137.pdf>. --> <reference anchor="CHK21" target="https://www.usenix.org/system/files/sec21-cremers.pdf"> <front> <title>The Complexities of Healing in Secure Group Messaging: Why Cross-Group Effects Matter</title> <author initials="C." surname="Cremers" fullname="Cas Cremers"> <organization/> </author> <author initials="B." surname="Hale" fullname="Britta Hale"> <organization/> </author> <author initials="K." surname="Kohbrok" fullname="Konrad Kohbrok"> <organization/> </author> <date month="August" year="2021"/> </front> <refcontent>Proceedings of the 30th USENIX Security Symposium</refcontent> </reference> <reference anchor="WPBB22" target="https://eprint.iacr.org/2022/1732.pdf"> <front> <title>TreeSync: Authenticated Group Management for Messaging Layer Security</title> <author initials="T." surname="Wallez" fullname="Théophile Wallez"> <organization/> </author> <author initials="J." surname="Protzenko" fullname="Jonathan Protzenko"> <organization/> </author> <author initials="B." surname="Beurdouche" fullname="Benjamin Beurdouche"> <organization/> </author> <author initials="K." surname="Bhargavan" fullname="Karthikeyan Bhargavan"> <organization/> </author> <date year="2022"/> </front> <refcontent>Cryptology ePrint Archive</refcontent> </reference> <referenceanchor="Loopix">anchor="Loopix" target=""> <front> <title>The Loopix Anonymity System</title> <author initials="A. M." surname="Piotrowska" fullname="Ania M. Piotrowska"> <organization/> </author> <author initials="J." surname="Hayes" fullname="Jamie Hayes"> <organization/> </author> <author initials="T." surname="Elahi" fullname="Tariq Elahi"> <organization/> </author> <author initials="S." surname="Meiser" fullname="Sebastian Meiser"> <organization/> </author> <author initials="G." surname="Danezis" fullname="George Danezis"> <organization/> </author> <date month="August" year="2017"/> </front></reference> <reference anchor="RFC6120"> <front> <title>Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP): Core</title> <author fullname="P. Saint-Andre" initials="P." surname="Saint-Andre"/> <date month="March" year="2011"/> <abstract> <t>The Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP) is an application profile of the Extensible Markup Language (XML) that enables the near-real-time exchange of structured yet extensible data between any two or more network entities. This document defines XMPP's core protocol methods: setup and teardown of XML streams, channel encryption, authentication, error handling, and communication primitives for messaging, network availability ("presence"), and request-response interactions. This document obsoletes RFC 3920. [STANDARDS-TRACK]</t> </abstract> </front> <seriesInfo name="RFC" value="6120"/> <seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.17487/RFC6120"/> </reference> <reference anchor="RFC5280"> <front> <title>Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure Certificate and Certificate Revocation List (CRL) Profile</title> <author fullname="D. Cooper" initials="D." surname="Cooper"/> <author fullname="S. Santesson" initials="S." surname="Santesson"/> <author fullname="S. Farrell" initials="S." surname="Farrell"/> <author fullname="S. Boeyen" initials="S." surname="Boeyen"/> <author fullname="R. Housley" initials="R." surname="Housley"/> <author fullname="W. Polk" initials="W." surname="Polk"/> <date month="May" year="2008"/> <abstract> <t>This memo profiles the X.509 v3 certificate and X.509 v2 certificate revocation list (CRL) for use in the Internet. An overview<refcontent>Proceedings ofthis approach and model is provided as an introduction. The X.509 v3 certificate format is described in detail, with additional information regardingtheformat and semantics of Internet name forms. Standard certificate extensions are described and two Internet-specific extensions are defined. A set of required certificate extensions is specified. The X.509 v2 CRL format is described in detail along with standard and Internet-specific extensions. An algorithm for X.509 certification path validation is described. An ASN.1 module and examples are provided in the appendices. [STANDARDS-TRACK]</t> </abstract> </front> <seriesInfo name="RFC" value="5280"/> <seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.17487/RFC5280"/> </reference> <reference anchor="I-D.ietf-mls-extensions"> <front> <title>The Messaging Layer Security (MLS) Extensions</title> <author fullname="Raphael Robert" initials="R." surname="Robert"> <organization>Phoenix R&D</organization> </author> <date day="24" month="April" year="2024"/> <abstract> <t> This document describes extensions to the Messaging Layer26th USENIX Security(MLS) protocol. Discussion Venues This note is to be removed before publishing as an RFC. Source for this draft and an issue tracker can be found at https://github.com/mlswg/mls-extensions. </t> </abstract> </front> <seriesInfo name="Internet-Draft" value="draft-ietf-mls-extensions-04"/> </reference> <reference anchor="I-D.ietf-mls-federation"> <front> <title>The Messaging Layer Security (MLS) Federation</title> <author fullname="Emad Omara" initials="E." surname="Omara"> <organization>Google</organization> </author> <author fullname="Raphael Robert" initials="R." surname="Robert"> <organization>Phoenix R&D</organization> </author> <date day="9" month="September" year="2023"/> <abstract> <t> This document describes how the Messaging Layer Security (MLS) protocol can be used in a federated environment. Discussion Venues This note is to be removed before publishing as an RFC. Source for this draft and an issue tracker can be found at https://github.com/mlswg/mls-federation. </t> </abstract> </front> <seriesInfo name="Internet-Draft" value="draft-ietf-mls-federation-03"/> </reference> <reference anchor="RFC3552"> <front> <title>Guidelines for Writing RFC Text on Security Considerations</title> <author fullname="E. Rescorla" initials="E." surname="Rescorla"/> <author fullname="B. Korver" initials="B." surname="Korver"/> <date month="July" year="2003"/> <abstract> <t>All RFCs are required to have a Security Considerations section. Historically, such sections have been relatively weak. This document provides guidelines to RFC authors on how to write a good Security Considerations section. This document specifies an Internet Best Current Practices for the Internet Community, and requests discussion and suggestions for improvements.</t> </abstract> </front> <seriesInfo name="BCP" value="72"/> <seriesInfo name="RFC" value="3552"/> <seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.17487/RFC3552"/> </reference> <reference anchor="RFC9000"> <front> <title>QUIC: A UDP-Based Multiplexed and Secure Transport</title> <author fullname="J. Iyengar" initials="J." role="editor" surname="Iyengar"/> <author fullname="M. Thomson" initials="M." role="editor" surname="Thomson"/> <date month="May" year="2021"/> <abstract> <t>This document defines the core of the QUIC transport protocol. QUIC provides applications with flow-controlled streams for structured communication, low-latency connection establishment, and network path migration. QUIC includes security measures that ensure confidentiality, integrity, and availability in a range of deployment circumstances. Accompanying documents describe the integration of TLS for key negotiation, loss detection, and an exemplary congestion control algorithm.</t> </abstract> </front> <seriesInfo name="RFC" value="9000"/> <seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.17487/RFC9000"/> </reference> <reference anchor="RFC8446"> <front> <title>The Transport Layer Security (TLS) Protocol Version 1.3</title> <author fullname="E. Rescorla" initials="E." surname="Rescorla"/> <date month="August" year="2018"/> <abstract> <t>This document specifies version 1.3 of the Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol. TLS allows client/server applications to communicate over the Internet in a way that is designed to prevent eavesdropping, tampering, and message forgery.</t> <t>This document updates RFCs 5705 and 6066, and obsoletes RFCs 5077, 5246, and 6961. This document also specifies new requirements for TLS 1.2 implementations.</t> </abstract> </front> <seriesInfo name="RFC" value="8446"/> <seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.17487/RFC8446"/> </reference> <reference anchor="I-D.schinazi-masque-proxy"> <front> <title>The MASQUE Proxy</title> <author fullname="David Schinazi" initials="D." surname="Schinazi"> <organization>Google LLC</organization> </author> <date day="28" month="February" year="2024"/> <abstract> <t> MASQUE (Multiplexed Application Substrate over QUIC Encryption) is a set of protocols and extensions to HTTP that allow proxying all kinds of Internet traffic over HTTP. This document defines the concept of a "MASQUE Proxy", an Internet-accessible node that can relay client traffic in order to provide privacy guarantees. </t> </abstract> </front> <seriesInfo name="Internet-Draft" value="draft-schinazi-masque-proxy-02"/>Symposium</refcontent> </reference> <xi:include href="https://bib.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.6120.xml"/> <xi:include href="https://bib.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.5280.xml"/> <!-- draft-ietf-mls-extensions (I-D Exists) --> <xi:include href="https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/bibxml3/reference.I-D.ietf-mls-extensions.xml"/> <!-- draft-ietf-mls-federation (Expired) --> <xi:include href="https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/bibxml3/reference.I-D.ietf-mls-federation.xml"/> <xi:include href="https://bib.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.3552.xml"/> <xi:include href="https://bib.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.9000.xml"/> <xi:include href="https://bib.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.8446.xml"/> <!-- draft-schinazi-masque-proxy (I-D Exists) --> <xi:include href="https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/bibxml3/reference.I-D.schinazi-masque-proxy.xml"/> </references> </references> <section anchor="contributors" numbered="false" toc="include" removeInRFC="false"> <name>Contributors</name> <contact initials="R." surname="Barnes" fullname="Richard Barnes"> <organization>Cisco</organization> <address> <email>rlb@ipv.sx</email> </address> </contact> <contact initials="K." surname="Cohn-Gordon" fullname="Katriel Cohn-Gordon"> <organization>Meta Platforms</organization> <address> <email>me@katriel.co.uk</email> </address> </contact> <contact initials="C." surname="Cremers" fullname="Cas Cremers"> <organization>CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security</organization> <address> <email>cremers@cispa.de</email> </address> </contact> <contact initials="B." surname="Hale" fullname="Britta Hale"> <organization>Naval Postgraduate School</organization> <address> <email>britta.hale@nps.edu</email> </address> </contact> <contact initials="A." surname="Kwon" fullname="Albert Kwon"> <organization>Badge Inc.</organization> <address> <email>kwonalbert@badgeinc.com</email> </address> </contact> <contact initials="K." surname="Kohbrok" fullname="Konrad Kohbrok"> <organization>Phoenix R&D</organization> <address> <email>konrad.kohbrok@datashrine.de</email> </address> </contact> <contact initials="R." surname="Mahy" fullname="Rohan Mahy"> <organization>Wire</organization> <address> <email>rohan.mahy@wire.com</email> </address> </contact> <contact initials="B." surname="McMillion" fullname="Brendan McMillion"> <organization/> <address> <email>brendanmcmillion@gmail.com</email> </address> </contact> <contact initials="T. van der" surname="Merwe" fullname="Thyla van der Merwe"> <organization/> <address> <email>tjvdmerwe@gmail.com</email> </address> </contact> <contact initials="J." surname="Millican" fullname="Jon Millican"> <organization>Meta Platforms</organization> <address> <email>jmillican@meta.com</email> </address> </contact> <contact initials="R." surname="Robert" fullname="Raphael Robert"> <organization>Phoenix R&D</organization> <address> <email>ietf@raphaelrobert.com</email> </address> </contact> </section> </back> <!--##markdown-source: H4sIAAAAAAAAA9S9/ZLbVpYn+P99CowcM1K6SMqS7a6yvOt2OlOyVbIsjVIu T8fOhgSSYBJOEmABYKZolTrmQXYfYJ9j32SeZM/3PRcA03J3b2ysoioskcTF /Tz3fPzO70yn09CV3aZ4lL1eF9nzom3zy7K6zH7MD0WTXRSLfVN2h+ze8x8v TrLTZrEuu2LR7Zsi5PN5U1w/yuCb9ItlvajyLbS4bPJVNy2LbjXdbtpp7n40 ffBlWORdcVk3h0dZWa3qEMpd8yjrmn3bPfzss68+exjypsgfWR/CVXG4qZvl o+xp1RVNVXTTc3xBCG2XV8s3+aau4KWHog278lH2v3X1YpK1ddM1xaqFvx22 +Jf/PYR8363r5lHIpiGDP2XVPsq+m2XfFftmWe8X64I+5iF8V1S/5tuy6n9b N5d5Vf6Wd2VdYYeaMs/+S/a8/q3cbHL6RbHNyw0MDUb/7dweni3qbfLix7Ps VdEu6kYe49c+bspF+nn6wl/KannIfoCXZReHtiu2MMAffzzzLy6umm+bbrUd e+OLbd4kr9vmS/ehtgCfzmr89NtL/GTQ0sUMRn65v/ZNXTRlVV7nrf9G2mtL +ujbQ76u60Fjp7PsHNZ54do63eSV+7A/BU3hW8/hx9/ewIfUcljUVdeU832H 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4vLq6t1f9he+H/5Q/y23+uriEg9BLgxvtrhccMIzp/LP7aGXBO5llbqhgPmO enUoeQGwTobvH7F8Pj6+uzo9PTl5etKxECHtgWPRfQmeHlh2O8yAys44sSNS vv2zi3jlfPjSeyDPkv7BMOpq3oF7ElHb1OU/zTZLcrRdiJ/g4+PZq4FDDznC 0+59yJf+QDlo8z7t0CpiTtM3o/Ppb9Nqv5TOT8Wab1qFtGBO0e+O0r8j6udy 4okBAA==[rfced] Please review the "Inclusive Language" portion of the online Style Guide at <https://www.rfc-editor.org/styleguide/part2/#inclusive_language>, and let us know if any changes are needed. Updates of this nature typically result in more precise language, which is helpful for readers. Note that our script did not flag any words in particular, but this should still be reviewed as a best practice. --> <!-- [rfced] Please let us know if any changes are needed for the following: a) The following term was used inconsistently in this document. We chose to use the latter form. Please let us know any objections. last resort (2 instances) / "last resort" (4 instances) (per Normative Reference RFC 9420) b) The following terms appear to be used inconsistently in this document. Please let us know which form is preferred. Would you like us to follow usage in Normative Reference RFC 9420 ("The Messaging Layer Security (MLS) Protocol")? Most of the terms listed below are also used in RFC 9420. We have marked them with asterisks ("*"). * Application message (3 instances) / application message (12 instances) (e.g., "an Application message", "an application message") (RFC 9420 uses "application message".) * authentication service (Abstract) / Authentication Service (16 instances) (RFC 9420 uses "Authentication Service".) * commit (>=13 instances) / Commit (>50 instances) (e.g., "the commit", "the Commit", "any commits", "any Commits") (RFC 9420 uses both forms but appears to use lowercase when this term is used generally. Please review usage in this document and advise.) * credential type (1 instance) / Credential type (8 instances) (We also see "credential types" in Section 7.) (RFC 9420 uses "credential type".) * delivery service (2 instances) / Delivery Service (>40 instances) (RFC 9420 uses "Delivery Service".) Eventually Consistent / eventually consistent (1 instance each) (We also see "strongly and eventually consistent systems" in Section 5.2.) * forward secrecy (3 instances) / Forward Secrecy (1 instance other than where defined) (RFC 9420 uses "forward secrecy". We changed "forward-secrecy" in this document to "forward secrecy" for now.) * group / Group (used generally) (e.g., "a group", "a Group", "the group", "that group", "that Group") (RFC 9420 uses "a group", "the group", "that group", etc.) group operation message (7 instances) / Group Operation message (2 instances in Section * group secret (10 instances) / Group Secret (2 instances) / Group secret (1 instance) (RFC 9420 uses "group secret".) * Handshake message (2 instances) / handshake message (9 instances) (RFC 9420 uses "handshake message".) Key Transparency (2 instances) / key transparency (2 instances) (e.g., "Key Transparency [KT]", "key transparency mechanism") * keypair (4 instances) / key pair (5 instances) (RFC 9420 uses "key pair".) * Member (3 instances) / member (>50 instances) (used generally) (e.g., "When a client is part of a Group, it is called a Member", "all Members", "all members") (RFC 9420 uses "member".) * Plaintext (1 instance) / plaintext (3 instances) ("MLS Plaintext messages", "plaintext and ciphertext messages") (RFC 9420 uses "plaintext" in running text.) * post-compromise security / Post-Compromise Security (RFC 9420 uses "post-compromise security".) * proposal (23 instances) / Proposal (5 instances) (used generally, e.g., "the proposal", "the Proposal", "of proposals", "of Proposals") RFC 9420 uses initial capitalization when referring to a Proposal object and lowercase when used generally. We cannot determine general uses versus referring to a Proposal object here. Please review and advise. push notification (adj.) (5 instances) / push-notification (adj.) (1 instance) (e.g., "push notification provider", "push notification infrastructure", "push-notification system") (Usage in post-6000 published RFCs is mixed.) push tokens (1 instance) / push-tokens (3 instances) (No precedent in published RFCs.) * ratchet secret (1 instance) / Ratchet Secret (11 instances) (RFC 9420 uses "ratchet secret".) ReInit proposal (3 instances in Section 5.2.3) / reinitialization proposal (2 instances in Section 7) Service Provider (2 instances) / service provider (10 instances) Strongly Consistent (2 instances) / strongly consistent (1 instance) * x509 / X.509 ("x509 Credential type", "X.509 certificates") (RFC 9420 uses "X509Credential" and "X.509 credential".) c) In the XML file, we see that emphasis ("<em>") for "Welcome message" is applied three times, while all other instances of "<em>" are used only once for a given word or term (where the term is first used). Is "Welcome message" a special case, or should the second and third instances of "<em>" be removed for this term? d) Would you like spacing to be consistent? Welcome (Bob) / Add(Bob) (RFC 9420 does not use spacing between "Welcome" or "Add" and the parenthetical item that follows those terms.) Notes re. the SVG: In the SVG for Figure 2, we found that a closing parenthesis was missing after the first "Bob": <text x="84" y="292">(Bob</text> We added the closing parenthesis. However, as a result, there isn't a space between "(Bob)" and the arrow line. If you want to change "Welcome (Bob)" to "Welcome(Bob)" in line with RFC 9420, we will need you to modify the entries in the SVG. If you want to have a space after the first "Bob" in Figure 2, we will need you to make that update as well. --> </rfc>