rfc9694v2.txt | rfc9694.txt | |||
skipping to change at line 144 ¶ | skipping to change at line 144 ¶ | |||
* The IANA Considerations section of an RFC defining a new top-level | * The IANA Considerations section of an RFC defining a new top-level | |||
type MUST request that IANA add this new top-level type to the | type MUST request that IANA add this new top-level type to the | |||
registry of top-level types. | registry of top-level types. | |||
* The criteria for what types do and do not fall under the new top- | * The criteria for what types do and do not fall under the new top- | |||
level type MUST be defined clearly. Clear criteria are expected | level type MUST be defined clearly. Clear criteria are expected | |||
to help expert reviewers evaluate whether or not a subtype belongs | to help expert reviewers evaluate whether or not a subtype belongs | |||
below the new type, and whether the registration template for a | below the new type, and whether the registration template for a | |||
subtype contains the appropriate information. Criteria that | subtype contains the appropriate information. Criteria that | |||
cannot be defined clearly is a strong indication that whatever is | cannot be defined clearly are a strong indication that whatever is | |||
being talked about is not suitable as a top-level type. | being talked about is not suitable as a top-level type. | |||
* Any RFC defining a new top-level type MUST clearly document the | * Any RFC defining a new top-level type MUST clearly document the | |||
security considerations applying to all or a significant subset of | security considerations applying to all or a significant subset of | |||
subtypes. | subtypes. | |||
* At a minimum, one subtype MUST be described. A top-level type | * At a minimum, one subtype MUST be described. A top-level type | |||
without any subtypes serves no purpose. Please note that the | without any subtypes serves no purpose. Please note that the | |||
'example' top-level describes the subtype 'example'. | 'example' top-level describes the subtype 'example'. | |||
skipping to change at line 229 ¶ | skipping to change at line 229 ¶ | |||
* A top-level type is not a pointer into another registration space | * A top-level type is not a pointer into another registration space | |||
that offers duplicate registrations for existing media types. | that offers duplicate registrations for existing media types. | |||
Example: a top-level type of 'oid', leading to types of the form | Example: a top-level type of 'oid', leading to types of the form | |||
oid/nnnnn, where nnn is an OID (Object Identifier) designating a | oid/nnnnn, where nnn is an OID (Object Identifier) designating a | |||
specific media format. | specific media format. | |||
* A top-level type MUST NOT be defined for the mapping of other | * A top-level type MUST NOT be defined for the mapping of other | |||
protocol elements to media types. For example, while there may be | protocol elements to media types. For example, while there may be | |||
some merit to a mapping from media types to URIs, e.g., in the | some merit to a mapping from media types to URIs, e.g., in the | |||
context of RDF (Resource Description Framework), there is very | context of RDF (Resource Description Framework) [RDF], there is | |||
limited merit in a reverse mapping, and even less merit in | very limited merit in a reverse mapping, and even less merit in | |||
creating a top-level type for such a mapping. The same applies to | creating a top-level type for such a mapping. The same applies to | |||
other protocol elements such as file extensions or URI schemes. | other protocol elements such as file extensions or URI schemes. | |||
If a mapping is needed, the recommended solution is to choose a | If a mapping is needed, the recommended solution is to choose a | |||
single type/subtype and put the additional information in an | single type/subtype and put the additional information in an | |||
appropriately named parameter. As an example, information on a | appropriately named parameter. As an example, information on a | |||
file extension '.dcat' can be encoded as 'application/octet- | file extension '.dcat' can be encoded as 'application/octet- | |||
string; filename=foo.dcat'. | string; filename=foo.dcat'. | |||
* Media types are not a general type system. A top-level type MUST | * Media types are not a general type system. A top-level type MUST | |||
NOT be defined if its main or only purpose is to map other type | NOT be defined if its main or only purpose is to map other type | |||
skipping to change at line 314 ¶ | skipping to change at line 314 ¶ | |||
were using in preference to official, registered types. | were using in preference to official, registered types. | |||
RFC 9695 [RFC9695] defines a new 'haptics' top-level type. RFC 9695 | RFC 9695 [RFC9695] defines a new 'haptics' top-level type. RFC 9695 | |||
and this document were developed in parallel, and RFC 9695 was used | and this document were developed in parallel, and RFC 9695 was used | |||
to cross-check the considerations and procedures defined in this | to cross-check the considerations and procedures defined in this | |||
document. | document. | |||
The "Chemical file format" Wikipedia page [CHEMICAL] reports the | The "Chemical file format" Wikipedia page [CHEMICAL] reports the | |||
unofficial use of a 'chemical' top-level type. This top-level type | unofficial use of a 'chemical' top-level type. This top-level type | |||
was proposed by Peter Murray-Rust and Henry Rzepa at a workshop at | was proposed by Peter Murray-Rust and Henry Rzepa at a workshop at | |||
the First WWW conference in May 1994 CHEMIME [CHEMIME]. It is in | the First WWW conference in May 1994 [CHEMIME]. It is in widespread | |||
widespread use but remains unregistered. | use but remains unregistered. | |||
Some Linux desktop logic uses what looks like a top-level type of 'x- | Some Linux desktop logic uses what looks like a top-level type of 'x- | |||
scheme-handler' to map URI schemes to applications. In addition, the | scheme-handler' to map URI schemes to applications. In addition, the | |||
type 'inode/directory' is used. However, this is a purely local, | type 'inode/directory' is used. However, this is a purely local, | |||
system-specific use, and is not intended for exchange. If exchange | system-specific use, and is not intended for exchange. If exchange | |||
or standardization are desired, a change from, for example, 'x- | or standardization are desired, different types (in all cases, | |||
scheme-handler/http' to something like 'application/scheme-handler; | properly registered) are strongly recommended. For example, 'x- | |||
scheme=http' or 'inode/directory' to 'multipart/inode-directory' or | scheme-handler/http' should be changed to something like | |||
'application/inode-directory (in all cases, properly registered) is | 'application/scheme-handler; scheme=http'. The type 'inode/ | |||
strongly recommended. | directory' should be changed to 'multipart/inode-directory' or | |||
'application/inode-directory. | ||||
The document currently defining the requirements for new top-level | The document that previously defined the requirements for new top- | |||
media types is RFC 6838 [RFC6838]. Of particular relevance to the | level media types was RFC 6838 [RFC6838]. Of particular relevance to | |||
work in this document are Sections 4.2.5 (Application Media Types) | the work in the current document are Sections 4.2.5 (Application | |||
and 4.2.7 (Additional Top-Level Types) of [RFC6838]. These two | Media Types) and 4.2.7 (Additional Top-Level Types) of [RFC6838]. | |||
sections are not strictly aligned, because the first says that | These two sections are not strictly aligned, because the first says | |||
anything that doesn't go under a more specific type can go under the | that anything that doesn't go under a more specific type can go under | |||
'application' top-level type, while the later section allows for new | the 'application' top-level type, while the later section allows for | |||
top-level types. | new top-level types. | |||
4. IANA Considerations | 4. IANA Considerations | |||
4.1. Registration of Top-level Media Types | 4.1. Registration of Top-level Media Types | |||
Registrations of new top-level types follow the "Standards Action" | Registrations of new top-level types follow the "Standards Action" | |||
policy (see Section 4.9 of RFC 8126 [RFC8126]). | policy (see Section 4.9 of RFC 8126 [RFC8126]). | |||
Registrations of new top-level types have to provide the name of the | Registrations of new top-level types have to provide the name of the | |||
top-level type, the defining specification (RFC, or the respective | top-level type, the defining specification (RFC, or the respective | |||
draft during the approval process), and, if applicable, some | draft during the approval process), and, if applicable, some | |||
comments. The defining specification has to contain an "IANA | comments. The defining specification has to contain an "IANA | |||
Considerations" section requesting addition to the registry of top- | Considerations" section requesting addition to the registry of top- | |||
level media types, and document security considerations for the top- | level media types, and has to document security considerations for | |||
level types they register. | the top-level type they register. | |||
The comments field is empty or contains short comments about the | The comments field is empty or contains short comments about the | |||
usage of the type. Comments can be added or updated by the experts | usage of the type. Comments can be added or updated by the experts | |||
for subtype registrations under the respective top-level type, and by | for subtype registrations under the respective top-level type, and by | |||
IANA itself. | IANA itself. | |||
There should be at least one subtype, except for registrations that | There should be at least one subtype, except for registrations that | |||
are for demonstration purposes only (e.g. the example top-level | are for demonstration purposes only (e.g. the example top-level | |||
type). | type). | |||
skipping to change at line 375 ¶ | skipping to change at line 376 ¶ | |||
to this registry from the "Media Types" | to this registry from the "Media Types" | |||
(https://www.iana.org/assignments/media-types) registry group. | (https://www.iana.org/assignments/media-types) registry group. | |||
For each top-level media type, the registry contains the name of the | For each top-level media type, the registry contains the name of the | |||
type, a pointer to the RFC defining the type, a pointer to IANA's | type, a pointer to the RFC defining the type, a pointer to IANA's | |||
registry of subtypes for that type, and a comment field. | registry of subtypes for that type, and a comment field. | |||
The initial state of the registry is as follows: | The initial state of the registry is as follows: | |||
+=============+==============+==============+===================+ | +=============+==============+==============+===================+ | |||
| name | Defining RFC | Registry of | Comments | | | Name | Defining RFC | Registry of | Comments | | |||
| | | Subtypes | | | | | | Subtypes | | | |||
+=============+==============+==============+===================+ | +=============+==============+==============+===================+ | |||
| application | [RFC2046] | [Application | - | | | application | [RFC2046] | [Application | - | | |||
| | | Media Types] | | | | | | Media Types] | | | |||
+-------------+--------------+--------------+-------------------+ | +-------------+--------------+--------------+-------------------+ | |||
| audio | [RFC2046] | [Audio Media | - | | | audio | [RFC2046] | [Audio Media | - | | |||
| | | Types] | | | | | | Types] | | | |||
+-------------+--------------+--------------+-------------------+ | +-------------+--------------+--------------+-------------------+ | |||
| example | [RFC4735] | [Example | no registrations, | | | example | [RFC4735] | [Example | no registrations, | | |||
| | | Media Types] | for examples only | | | | | Media Types] | for examples only | | |||
+-------------+--------------+--------------+-------------------+ | +-------------+--------------+--------------+-------------------+ | |||
| font | [RFC8081] | [Font Media | - | | | font | [RFC8081] | [Font Media | - | | |||
| | | Types] | | | | | | Types] | | | |||
+-------------+--------------+--------------+-------------------+ | +-------------+--------------+--------------+-------------------+ | |||
| haptics | [RFC9695] | [Haptics | - | | | haptics | [RFC9695] | [Haptics | - | | |||
| | [RFC9695] | Media Types] | | | | | | Media Types] | | | |||
+-------------+--------------+--------------+-------------------+ | +-------------+--------------+--------------+-------------------+ | |||
| image | [RFC2046] | [Image Media | - | | | image | [RFC2046] | [Image Media | - | | |||
| | | Types] | | | | | | Types] | | | |||
+-------------+--------------+--------------+-------------------+ | +-------------+--------------+--------------+-------------------+ | |||
| message | [RFC2046] | [Message | - | | | message | [RFC2046] | [Message | - | | |||
| | | Media Types] | | | | | | Media Types] | | | |||
+-------------+--------------+--------------+-------------------+ | +-------------+--------------+--------------+-------------------+ | |||
| model | [RFC2077] | [Model Media | - | | | model | [RFC2077] | [Model Media | - | | |||
| | | Types] | | | | | | Types] | | | |||
+-------------+--------------+--------------+-------------------+ | +-------------+--------------+--------------+-------------------+ | |||
skipping to change at line 436 ¶ | skipping to change at line 437 ¶ | |||
Continuous encouragement for writing this document came from Harald | Continuous encouragement for writing this document came from Harald | |||
Alvestrand. Further encouragement was provided by Murray | Alvestrand. Further encouragement was provided by Murray | |||
S. Kucherawy. Both Harald and Murray also provided ideas for actual | S. Kucherawy. Both Harald and Murray also provided ideas for actual | |||
text. Without them, this memo would never have reached even the | text. Without them, this memo would never have reached even the | |||
first draft stage. Alexey Melnikov provided the difficult to find | first draft stage. Alexey Melnikov provided the difficult to find | |||
pointer to RFC 2077 [RFC2077] and examples for applications | pointer to RFC 2077 [RFC2077] and examples for applications | |||
dispatching on top-level types. Additional information and comments | dispatching on top-level types. Additional information and comments | |||
were received from Chris Lilley, Graham Kline, Henry S. Rzepa, | were received from Chris Lilley, Graham Kline, Henry S. Rzepa, | |||
Francesca Palombini, Zaheduzzaman Sarker, Amanda Baber, Paul Wouters, | Francesca Palombini, Zaheduzzaman Sarker, Amanda Baber, Paul Wouters, | |||
Roman Danyliw, John Scudder, Radia Perlman, Lars Eggert, and Antoine | Roman Danyliw, John Scudder, Radia Perlman, Lars Eggert, and Antoine | |||
Fressancourt. Inspiration for negative criteria or examples were | Fressancourt. Inspiration for negative criteria or examples was | |||
provided by Phillip Hallam-Baker, Donald E. Eastlake 3rd, Petter | provided by Phillip Hallam-Baker, Donald E. Eastlake 3rd, Petter | |||
Reinholdtsen, and Christian Heller. | Reinholdtsen, and Christian Heller. | |||
References | References | |||
Normative References | Normative References | |||
[RFC2119] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate | [RFC2119] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate | |||
Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, | Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, | |||
DOI 10.17487/RFC2119, March 1997, | DOI 10.17487/RFC2119, March 1997, | |||
skipping to change at line 477 ¶ | skipping to change at line 478 ¶ | |||
index.php?title=Chemical_file_format&oldid=1235421631>. | index.php?title=Chemical_file_format&oldid=1235421631>. | |||
[CHEMIME] Rzepa, H.S., Murray-Rust, P., and B. Whitaker, "The | [CHEMIME] Rzepa, H.S., Murray-Rust, P., and B. Whitaker, "The | |||
Application of Chemical Multipurpose Internet Mail | Application of Chemical Multipurpose Internet Mail | |||
Extensions (Chemical MIME) Internet Standards to | Extensions (Chemical MIME) Internet Standards to | |||
Electronic Mail and World Wide Web Information Exchange", | Electronic Mail and World Wide Web Information Exchange", | |||
Journal of Chemical Information Computer Science, vol. 38, | Journal of Chemical Information Computer Science, vol. 38, | |||
no. 6, pp. 976-982, DOI 10.1021/ci9803233, 14 August 1998, | no. 6, pp. 976-982, DOI 10.1021/ci9803233, 14 August 1998, | |||
<https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/ci9803233>. | <https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/ci9803233>. | |||
[RDF] Cyganiak, R., Wood, D., and M. Lanthaler, "RDF 1.1 | ||||
Concepts and Abstract Syntax", W3C Recommendation, 25 | ||||
February 2014, | ||||
<http://www.w3.org/TR/2014/REC-rdf11-concepts-20140225/>. | ||||
[RFC1341] Borenstein, N. and N. Freed, "MIME (Multipurpose Internet | [RFC1341] Borenstein, N. and N. Freed, "MIME (Multipurpose Internet | |||
Mail Extensions): Mechanisms for Specifying and Describing | Mail Extensions): Mechanisms for Specifying and Describing | |||
the Format of Internet Message Bodies", RFC 1341, | the Format of Internet Message Bodies", RFC 1341, | |||
DOI 10.17487/RFC1341, June 1992, | DOI 10.17487/RFC1341, June 1992, | |||
<https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc1341>. | <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc1341>. | |||
[RFC1437] Borenstein, N. and M. Linimon, "The Extension of MIME | [RFC1437] Borenstein, N. and M. Linimon, "The Extension of MIME | |||
Content-Types to a New Medium", RFC 1437, | Content-Types to a New Medium", RFC 1437, | |||
DOI 10.17487/RFC1437, April 1993, | DOI 10.17487/RFC1437, April 1993, | |||
<https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc1437>. | <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc1437>. | |||
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