rfc9694v2.txt   rfc9694.txt 
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* The IANA Considerations section of an RFC defining a new top-level * The IANA Considerations section of an RFC defining a new top-level
type MUST request that IANA add this new top-level type to the type MUST request that IANA add this new top-level type to the
registry of top-level types. registry of top-level types.
* The criteria for what types do and do not fall under the new top- * The criteria for what types do and do not fall under the new top-
level type MUST be defined clearly. Clear criteria are expected level type MUST be defined clearly. Clear criteria are expected
to help expert reviewers evaluate whether or not a subtype belongs to help expert reviewers evaluate whether or not a subtype belongs
below the new type, and whether the registration template for a below the new type, and whether the registration template for a
subtype contains the appropriate information. Criteria that subtype contains the appropriate information. Criteria that
cannot be defined clearly is a strong indication that whatever is cannot be defined clearly are a strong indication that whatever is
being talked about is not suitable as a top-level type. being talked about is not suitable as a top-level type.
* Any RFC defining a new top-level type MUST clearly document the * Any RFC defining a new top-level type MUST clearly document the
security considerations applying to all or a significant subset of security considerations applying to all or a significant subset of
subtypes. subtypes.
* At a minimum, one subtype MUST be described. A top-level type * At a minimum, one subtype MUST be described. A top-level type
without any subtypes serves no purpose. Please note that the without any subtypes serves no purpose. Please note that the
'example' top-level describes the subtype 'example'. 'example' top-level describes the subtype 'example'.
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* A top-level type is not a pointer into another registration space * A top-level type is not a pointer into another registration space
that offers duplicate registrations for existing media types. that offers duplicate registrations for existing media types.
Example: a top-level type of 'oid', leading to types of the form Example: a top-level type of 'oid', leading to types of the form
oid/nnnnn, where nnn is an OID (Object Identifier) designating a oid/nnnnn, where nnn is an OID (Object Identifier) designating a
specific media format. specific media format.
* A top-level type MUST NOT be defined for the mapping of other * A top-level type MUST NOT be defined for the mapping of other
protocol elements to media types. For example, while there may be protocol elements to media types. For example, while there may be
some merit to a mapping from media types to URIs, e.g., in the some merit to a mapping from media types to URIs, e.g., in the
context of RDF (Resource Description Framework), there is very context of RDF (Resource Description Framework) [RDF], there is
limited merit in a reverse mapping, and even less merit in very limited merit in a reverse mapping, and even less merit in
creating a top-level type for such a mapping. The same applies to creating a top-level type for such a mapping. The same applies to
other protocol elements such as file extensions or URI schemes. other protocol elements such as file extensions or URI schemes.
If a mapping is needed, the recommended solution is to choose a If a mapping is needed, the recommended solution is to choose a
single type/subtype and put the additional information in an single type/subtype and put the additional information in an
appropriately named parameter. As an example, information on a appropriately named parameter. As an example, information on a
file extension '.dcat' can be encoded as 'application/octet- file extension '.dcat' can be encoded as 'application/octet-
string; filename=foo.dcat'. string; filename=foo.dcat'.
* Media types are not a general type system. A top-level type MUST * Media types are not a general type system. A top-level type MUST
NOT be defined if its main or only purpose is to map other type NOT be defined if its main or only purpose is to map other type
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were using in preference to official, registered types. were using in preference to official, registered types.
RFC 9695 [RFC9695] defines a new 'haptics' top-level type. RFC 9695 RFC 9695 [RFC9695] defines a new 'haptics' top-level type. RFC 9695
and this document were developed in parallel, and RFC 9695 was used and this document were developed in parallel, and RFC 9695 was used
to cross-check the considerations and procedures defined in this to cross-check the considerations and procedures defined in this
document. document.
The "Chemical file format" Wikipedia page [CHEMICAL] reports the The "Chemical file format" Wikipedia page [CHEMICAL] reports the
unofficial use of a 'chemical' top-level type. This top-level type unofficial use of a 'chemical' top-level type. This top-level type
was proposed by Peter Murray-Rust and Henry Rzepa at a workshop at was proposed by Peter Murray-Rust and Henry Rzepa at a workshop at
the First WWW conference in May 1994 CHEMIME [CHEMIME]. It is in the First WWW conference in May 1994 [CHEMIME]. It is in widespread
widespread use but remains unregistered. use but remains unregistered.
Some Linux desktop logic uses what looks like a top-level type of 'x- Some Linux desktop logic uses what looks like a top-level type of 'x-
scheme-handler' to map URI schemes to applications. In addition, the scheme-handler' to map URI schemes to applications. In addition, the
type 'inode/directory' is used. However, this is a purely local, type 'inode/directory' is used. However, this is a purely local,
system-specific use, and is not intended for exchange. If exchange system-specific use, and is not intended for exchange. If exchange
or standardization are desired, a change from, for example, 'x- or standardization are desired, different types (in all cases,
scheme-handler/http' to something like 'application/scheme-handler; properly registered) are strongly recommended. For example, 'x-
scheme=http' or 'inode/directory' to 'multipart/inode-directory' or scheme-handler/http' should be changed to something like
'application/inode-directory (in all cases, properly registered) is 'application/scheme-handler; scheme=http'. The type 'inode/
strongly recommended. directory' should be changed to 'multipart/inode-directory' or
The document currently defining the requirements for new top-level The document that previously defined the requirements for new top-
media types is RFC 6838 [RFC6838]. Of particular relevance to the level media types was RFC 6838 [RFC6838]. Of particular relevance to
work in this document are Sections 4.2.5 (Application Media Types) the work in the current document are Sections 4.2.5 (Application
and 4.2.7 (Additional Top-Level Types) of [RFC6838]. These two Media Types) and 4.2.7 (Additional Top-Level Types) of [RFC6838].
sections are not strictly aligned, because the first says that These two sections are not strictly aligned, because the first says
anything that doesn't go under a more specific type can go under the that anything that doesn't go under a more specific type can go under
'application' top-level type, while the later section allows for new the 'application' top-level type, while the later section allows for
top-level types. new top-level types.
4. IANA Considerations 4. IANA Considerations
4.1. Registration of Top-level Media Types 4.1. Registration of Top-level Media Types
Registrations of new top-level types follow the "Standards Action" Registrations of new top-level types follow the "Standards Action"
policy (see Section 4.9 of RFC 8126 [RFC8126]). policy (see Section 4.9 of RFC 8126 [RFC8126]).
Registrations of new top-level types have to provide the name of the Registrations of new top-level types have to provide the name of the
top-level type, the defining specification (RFC, or the respective top-level type, the defining specification (RFC, or the respective
draft during the approval process), and, if applicable, some draft during the approval process), and, if applicable, some
comments. The defining specification has to contain an "IANA comments. The defining specification has to contain an "IANA
Considerations" section requesting addition to the registry of top- Considerations" section requesting addition to the registry of top-
level media types, and document security considerations for the top- level media types, and has to document security considerations for
level types they register. the top-level type they register.
The comments field is empty or contains short comments about the The comments field is empty or contains short comments about the
usage of the type. Comments can be added or updated by the experts usage of the type. Comments can be added or updated by the experts
for subtype registrations under the respective top-level type, and by for subtype registrations under the respective top-level type, and by
IANA itself. IANA itself.
There should be at least one subtype, except for registrations that There should be at least one subtype, except for registrations that
are for demonstration purposes only (e.g. the example top-level are for demonstration purposes only (e.g. the example top-level
type). type).
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to this registry from the "Media Types" to this registry from the "Media Types"
(https://www.iana.org/assignments/media-types) registry group. (https://www.iana.org/assignments/media-types) registry group.
For each top-level media type, the registry contains the name of the For each top-level media type, the registry contains the name of the
type, a pointer to the RFC defining the type, a pointer to IANA's type, a pointer to the RFC defining the type, a pointer to IANA's
registry of subtypes for that type, and a comment field. registry of subtypes for that type, and a comment field.
The initial state of the registry is as follows: The initial state of the registry is as follows:
+=============+==============+==============+===================+ +=============+==============+==============+===================+
| name | Defining RFC | Registry of | Comments | | Name | Defining RFC | Registry of | Comments |
| | | Subtypes | | | | | Subtypes | |
+=============+==============+==============+===================+ +=============+==============+==============+===================+
| application | [RFC2046] | [Application | - | | application | [RFC2046] | [Application | - |
| | | Media Types] | | | | | Media Types] | |
+-------------+--------------+--------------+-------------------+ +-------------+--------------+--------------+-------------------+
| audio | [RFC2046] | [Audio Media | - | | audio | [RFC2046] | [Audio Media | - |
| | | Types] | | | | | Types] | |
+-------------+--------------+--------------+-------------------+ +-------------+--------------+--------------+-------------------+
| example | [RFC4735] | [Example | no registrations, | | example | [RFC4735] | [Example | no registrations, |
| | | Media Types] | for examples only | | | | Media Types] | for examples only |
+-------------+--------------+--------------+-------------------+ +-------------+--------------+--------------+-------------------+
| font | [RFC8081] | [Font Media | - | | font | [RFC8081] | [Font Media | - |
| | | Types] | | | | | Types] | |
+-------------+--------------+--------------+-------------------+ +-------------+--------------+--------------+-------------------+
| haptics | [RFC9695] | [Haptics | - | | haptics | [RFC9695] | [Haptics | - |
| | [RFC9695] | Media Types] | | | | | Media Types] | |
+-------------+--------------+--------------+-------------------+ +-------------+--------------+--------------+-------------------+
| image | [RFC2046] | [Image Media | - | | image | [RFC2046] | [Image Media | - |
| | | Types] | | | | | Types] | |
+-------------+--------------+--------------+-------------------+ +-------------+--------------+--------------+-------------------+
| message | [RFC2046] | [Message | - | | message | [RFC2046] | [Message | - |
| | | Media Types] | | | | | Media Types] | |
+-------------+--------------+--------------+-------------------+ +-------------+--------------+--------------+-------------------+
| model | [RFC2077] | [Model Media | - | | model | [RFC2077] | [Model Media | - |
| | | Types] | | | | | Types] | |
+-------------+--------------+--------------+-------------------+ +-------------+--------------+--------------+-------------------+
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Continuous encouragement for writing this document came from Harald Continuous encouragement for writing this document came from Harald
Alvestrand. Further encouragement was provided by Murray Alvestrand. Further encouragement was provided by Murray
S. Kucherawy. Both Harald and Murray also provided ideas for actual S. Kucherawy. Both Harald and Murray also provided ideas for actual
text. Without them, this memo would never have reached even the text. Without them, this memo would never have reached even the
first draft stage. Alexey Melnikov provided the difficult to find first draft stage. Alexey Melnikov provided the difficult to find
pointer to RFC 2077 [RFC2077] and examples for applications pointer to RFC 2077 [RFC2077] and examples for applications
dispatching on top-level types. Additional information and comments dispatching on top-level types. Additional information and comments
were received from Chris Lilley, Graham Kline, Henry S. Rzepa, were received from Chris Lilley, Graham Kline, Henry S. Rzepa,
Francesca Palombini, Zaheduzzaman Sarker, Amanda Baber, Paul Wouters, Francesca Palombini, Zaheduzzaman Sarker, Amanda Baber, Paul Wouters,
Roman Danyliw, John Scudder, Radia Perlman, Lars Eggert, and Antoine Roman Danyliw, John Scudder, Radia Perlman, Lars Eggert, and Antoine
Fressancourt. Inspiration for negative criteria or examples were Fressancourt. Inspiration for negative criteria or examples was
provided by Phillip Hallam-Baker, Donald E. Eastlake 3rd, Petter provided by Phillip Hallam-Baker, Donald E. Eastlake 3rd, Petter
Reinholdtsen, and Christian Heller. Reinholdtsen, and Christian Heller.
References References
Normative References Normative References
[RFC2119] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate [RFC2119] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119,
DOI 10.17487/RFC2119, March 1997, DOI 10.17487/RFC2119, March 1997,
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index.php?title=Chemical_file_format&oldid=1235421631>. index.php?title=Chemical_file_format&oldid=1235421631>.
[CHEMIME] Rzepa, H.S., Murray-Rust, P., and B. Whitaker, "The [CHEMIME] Rzepa, H.S., Murray-Rust, P., and B. Whitaker, "The
Application of Chemical Multipurpose Internet Mail Application of Chemical Multipurpose Internet Mail
Extensions (Chemical MIME) Internet Standards to Extensions (Chemical MIME) Internet Standards to
Electronic Mail and World Wide Web Information Exchange", Electronic Mail and World Wide Web Information Exchange",
Journal of Chemical Information Computer Science, vol. 38, Journal of Chemical Information Computer Science, vol. 38,
no. 6, pp. 976-982, DOI 10.1021/ci9803233, 14 August 1998, no. 6, pp. 976-982, DOI 10.1021/ci9803233, 14 August 1998,
<https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/ci9803233>. <https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/ci9803233>.
[RDF] Cyganiak, R., Wood, D., and M. Lanthaler, "RDF 1.1
Concepts and Abstract Syntax", W3C Recommendation, 25
February 2014,
[RFC1341] Borenstein, N. and N. Freed, "MIME (Multipurpose Internet [RFC1341] Borenstein, N. and N. Freed, "MIME (Multipurpose Internet
Mail Extensions): Mechanisms for Specifying and Describing Mail Extensions): Mechanisms for Specifying and Describing
the Format of Internet Message Bodies", RFC 1341, the Format of Internet Message Bodies", RFC 1341,
DOI 10.17487/RFC1341, June 1992, DOI 10.17487/RFC1341, June 1992,
<https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc1341>. <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc1341>.
[RFC1437] Borenstein, N. and M. Linimon, "The Extension of MIME [RFC1437] Borenstein, N. and M. Linimon, "The Extension of MIME
Content-Types to a New Medium", RFC 1437, Content-Types to a New Medium", RFC 1437,
DOI 10.17487/RFC1437, April 1993, DOI 10.17487/RFC1437, April 1993,
<https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc1437>. <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc1437>.
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