Aaron opened the meeting at 2:15PM on 3/28/00
Went over the agenda, with no comments.

Defered discussion of assymetric draft, since authors are 
not at this meeting

WG status:

-Submitted "Long Thin Networks" to IESG in October 99                
-Should submit PEP draft as informational to IESG by Nov 00
-ASYM document needs more discussion on the list 
  -Aaron: ASYM will go away if there is consensus that these         
   mechanisms are not needed                                       
-Should submit LINK draft to IESG by Nov 00
-SLOW and ERROR are expected to become BCPs during spring 2000,    
 now in last call                                                  

John Border gave the status on the PEP draft:

-The -01 draft missed the DC meeting deadline but was submitted after
 DC meeting. For the -00 we got valuable comments, but for -01 we    
 didn't get any commnets; maybe as a result of being late?           

-Looking for input in the following sections
        protocol booster mechanisims
        ACK filtering and regeneration
        Partial ACK mechanisims

-Some additional example environments where PEPs are in use may be  
 added, but only if they illustriate new types or mechanisms not    
 already covered                                                    

-Need help on completing the section on WAP                         

-Mainly looking for input on implications of using PEPS             
        End-to-end failure diagnostics
        Multi-homing environments
        QoS transparency
        Security implications

        Need further terminology refinment


??:  Can get more information on the WAP section from 
     the IAB worksop BOF and plenary WAP discussion

John?: Some problems between asym and pep draft as what happens 
       to ASYM is not known
John Border: Leave specific information in asym draft, if it 
             doesn't go away
Aaron Falk:  ASYM will go away if the mechanisims are not real and
             needed PEP document should only contain mechanisims 
             that are used or are going to be used, and not just 
             academic mechanisims

John Border: We have to draw the line somewhere

??:           Are web caches considered peps?
John Border:  There is a fine line to whether they are peps or not
Markku Kojo:  They are considered PEPs in this doc only when they are
              related to specific link characteristic(s), i.e. they  
              use some specific mechanisms to mitigate problems due  
              to link behavior                                       

Phil Karn gave the status on the link draft:

-Goal of document is to give advice to designers of subnetworks that 
 intend to carry IP

-Emphasis on end-to-end model, awareness of inter-layer interactions,
 and eliminating redundancy (between what IP already provides and what
 link designers are providing)

-01 draft submitted for nov99 IETF
        Changes include:  address delays, MTUs, error recovery, 
        connection-oriented subnetworks, framing, Bandwidth on Demand

-02 was submitted for this IETF        
        Reflects current versions of mailing list comments          
        Added congestion and flow control QoS, multicast, etc.

-Changes to the current draft (since -01)                           

        refinement of all sections esp those on impacts on net asym 
                -end to end philosophy                              
                -all sections related to fundamental link design    

        added sections
                -QoS management and flow control have some redundent
                 parts compression
        Sections needing work
                -QoS & Congestion Control
                -Delay and delay variance characteritics
                -routing & mobility     
                   (how much routing should IP provide and how much
                     should the subnetwork provide?)
                -multicast support
                -QoS management

        next steps 
                -revisit draft
                -seek advice and agree on end to end (QoS ?)       

Jamashid:  How much delay can a subnetwork add?  If many people 
           all take the same advice then the delay can addup
Phil Karn:  No one is adding gratituas delay; give us hooks to tell
            whether the pkt is delay sensitive

??:         Connection oriented subnetworks section is biased might
            want to look at MPLS (MPLS introduces some
            connection-orientinesh to nets)
Phil Karn:  The section advises one to avoid connection oriented
            subnetworks, some of these topics should be added to 
            congestion management section

Aaron Falk: This is a really important document, and now is the time
            to add new sections or add/correct current sections, 
            since the document is maturing
Phil Karn:  The more people that add to the document, the more 
            credibility it will have

Jamashid:   Is there some way to add a short summary of key points
Phil Karn:  Thinks this is a good idea, since some sections are long

??:         What about FDDI switches that fragment IP packets
Phil Karn:  Maybe add this as an example

Gabe Montenagro gave the status of the SLOW and ERROR drafts

-Most of the changes are cosmetic
-Changed from explicit corruption notification to explicit 
 transmission error notification in error draft
-New section were added in both drafts to separate:
        -recommended mechanisms
        -topics for further work
-Both drafts are currently in last call till april 7

-Issues with SLOW draft (as seen by the authors)
        -Need to redo receive and router buffer size example in
         section 2.3 and address the issues related to the router
         buffer size more clearly

        -Should we reccomend RED? (we think yes)
        -Should we recomment ECN?
        -Need to beef up MTU section, maybe steal some of link text

-Issues with ERROR draft (as seen by the authors)
        -Need editing on section 1.2 (relationship with LINK draft)
        -Section 2.2 on AIMD is not accurate
        -Section 2.2, why cwnd remains small:
          -#2 is inaccurate
          -#3 must be removed, cannot be generalised, applies
           LTNs only
        -Need to update section 4.0 
                -on SACK-EXT as it is no onger experimental
                -Delayed DUPACKs section needs clarification
-Some changes are desirable in both drafts
        Do we need a second last call?
        Aaron: if the changes are substantial


Phil Karn:  The wording may not carry over from link document, 
            since audiences are different (on whether duplicating
            text, using pointers to other pilc docs)

Aaron and John:  Said that we should make it clear that the topics
                 for further work in appendicies are not part of the
Gabe Montenagro: Maybe a paragraphs stating that the appencicies are 
                 not the emphasis of the document

Geoff Huston:  Should say active queue management is important and
               use RED as an example of this