TITLE: Escape to freedom NAME: Iacopo Mochi COUNTRY: Italy EMAIL: iacopo.mochi@tele2.it WEBPAGE: http://www.arcetri.astro.it/irlab/staff/staff.php TOPIC: From Rubbage Bin to Junkyard COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT. JPGFILE: escape.jpg ZIPFILE: escape.zip RENDERER USED: Povray 3.6 TOOLS USED: XnView to convert to jpeg Blender Blend2Pov RENDER TIME: ~40m HARDWARE USED: AMD Athlon 1.300 IMAGE DESCRIPTION: A paper men chain is trying to escape from the prison of the rubbish bin. The model depicts my own rubbish bin with most rubbish that, as usual, is out of it on the ground. The scattered items include a leaking bottle a paper-men chains and some fancy juice boxes. Flies soaring around complete the model. Thanks to Luca Gori, a collegue of mine, for the idea of the rubbish trying to escape from its prison. Should anyone be curious to zoom in on the ingredients tag on the "Blended Juice" boxes it reads something like that: "I have used ingredients you people wouldn't believe true. Icy vodka on fire from the Shoulder of Orion, and I mixed with juice of the limes glittering in the dark near Tannauser gates. And all these things will be lost in me like tears in the rain. Time to drink!" DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS IMAGE WAS CREATED: The model was composed with the usual Constructive Solid Geometry, but this time I decided to try Blender to make the paper men chains and the juice box. To render I chose an antialias treshold of 0.1 to reduce the aliasing effect on the borders of the parquet tiles.