TITLE: Trees NAME: J H COUNTRY: USA EMAIL: jhu@sdf.lonestar.org TOPIC: Light and Fog COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT. RENDERER USED: Povray 3.6 TOOLS USED: Poser 4, Poseray, Arbaro, GIMP, Make grass macro RENDER TIME: 10 Hours 50 Minutes (39057 seconds) HARDWARE USED: Semrpon 64 IMAGE DESCRIPTION: "Perhaps I should have brought a map or even a compass. I saw the Blair Witch Project and those idiots who got lost in the woods. But this place is brighter and more colorful. It can't be all bad. Oh hey, there's something moving off in the distance. What is that? Kind of looks like a white horse with...is that really a unicorn? Yeah, right. His ownver probably just strapped a cone on his head to deceive people, although I don't see a strap. And there's a well here. I almost feel like I'm in some sort of King's Quest game..." -J H's friend while tripping on natural substances DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS IMAGE WAS CREATED: This image wasn't really too difficult to make. Arbaro - This is a neat Java program that I used to make the trees in this image. They're all the same mesh tree placed with "while" loops. Gilles Tran's grass macro - Guess what I used this was for? Wrong! I used it to make the grass. Poser 4 - I used this to make the horse with the cone his head because we all know that unicorns don't exist. Poseray - I used this to turn the horse into a povray compatible mesh. Poor horse. GIMP - Used to make a jpeg image from the original png