EMAIL: NAME: Malte Marwedel TOPIC: Minimalism COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT. TITLE: Infinity COUNTRY: Germany WEBPAGE: Have one, but neither in English nor about raytracing RENDERER USED: POV-Ray 3.6.0 TOOLS USED: KPovModeler, GIMP RENDER TIME: 9 hours 46 minutes 0 seconds HARDWARE USED: Athlon XP 1800+ with 512MB RAM IMAGE DESCRIPTION: Well the image shows the extreme opposite of minimalism - the infinity. But the image consist only of extreme simple objects. Cubes with one single simple color, one light source and nothing else. So in this way it is minimalism. Imagine an universe which is perfect stable, consisting only of equal boxes in every direction and equal distance and orientation among each other. What a place! DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS IMAGE WAS CREATED: Some months before I tried to make a similar image (with alternating red and green boxes), by simply using three loops in another placing boxes at different X,Y,Z coordinates. But this method has a big disadvantage: Memory usage, since there were n³ boxes. So now for this image I tried an other way: First placing long (in the Z axis) boxes along the X and Y axis within an union. Then I did the same with the X and Z Axis, letting the boxes go deep into the Y Axis. Then both unions are placed in an intersection. So every time the long boxes overlap, a cube is generated. There should be 47*44*51 = 105468 cubes in the scene. It is like placing your hands in an angle of 90° over an other and every time a finger from the one hand touches a finger from the other hand a visible object is generated. So there is only the need of memory for 2*n² instead of n³ objects in the scene. The disadvantage is that this method is much slower. The classical problem, you have to choose between high memory or CPU usage. Oh and you need to move one union a little bit on the X Axis to prevent artifacts (black pixel), since otherwise POV-Ray could not decide on some surfaces which color from the two unions it should use. Finally I used GIMP to convert the output file into jpeg. The png file without the jpeg artifacts look much better. I've added the source so if you like, you can render it yourself. Thats it. I hope it is minimalism enough. *END OF FILE*