TITLE: Finis Terra NAME: Thomas de Groot COUNTRY: Netherlands EMAIL: t.degroot@inter.nl.net WEBPAGE: none TOPIC: Future COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT. JPGFILE: tdgfutur.jpg RENDERER USED: POV-Ray 3.5 TOOLS USED: Moray 3.5 RENDER TIME: 3.5 hours HARDWARE USED: Compaq Presario 7000T- Pentium III IMAGE DESCRIPTION: The place is Earth. The time is some seven billion years into the future. Internally, the Sun has exhausted its hydrogen and is in the process of switching to helium combustion. Externally, it is inflating to become a Red Giant. Flares tear through the cooler outer reaches of our star. Already Mercury, possibly Venus, have been engulfed. The Earth will follow soon, in a couple of million years. Is life still present on this hot, parched planet? Water is long gone. The atmosphere is thinner than Mars' today. I do not know what the shape there is... I know, however, that mankind has disappeared long, long ago. The Sun would be much to brilliant to be watched with naked eyes. Imagine the scene to be seen through a dark filter. DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS IMAGE WAS CREATED: The scene was entirely composed in Moray 3.5. The different heightfields used were made with Leveller 2.3. The strange shape was made with a macro by Micha Reiser. Media and Radiosity are responsible for the atmosphere. In particular, the Glow macro by Xemi Jendrix. A little lens flare accounts for the Sun's flare.