TITLE: Futurama NAME: Lutz Essers COUNTRY: Germany EMAIL: lutz.essers@web.de WEBPAGE: http://www.viadukt.de TOPIC: Future COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT. JPGFILE: Futurama.jpg ZIPFILE: RENDERER USED: POV-Ray 3.5 TOOLS USED: Digitized map for jupiter surface (see copyright information below), paint programm RENDER TIME: 18 h By the way: The picture was calculated during the night between 2003/2004 in Europe. In other parts of the earth it was already 2004, whereas somewhere else it was still 2003. I am comfused, was it in the past or future or what? What is future? ;-) HARDWARE USED: 700 MHz 384 Mb (plus 330 Mb memory on harddisk) IMAGE DESCRIPTION: Future is nothing special: Like seed are thrown away, humans will make jouneys to the unknown, they will modify there surrounding and they will degrade it. DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS IMAGE WAS CREATED: All objects were modeled in POV-Ray. Crater landscape: The shape of the crater landscape was defined as a heightfield by combinations of crater spline functions and crackle pattern functions. Separate heightfields were used for the flat area, the large surrounding crater and the mountains in the background. The textures and the way of using the trace function for setting some kinds of bushes were from one of Gilles Tran's makecloud files (http://www.oyonale.com, thanks for "Feel free to use and modify"). Small hills: The small hills in the foreground were made as isoface objects (function: f_rounded_box-f_granite). Sky: To get a natural shading of the planet a transparent plane was put between the planet an the farest mountains. Greenhouses: The greenhouses are some mathematical object, which made a lot of headache... The plant inside are some julia fractals. Highway: The "transrapid"-like railway tracks are defined as a flat sphere_sweep spline. The trains and columns were automatically positioned by using the same coordinates with a function spline it . Factory: It could be a factory or a mine (...where you can find Hydroxy- apatit, you remember the game 'Gruds in space'?). The tubes were made with a pipe making .inc-file once again from Gilles Trans. The waste water is a flat julia fractal. The kind of steam everywhere is made with interior and density defined spheres. Rest: All other objects made with simple constructive solid geometry. Further modification: Using paint program to tag the picture with copyright information and name. -------- Copyright information from "Visible Earth" for the used jupiter map: "Reproduction Guidelines/Copyright Unless otherwise noted, all images and animations made available through Visible Earth are generally not copyrighted. You may use NASA imagery, video and audio material for educational or informational purposes, including photo collections, textbooks, public exhibits, and Internet web pages. This general permission does not include the NASA insignia logo (the blue "meatball" insignia)." "For commercial use, the use of some images may require further coordination through a NASA corporate associate (for example, ORBIMAGE is the required contact for the commercial use of any SeaWiFS images). Images in Visible Earth that require further commercial permissions are so noted."