EMAIL: NAME: Martin Dickopp TOPIC: Architecture COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT. TITLE: Timbered House COUNTRY: Germany RENDERER USED: Blender 2.26 TOOLS USED: Gimp (image map/heightfield creation), cjpeg (Targa -> JPEG conversion) RENDER TIME: 7 minutes 45 seconds HARDWARE USED: Pentium PC, 166 MHz, 64 MB RAM running GNU/Linux IMAGE DESCRIPTION: A timbered house. I created this image to teach myself Blender. DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS IMAGE WAS CREATED: The house has been constructed of simple mesh objects, mostly cubes. I have used Blender's "number menu" a lot to place the cubes exactly at the coordinates where I wanted them to be. The hill is a mesh created from a heightfield. The red path in an image map. The grass is a static particle system. It is based on a duplicate of the hill with a higher number of vertices. Since the memory requirements for this object caused Blender to run significantly slower on my system, I removed some parts of the mesh which are behind the house from the camera's point of view. The flowers are exactly identical except for the color. They are composed of meshes, created by spending hours of manually moving lots of vertices around. :) I'm mostly dissatisfied with the windows. I wanted to use enironment maps for reflections, but I couldn't figure out how to set the texture coordinates so that the result isn't severely distorted. Finally I gave up and used a simple cloud texture.