TITLE: Sunrise at Annapurna NAME: Justin Smith COUNTRY: US EMAIL: t74bdg89@yahoo.com TOPIC: Spectacular Landscapes COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT. RENDERER USED: POV-Ray 3.5 RENDER TIME: about 2 days, 15 hours HARDWARE USED: Pentium 3, 450 mhz and AMD K6-2, 500 mhz IMAGE DESCRIPTION: This is my first entry to the competition, and I know it doesn't look like the real Annapurna at all. I began with the intention of creating "a mountain," and when I was done, Annapurna just came to mind. In addition to being my first entry, this is the first time I've tried to create a full scene, as opposed to an individual object. DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS IMAGE WAS CREATED: Since I have old processors, I had the P-3 (my brother's) rendering most of the scene, and tested out specific single objects on my AMD when I wasn't using it for other things. Although the final render listed is less than 3 days, my brother's computer has been rendering with only small breaks for about 3 weeks straight, until I finally got everything acceptable. The Pentium system ran the complete scene. Both mountains are composed of simple isosurfaces (paraboloids minus some granite noise), with a slope-based color pattern. The cloud layer is just fog, and could be better. The clouds and sky are all one plane object. There is also a jet plane in the sky, but it is fairly unrecognizable, and looks like an artifact or something else erroneous. I should say, I pretty much expect last place with this image, but that's not the point. I'm hoping for helpful suggestions so I can do better in future entries. I look forward to seeing what everyone else has accomplished.