TITLE: Winter in a room NAME: Cesare Viaggi COUNTRY: Italy EMAIL: ceggi@tiscalinet.it WEBPAGE: none TOPIC: Winter COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT. JPGFILE: wintroom.jpg ZIPFILE: none RENDERER USED: POV 3.5 RC2 TOOLS USED: Moray for Windows 3.3, Real 3D 3.5, 3DWin 4, Anim8or, Corel PhotoPaint 6-OEM, ACDSee, LithUNwrap RENDER TIME: about 9 hours HARDWARE USED: PIII 733MHz 512Mb IMAGE DESCRIPTION: I don't like the winter, i prefer the summer. The winter make me sad: the dampness, the cold, the bad weather... So i tried to make something which express this feeling, plaing mostly with the colors,the textures and the lighting. DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS IMAGE WAS CREATED: I used: Real 3D to model the chair, the soks, the scarf, the cap, the skis, the calendar, the shoes; Anim8or to model the jacket and the gloves; PhotoPaint to make the image-map textures; LithUNwrap and 3DWin 4 to uv-map and convert; Moray to model (CSG) the room, the coat stand, the wall-clock, the window, the thermometer, the radiator, the bench, the thermos, the book, and also to set the materials and the scene. There are two light in the scene: one outside which cast shadow is a orient-circular area-light, the other is a shadowless-dim-light inside the room to aid the radiosity lighting. Radiosity settings: normal on pretrace_end 0.004 brightness 2.1 count 300 error_bound 0.04 low_error_factor 0.5 gray_threshold 0.5 minimum_reuse 0.01 nearest_count 5 recursion_limit 1 Global settings: assumed_gamma 1.0 max_trace_level 15