TITLE: Curious World NAME: Joe Pieper COUNTRY: United States EMAIL: piebra7@navix.net WEBPAGE: Not Available TOPIC: Worlds within Worlds COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT. JPGFILE: rathole.jpg RENDERER USED: 3Ds Viz TOOLS USED: AutoCAD 2000, mesh, solids, extrude, AEC objects RENDER TIME: 15 seconds HARDWARE USED: Pentium 3, 733 MHZ IMAGE DESCRIPTION: My image is a render of a mouse in his home. He is sticking his head and eyes out into the little amount of light from the dark hole. There is cheese on the Kitchen table that catches his eye. He is curious of the world around him. Great Rendering! DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS IMAGE WAS CREATED: I started out with a kitchen. I added a little room or the mouse's home. I put a table in the middle of the room with nothing on it. It looks like a very quiet place. The idea of the face sticking out of the light I thought would be very cool. The mouse is looking at the cheese on a plate on the table.