EMAIL: NAME: ROUX Yves TOPIC: Warfare COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT. TITLE: Chess COUNTRY: FRANCE WEBPAGE: http// (en construction) RENDERER USED: BLENDER 2.14 TOOLS USED: Paint Shop Pro 6 for (gamma correction,copyright) Crossroads 3D v.1.0 for (imports models 3ds) Amorphium v 1.0 , Poser 4 . RENDER TIME: 0 h 30 min HARDWARE USED: CELERON 433 (256 MB) IMAGE DESCRIPTION: Hello has all P.S Excuse me please for the bad translation of the text. I think,speak about it same. I have try to illustrate,in manner software and symbolic system, without arriere pensee and while avoiding,I it espere,the bad taste, this sad event recent which is always of actualitee. Whith you to judge. My idea is as follows: The black bishop (in f5) takes the white rook (in h3). The white pawn (in g2) takes the black bishop (in h3). The black bishop (in f4) takes the rook white (in h2). The white king (in h1) takes the black bishop (in h2). The white king is not in position of failure since it does not have a direct risk of attacks,it has possibility with a loophole. The rook black (in h8) and blocked by the black pawn (in h5). The black pawn (in e4) can attack the white pawn (in f3) but it would be with are turn attacked by the white knight (in e1) on (f3). The white knight can also protect its king (in g2). DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS IMAGE WAS CREATED: I will be satisfied to explain you the scene of foregroud,in the event all that is in the perimeter of clearness of the image. Why? you will say to me. Because the decor,while it having returned voluntarily fuzzy and having become has my additional direction. Nevertheless the voters who would like technical explanations on the basic scene can send a mail to me,I will themselves a pleasure of answering them. This basic scene which has amalgamates has the scene of the chess-board and visible on my site web in the section (galerie)its title is (bienvenue)... While start by the parts of the chess-board. They are models 3ds converted with AMORRPHIUM v 1.0 into dxf then remodeles with BLENDER. The texture is made in procedurale with the mathematic function "magic" of BLENDER. The chess-board. A plane mesh cross-section subdivides 3 small times =8x8=64 mesh plane squares separate then texture in procedurale with the mathematic function "marble" of BLENDER. The formwork of the chess-board and constitutes of several meshs plane welds between them then texture in procedurale with the mathematic function "clouds" and "stucci" of BLENDER. The env mapping has applies to large a mesh plane squares place right with the plane top of the 64 others meshs squares. The env mapping is produced with a "empty" whose coordonnees have inversees compared to that of the camera. Characters. They have create in POSER 4,Backups in 3ds then export in dxf with CROSSROAD v 1.0 in BLENDER. Then they have put has the scale of the scene in BLENDER then textures in procedurale with the mathematic function "noise" of BLENDER. Lighting. 4 spots shadows and 10 lamps for the scene of the basic chess-board and that. To finish,it plug-in "ZBLUR" of STRUBI has uses to define a focal blur of the scene. There is not a post-processed. Good courage has all the voters.