TITLE: DBs_Fort NAME: David Bridge COUNTRY: USA EMAIL: davidbridge@msn.com WEBPAGE: N/A TOPIC: Fortress COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT. JPGFILE: dbs_fort.jpg ZIPFILE: dbs_fort.zip RENDERER USED: POV-Ray for Windows V3.01 TOOLS USED: Moray, for placement of objects. QBASIC, to generate 'The Grill'. Paintshop Pro, for image file conversion. RENDER TIME: 1 hr 40 secs. HARDWARE USED: AMD 900MHz, 128M RAM IMAGE DESCRIPTION: A corridor of cells DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS IMAGE WAS CREATED: I started off with something far more complex and far more time consuming and just when I had everything sorted in my mind I was called away by work! Was it ever so? On my return (one month later!) I was out of time and pushed to complete an image in time. So I came up with this. More floor tiles! (Am I becoming obsessed with tiles!?) - a little random movement so they're not too regular. The main structure is simply a merge of cylinders. I've been playing for some time with an image of a spider on a web and I drafted up some Qbasic code to generate a simple web - it's too regular to be realistic as a web but it's useful as a nice geometric structure and so became the 'bars' covering the entrance to each of the cells. There are a couple of lights in each side corridor with a random red/yellow/orange colour. They're slightly offset from each other which results in a nice effect in the shadows in the foreground. Add a little ground fog and that's about it.