EMAIL: NAME: Tom Melly TOPIC: Worship COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT. TITLE: Krishna COUNTRY: UK WEBPAGE: RENDERER USED: MEGAPOV 3.1g.wmp.0.6a (Win95) TOOLS USED: Poser3 (for figure), 3DWin (for figure conversion), UVMapper (for UVMap extraction), PSP7 (for UVMap colouring) RENDER TIME: 40 mins approx. HARDWARE USED: P90 (development), P3 (rendering) IMAGE DESCRIPTION: Krishna is one of the main Hindu gods (a tryptch v. similiar to the Son, the Father and the Holy Ghost with Krishna as the Son - sort of). Indian religious imagery is very flamboyant. This image is based on one at: (the exact source-image is also viewable at: ) DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS IMAGE WAS CREATED: The basic figure was posed and exported from Poser3, with the UV image-map painted in PSP. Apart from that, the scene is simple CSG and procedural textures - clothing, jewelery and props. Nothing clever about working out were to place things in relation to the figure, just a lot of trial and error. If you want to render the image, you must either leave commented out, or download and unzip the file at:, since the required mesh and image-map are not included. However, it renders okay without the figure, just, well, without the figure. As well as the normal undying pledge of reverence, gratitude and love (but not in an EVIL way) to the sacred creators of Pov and MegaPov, 3DWin and UVMapper, I would like to thank: Rune for his fur texture (slightly modified) ( and respectively) Gilles Tran (we are not worthy) for his ( and respectively) I have included the essential files from Gilles's maketree to allow the scene to be rendered, but if you are interested in using it in your own scenes, I strongly recommed picking up the full version from his site (I've used it very badly here, or at least inappropriately, hence the over-straight trunks).