EMAIL: NAME: Daniel Spitler TOPIC: Worship COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT. TITLE: Suck Up COUNTRY: USA WEBPAGE: {NONE} RENDERER USED: Povray v3.1 TOOLS USED: Moray v3.2, sPatch, and MSPaint. RENDER TIME: 30 minutes HARDWARE USED: AMD Athlon 850 IMAGE DESCRIPTION: The late night prayer of a IRTC renderer... DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS IMAGE WAS CREATED: When I first saw the topic I instantly thought of people worshiping computers or something of the sort, but then I thought of something better, an entry to suck up to the IRTC, so I came up with the picture of the basement computer altar. I first started by making the monitor, with basic rounded cubes. Next, I used sPatch to create the mouse and the candles. After that, I made the keyboard in Moray with its internal spline editors. Towards the end I added final touches like cables and smoke with plugins (SmokeGen, BSpline). Finally I used MSPaint to convert to JPEG and to add my title at the bottom. P.S. My very first entry! :-)