EMAIL: NAME: Pete Cotton TOPIC: Worship COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT. TITLE: Explorers Inc. COUNTRY: CANADA WEBPAGE: n/a RENDERER USED: Simply 3D 2 TOOLS USED: Poser RENDER TIME: 20 minutes HARDWARE USED: AMD K6-350 IMAGE DESCRIPTION: I was originally playing with shadows (which are pretty useless in Simply 3d), and the more I spent working on the image, the more I started tailoring it to fit the competition. I suppose for the next subject I should really learn how to use pov-ray, but Simply 3D is all I have at present, and it has to suffice. DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS IMAGE WAS CREATED: The two figures are from Poser. The spades and the hammer come from the Simply3d library. The rest I had to model. The hardest bit was the floor. The footprints and spade marks are bump maps, and the whole thing is distorted to show the sand gathering in the corners. Getting everything to match up the bumps and the distortion was a right pain, but I finally succeeded. The smoke from the torches caused me quite a bit of grief too, as Simply 3D really really wanted to put shadows in for it. All in all, it despite my previous comments, it was great fun. I'll be entering the next one for sure. Thanks, Pete