EMAIL: NAME: Francois Labreque TOPIC: Contrast COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT. TITLE: Standing up for what you beleive in COUNTRY: Canada WEBPAGE: None RENDERER USED: MegaPov 0.6a TOOLS USED: The GIMP RENDER TIME: 6h 49m 55s HARDWARE USED: AMD Athlon 650 MHz IMAGE DESCRIPTION: Man vs. Machine Civilian vs. Military David vs. Goliath Free will vs. Following orders Peaceful protest vs. Military violence Yin vs. Yang (of course!) etc... DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS IMAGE WAS CREATED: This is my rendition of the Associated Press photo that made headlines around the world during the crackdown on Tiananmen Square in June 1989. This image is 100% hand-crafted CSG - except for the street lines and the red stars on the tanks, which were done with the GIMP - based on pictures from the event and other pictures of the Chinese People's Revolutionary Army Type 80 tank. I had first tried to model it in Moray, but quickly reverted to the tried-and-true method of doodling on a pad of graph-paper and code-render-change-rerender. Special tanks, er.. thanks! to Linkmeister Ken Tyler and Marc Schimmler for providing links to the information used. Heartfelt thanks also go out to Nivek Ogre, cEVIN kEY and the late Dwayne R. Goettel for writing music that opened my eyes to what is wrong with the world and whose song "Tin Omen" provided the inspiration for this piece.