TITLE: Noblemans pastime NAME: Felix Cederling COUNTRY: Sweden EMAIL: felixce@hotmail.com WEBPAGE: - TOPIC: The Laboratory COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT. RENDERER USED: Pov-Ray 3.1 TOOLS USED: none RENDER TIME: 38 min 33 sek HARDWARE USED: pentium 166 MMX IMAGE DESCRIPTION: During the renaissance and barock (16th & 17th centuries) many noblemen practiced astronomy as a hobby. Many had luxurius villas or country palaces with large gardens. The relatively modern looking telescope (except for the silly looking measuring divice on the side) is actually from the period(1650). The object composed of golden circles on the table is a poular astronomical model frequently used during this period. The wider band represents the zodiac, remember astrology was taken much more seriusly in those days. The architecture is of course also from the period, the white building on the left a slightly enlarged and altered version of Jacopo Sansovinos venetian library. (See, a very strong and obvious connection to laboratorys and learning. ;) DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS IMAGE WAS CREATED: Most objects were modelled with the csg objects, except for the bushes and trees whitch were made with blobs & a lot of help from the random number generator. I didn't use modellers so the scene is divided into several smaller scenes, whitch in turn where broken into smaller scenes (etc etc) to become more manageble. Each individual scene is created with pencil and paper and then integrated into the final scene. (A "scene" here means a macro with several parameters) This method is perfect for controll freaks but it has its drawbacks, the 19 600 objects required a parse time of more than 2 min (2 min of thrashing harddrive, i hate that !) when the macros translated each other back and forh. Normally if less complex features where used 20 000 objects would only require somthing like 20 sec. I had also planned to use radiosity but the planning turned out to be bad so there was no time for that. (More accurately, modelling consumed all my time as usually) I dare not think about the rendering time on my computer.