EMAIL: NAME: Ian Witham TOPIC: Sea COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT. TITLE: Day After Day COUNTRY: New Zealand WEBPAGE: RENDERER USED: Megapov TOOLS USED: Oil and pastel on paper Scanner Paint shop pro 6 Megapov Adobe Photo-deluxe HARDWARE USED: Pentium III IMAGE DESCRIPTION: A ship, 3D yet 2D. The kind of image that has always been conjured in my head by the exerpt of Coleridge's Ancient Mariner which accompanies this image. DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS IMAGE WAS CREATED: Well I promised myself that I would finally submit an IRTC entry and I have. Unfortunately the topic didn't exactly lend itself to my current talents so I decided that doing something completely different was my best option. I feel that this is a valid exploration of what can be achieved artistically with POV, so hopefully my picture won't be judged too harshly!! There are 5 image maps for the sea, sky, and boat. Each of these uses the same image as a normal map to add some relief. There are also 8 material maps, 5 of which are 2 bit masks of the image maps plus 3 more for the text. No alpha channels here. The max trace level needed to be turned up to see through all of those invisible planes. I thought I was going mad when I added a text layer and the sky disappeared :-) I painted all of the components myself with oil paints and pastels.