EMAIL: NAME: Tom Melly TOPIC: Cities COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT. TITLE: City of the Balloon People COUNTRY: UK WEBPAGE: RENDERER USED: MEGAPOV 3.1g.wmp.0.4 (Win95) TOOLS USED: Leveller, PSP RENDER TIME: 5 hours, 12 mins, 39 secs HARDWARE USED: P100 64mb IMAGE DESCRIPTION: Winter is over, and the Balloonist's gather at their city to celebrate the coming of Spring. Or something. DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS IMAGE WAS CREATED: Some trace macros for positioning the snow in the foreground and the individual buildings of the city, with some help from Reorient macro. The buildings themselves are all csg. The far snow texture is handled with a slope texture map. The balloon is a distorted sphere, rotated, with an image map for the netting. The basket is woven splines. The smaller balloons are simpler versions of the same. The figure is generated with by Peter Houston,, The file is not included, so you will need to get hold of a copy from Peter's website if you want to render the full scene. The flags and mountains are hfs, created in Leveller. The sky and clouds a series of inverted spheres with maps applied.