EMAIL: NAME: Johannes Ewers TOPIC: ruins COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT. TITLE: 20th Century Ruin COUNTRY: Germany WEBPAGE: not yet RENDERER USED: povray 3.1 TOOLS USED: Moray 3.2, Photoshop 4 used for gamma correction and hightfields RENDER TIME: 21 min HARDWARE USED: Celeron 433, 128 MB IMAGE DESCRIPTION: Every century leaves its ruins behind. The biggest ruins of the last century are oil drilling platforms in the open sea. Unfortunately , you need a ship or sailing boat to visit these ruins. DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS IMAGE WAS CREATED: All modeling was done with Moray 3.2. The tool was especially useful for handling complex, hierarchical structured objects. Highly recommended! The sea surface uses a hightfield as basis. The hightfield construction (Photoshop) started with a strip pattern. Several distortion filters (and a lot of experiments) were used to create a wave like structure. It is still a long way to realistic waves! The lens flare effect was created with the include file of Nathan Kopp.