TITLE: "The Standup Horror" NAME: Devon Zachary COUNTRY: Canada EMAIL: z_devon@hotmail.com TOPIC: Horror COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT. RENDERER USED: 3DS MAX 1.2 RENDER TIME: 5 min HARDWARE USED: AMD K62 350 IMAGE DESCRIPTION: As I walked into the alien bar, I noticed a standup comedian was trying to entertain the crowd. "Grrlp Nuz Gboober" Oh No! Not the Gboober joke AGAIN.... with horror you realize that he intends to go on all night... quick! Someone give him the hook! DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS IMAGE WAS CREATED: This image was created in MAX 1.2 (oooh... old) I used box modelling and meshsmooth to make the "Org" (the comedian). The motion blur on the hook was, of course, standard MAX motion blur. The great brick wall texture was made by crossfading to picture of bricks in different light. I used a grayscale, and then modified it a bit to make the bump map. The microphone is a simple cylinder and a black sphere, and the hook is a cylinder with 42 height segments that I mucked around with using edit mesh. All the textures on the org are procedural.