EMAIL: NAME: Robert J Becraft TOPIC: Landmarks COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT. TITLE: "The Globe Theatre" COUNTRY: USA WEBPAGE: <-- AD&D world <-- POV Main-Street w/ link to Cities Galleries RENDERER USED: POV for Windows 3.12 TOOLS USED: POV, Windows Paint, I_View32 RENDER TIME: about 45 minutes, 55 meg of memory HARDWARE USED: IBM 750 laptop, 128meg ram IMAGE DESCRIPTION: "The Globe Theatre" is a replica based on internet documentation on the original Shakespearian Globe Theatre built in London. Much of the internet documentation includes replicas of this theatre that are built around the world. Now there is another replica in the virtual world we all know as POV. The model is complete from the inside out and there are a variety of views commented out in the source that one can render to see this building in its entirety. Due to time constraints, this version of the model does not include the cupula on the top of the stage area. DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS IMAGE WAS CREATED: The building was first researched on the internet. All dimensions are as close to the originals as possible making this a scale model as well. Each of the seating areas have a 7 degree slice on each side. Setting this angle and then getting all the peices to fit together properlly when rotated around the 100 foot center was the hardest part of building this model. Once all the sections were sized properlly, the different bays could be created with different purposes to each. You will find the first three bays off of the stage to its right and left have what are called the "Gentlemen's Rooms" on the second floor. These rooms were special and had chairs for the patrons to sit in. There are four bay types. The Back Stage area is a mostly empty shell that completes the rotation of the outer wall. There is a left stair bay and a right stair bay. The final bay is a door bay with an entry hall and partial stairs on both sides. All of these sections were placed according to the plans found at various sites on the internet documenting possible and replicas of the Globe Theatre. Once all the parts of the bays were created, it was just a matter of going back in and adding more and more details. The stage was created in the same fasion and then placed into the final picture. Lighting was a major issue. You will find a variety of lights that are placed in the code. There are also flags at the top of the source to turn these on and off depending on the effects you want and the amount of time you want to wait for the render. More lights require more time. I chose a lighting scheme that shows off the model the best and didn't use the lighting scheme I felt was closest to "opening night" levels with candlelight level lighting. The model becomes very dark but is very realistic looking. To see this level of lighting, comment out the first light statement under the camera definition. Windows Paint was used to add the copyright. Iview32 was used to convert the .bmp file to .jpg.