TITLE: Mind Travel NAME: Geoffroy GRIMM COUNTRY: France EMAIL: grimmg@hotmail.com WEBPAGE: http://www.ifrance.com/advl/abn/grimm/default.htm TOPIC: Unbelievable COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT. RENDERER USED: Truespace 3 TOOLS USED: Psp, Vistapro, Truespace RENDER TIME: ? HARDWARE USED: K6 200 IMAGE DESCRIPTION: Why Mind Travel ? My cousin Gorget is a painter and one of his paint inspired me. It's not exactly the same thing. I add the planets and some effects. It seem to me to be a personal point of view. A Mystic space with a odd flying town in it. I like to see this image... I can't explain in English sorry ;) I can't say I worked on it for the Unbelievable topic but I made it some days ago and I like it ! DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS IMAGE WAS CREATED: First I Made the ship. There is no particularity. I assembled some cube with cone. But I tried to make a texture with many contrast to simulate the different construction of the Ship. I used the Bump parameter for this effect. I downloaded the textures planete from some one Web Site (Which one ?? Don't know) and I worked on the bump map to. i made a vistapro landscape I export in 3DS format for TS. I apply some bump map. I tried to keep the same colors for the entire image. It keep a special 'atmosphere'. The hardest thing was the 'clouds'. It's not what i wanted to do. I wanted something blur, and other lightning effect but it's for the next time. I think if I work to much on a image, this image would never be better.