EMAIL: NAME: Matthias M. Giwer TOPIC: History COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT. TITLE: You ARE history COUNTRY: USA WEBPAGE: RENDERER USED: POV-Ray 3.1e TOOLS USED: Photoshop for license plate height field and JPEG conversion RENDER TIME: 2hr18m @1280x1024 (required, see below) HARDWARE USED: PII/333 128Meg IMAGE DESCRIPTION: The last image ever seen. The nightmare of every tired driver. DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS IMAGE WAS CREATED: I suggest this for best in the class of the most off-topic while fitting the contest subject name into the title. The fog does more than its share to cover up the imperfections in the image. The guiding image came from the website of the Peterbilt company. Their designers should not be too much after my scalp for the liberties I took with the proportions. The key to this image is the use of lights. Every light you see and reflections on the truck bumper come from light sources. They are the only ones in the scene. Method of generating them is in the source code. There are no other lights in the scene. The higher rendering resolution was required to prevent POV from ignoring the smaller parts of the grillwork. These were preserved in the size change by PS.