EMAIL: NAME: Sergei Shuvalkin TOPIC: First Encounter COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT. TITLE: Violet Sunset COUNTRY: Russia WEBPAGE: none RENDERER USED: POV-Ray 3.1a TOOLS USED: sPatch 1.5, SpilinEditor 1.2, Paint Shop Pro 4.12 RENDER TIME: 4h 33m 18s HARDWARE USED: Pentium-233, 32M IMAGE DESCRIPTION: An Astronaut is being eaten by an Insect-aboriginal. Sometimes first encounters can be rather unsuccessful! DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS IMAGE WAS CREATED: My initial idea was to depict a frendly meeting of human and alien, but after a few days of hard work I had realized that I should have no time to create an acceptable model of a man... And I have fed him to the alien. All objects in the scene are CSG except Insect's head/body, which are made of bicubic patches. Trees and feelers are build from SOR elements using the #macro feature. Insect's eyes are also macros. Text objects - cour.ttf. The scene (tree macros) is very memory consuming (requires about 64M), however it is rendered rather quickly. Time for parse: 40-50 min.