NAME:Agustin J. Garzon TOPIC:Night COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT. TITLE: "Enmity?" in spanish "Enemistad?" WEBPAGE: Here is a gallery with most my work, add the url of your page! COUNTRY:Argentina RENDERER USED: 3DStudio v4 TOOLS USED: Lens-flare ipas for 3dsv4, meshpaint for painting the 3D models. RENDER TIME: 7 minutes 23 seconds. HARDWARE USED:A p133 with 32mb ram IMAGE DESCRIPTION: A crazy winged monster is shooting a fire-ball to a poor little and scared green alien, in the middle of a strange "night". Why that enmity between the same kind of races? Well, a brief description: left- a monster with wings, with a hand raised and a fire ball on the top, his head is a skull, his body isn't defined in this world, it's just another of my creatures. right- a little alien more human like, that's why he's damned to die in front of a stronger specimen, what a BRAIN! the scenary... well... hmm... dark... blody clouds in the background, a burning moon, it's in the open air, I thought that adding more details should turn the scene heavy to the sight. DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS IMAGE WAS CREATED: I used to use layer compositions in the same 3DStudio, but this time it wasn't necessary, the monsters (the little and the body of the big) were created with blob techniques, not blobsculptor! spheres joined togheter and then smoothed, when I need precise shapes, the blobs aren't the best way, the skull was a real achievement, in the image is small but it's really detailed. I painted the textures and bumps with a plug-in called meshpaint, small maps (512x512) for the different parts (legs, skull, wings, lunar surface, etc.). I modeled the objects in that position, they don't have bones so they aren't animatable (yet!). The scene has a complex ilumination, each light (there are 11) has its specific function, not more, not less, lights are attenuated and excluded from the improper objects, shadow maps are of 1200 pixels, the shadow of the monster with the fire ball is of less resolution, this way, the shadow become blurred. The grass isn't complex, I used a plug-in for 3DSv4 to make the fire ball, the glow of the skull's eyes and the burning moon, with this plugin you build a small sphere with radial colors and then you apply to it a fractal of opacity that gives to that sphere strange shapes, in the image you can see a couple of secondaries coming from the fire ball, they were built inside 3ds with the same plugin to make the fire ball, you can add as many secondaries (the small circles that a strong light produces in the lens of the camera) as you want. Finally, I added a general ilumination to all the scene to make it more visible, the image loss its suspense, this problem should be fixed If I animate the entire scene with camera movements that describe the monsters in the middle of dark lights. To summ up, it's impressive all the work that's behind each of the images submited to the Internet RayTracing Competition, to achieve a final result that's single and easy to understand to a viewer's eyes. TECH INFO: Objects: 48 Faces: 54854 Lights: 11 Swap file: 53 mb