EMAIL: or NAME: Isaiah Eyre TOPIC: Night COPYRIGHT: Copyright 1998 Isaiah Eyre TITLE: Moonlit Bedroom COUNTRY: USA WEBPAGE: or RENDERER USED: Ray Dream Studio 4.1 TOOLS USED: Ray Dream Studio 4.1, Paint Shop Pro 5 RENDER TIME: 1 hour and 3 minutes HARDWARE USED: 486/DX2 66MHz, 20MB RAM, 540MB HDD IMAGE DESCRIPTION: Obviously, this is a bedroom with moonlight shining in the window. It reminds me somewhat of my own room, with books scattered around, and dishes on my desk. I think the blanket is one of the most lifelike features in the picture because it is wrinkled and has a "blanket-typical" pattern on it. There are many extra details which cannot be seen in the image including a mattress, a light bulb, a pillow, and a decorative endpiece at the head of the bed. There is also a permanent marker next to the open book on the desk, but it can hardly be seen. DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS IMAGE WAS CREATED: First I created the bed using Ray Dream Studio's free form modeler to make each piece. After that, I made the dresser, the wall with the window, the opposite wall, and the floor. Then I created some curtains and placed a spotlight outside the window so that it shined into the room. Just to be sure that it would look like night time, I set the ambient light to be black, and very dark. I also placed a dim blue bulb light in the middle of the room to simulate the moonlight a little better. After I rendered it once, I decided it needed more detail, so I added the desk, the lamp, the dishes, the books, the outlet, the radio, and the pen. I still wish I had put a chair by the desk, but the picture was almost getting too big of a file size to work with anymore.(That's the computer's fault - it's too slow!) Then I added a dim white bulb light and placed it down near the outlet so it would show up better and more detailed than it would if I had left it in the dark. It may surprise you to know that I didn't use any texture maps. After waiting about an hour for it to render, I opened it in Paint Shop Pro 5 and fixed a few things. The first thing I fixed was the carpet. Previously, it did not look like it had any fibers and threads sticking up against the walls and the sides of the desk, so I drew some in with the paint tool. Then I realized that there was no visible beam of light outside the window, so I used the darkening tool to darken the part that wasn't supposed to look like moonlight. Then I added a few stars outside the window and adjusted the lighting with the gamma correction tool so it would look slightly darker. And that's it!