EMAIL: NAME: Robert Lowell TOPIC: Childhood COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT. TITLE: Poor Abused Child. COUNTRY: USA WEBPAGE: None RENDERER USED: RayDream 4 TOOLS USED: RENDER TIME: 3 hrs + HARDWARE USED: Pentium-166 64MEG IMAGE DESCRIPTION: We had just got a new house. My parents took all my stuff to the new house and unpacked everything so it looked nice and neat to them. My problem is that I can just about reach the forth drawer of a five drawer burau. I WANT MY TOYS. DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS IMAGE WAS CREATED: This was a first attempt to produce something that looked like what I wanted from RayDream. The ceiling tiles were made from two cubes. the back one is bigger and flatter and has the dark texture to simulate the frame in a hung ceiling The chest was made of individual pieces. The camera is at about eye level for a todler. The cars are models that came with the raytracer The wabbit was modeled in the freeform editor Source code is not being provided this time becuase the zipped file is 1.5 meg