TITLE: The RayDREAM-Temple NAME: Enno Cramer COUNTRY: Germany EMAIL: EtMotRDT@aol.com WEBPAGE: http://www.hh.schule.de/g14/kollegium/enno TOPIC: Magic COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT. JPGFILE: ectempel.jpg ZIPFILE: ectempel.zip RENDERER USED: POV-Ray 3.0 TOOLS USED: Moray 2.5 RENDER TIME: about 70h HARDWARE USED: Pentium 100 IMAGE DESCRIPTION: The new RayDREAM-Temple. I got the idea for this picture from my homepage, named "The RayDREAM-Temple". DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS IMAGE WAS CREATED: I used only basic 3D-objekts + Sweeps to model the room. I have not used any Imagemaps to get nice Textures, only mathematic textures. I spent the most time to get the lightning look acceptabel, because I wanted the room to be dark but also I wanted all objects to be visible.