EMAIL: NAME: Stefan Olausson TOPIC: Physics & Math COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT. TITLE: Shuttles COUNTRY: Sweden WEBPAGE: Sorry RENDERER USED: PovRay 3 TOOLS USED: PovRay only--All hand coded RENDER TIME: 13hrs? -- went to bed :) HARDWARE USED: Pentium 150MHz/64MB IMAGE DESCRIPTION: Post card from a cool place, far away... Technically, the most interesting features were 1) to create something that resembled the surface of a celestial body, using only the inherit random functions of PovRay--no imported bitmaps, fractal generators, etc--and 2) getting the lanterns to look like small, light emitting objects (yes--PovRay, of course, knows about light sources, but that won't do when you want an emitting object in the middle of the picture; light sources only give reflected light). DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS IMAGE WAS CREATED: Clouds done with the "halo" feature of PovRay3. Sky is a distant plane with 99.9% black, 0.1% White random pattern. Surface of celestial body obtained by imposing exactly the same random pattern on the color map, as on the normal function. "Vehicles" composed of standard geometrical objects. Turquoise "rear lights" are emitting light sources. Red lanterns are small spheres with high ambience.