TITLE: Kepler NAME: Steve Sloan II EMAIL: sloan@geosim.msfc.nasa.gov WEBPAGE: http://mars.cs.uah.edu/cs/students/ssloan TOPIC: Math and Physics COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT. JPGFILE: Kepler.jpg ZIPFILE: Kepler.zip RENDERER USED: Povray v3.01 TOOLS USED: Calculus book, scratch paper. RENDER TIME: about 10 minutes HARDWARE USED: SGI Indy 2 Workstation IMAGE DESCRIPTION: In 1609, Johannes Kepler published a book entitled ASTRONOMIA NOVA (NEW ASTRONOMY). In it, he described the first two of his three laws of planetary motion. (The third came later.) First Law: A planet moves in an elliptical orbit, with the sun at one focus Second Law: A planet sweeps out equal areas in equal times Third Law: P^2 = a^3, or the period (time to go around the sun) cubed = the maximum width of its orbit cubed This image illustrates the three laws. It shows a planet at two points in its elliptical orbit. The two green sectors attached to the planet illustrate the Second Law, because they represent the areas swept out in a set time. Note that the planet closer to the sun sweeps out a sector with a far wider angle than the sector of the planet farther from the sun. The Third Law is represented by its equation. (Sources: ASIMOV's CHRONOLOGY OF SCIENCE & DISCOVERY, for the publishing date, and COSMOS by Carl Sagan for description and illustration of the laws) DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS IMAGE WAS CREATED: I modelled this entirely by hand. I searched through my calculus book for a simple formula to tell me the area of a sector taken from an ellipse, given the angle it covers... but there isn't one! Apparently, you have to use numerical methods (that is, split a sector into a bunch of little triangles, then add up their areas.) I used a POV "#while" loop to add up the area of one sector, given its angle. I then added up little triangles in the other "#while" loop until the second sector's area was approximately the same area as the first sector. To create the planet, I borrowed "PlanetH1.pov" from the demo files that came with POV, and edited it into "Planet.inc", a little include file anyone can borrow, which creates the object "planet" with a radius of 1, so you can scale it to any size you want. The sun is defined in an include file I created, called "Sun.inc". To make the sunspots, I used a leopard pigment map of a leopard color map. Sunspots tend to group together in little clusters, so each cluster is a large leopard "spot." The area outside the spots is plain yellow. The leopard "spots" contain a leopard color map, and that's the actual sunspot pattern. The sun itself is a "looks_like" light source. I surrounded it with a corona and solar flares made from two halos (pulled almost straight from the POV documentation). The orbit is a torus, scaled to be elliptical. The sectors are created from a hollow plane (that took me a while to figure out, by the way) "clipped_by" a wedge created by "Sector.inc". Just give Sector.inc a start and end angle, and a wedge height, and it will create a wedge you can use to clip a sector. The starfield background is borrowed from a standard starfield in Stars.inc, which comes with POV. The formula is a basic text object, with two additional smaller text objects (the exponents.) I set it to be its own light source, using "ambient 0.5." This suggests that math is abstract, so it does not need light from the sun to be seen. (Kinda pretentious, ain't it?) The entire scene itself can be changed with a few modifications to some constants. I suggest changing "a" (the major axis length), "e" (the eccentricity of the orbit), the position angles of the two planets, and the total area swept out by the first planet.