Email: Name: Hot Rod Topic: Glass Copyright: I submit to the standard Raytracing Competition Copyright. Title: Tri-Ball Country: USA Webpage: none Renderer Used: Povray for Windows Tools Used: Corel 5 Render Time: 10 minutes Hardware Used: Pentium 100 Image Description: Three differently colored glass balls all touching at the origin hovering above a glass plane with a starry background complimented with blue swirls. Description Of How This Image Was Created: I used a basic geometric formula to figure the centers of the spheres so that they would meet in the middle. I added filters, reflections, and phongs to highlight the spheres and the plane to create a glass-like appearance. I placed a light source in each of the spheres to create a glowing effect. The background was created with a skysphere statement with bozo statement to create the swirls.