NAME: MaryAnn Mandell TOPIC: Glass COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT. TITLE: Still Life with Jelly (stillife) COUNTRY: USA WEBPAGE: under construction RENDERER USED: POVRay 3.01 for windows TOOLS USED: Moray, POVPAD, Nathan Kopp's Lens Flare Plugin and Terrain Maker RENDER TIME: 3 days 20 hours HARDWARE USED: Pentium 100 IMAGE DESCRIPTION: "Oh, hi! Come see what I have done. While I was making dinner, I put the Jello mold, auntie's mint jelly and the aspic out on the counter. They looked so wonderful with the colors, reflections and shadows that I just had to stop cooking and do a still life. Isn't it exciting!" "What's for dinner? Well, I'll have to make ... reservations!" (Sorry about that dumb joke, but I couldn't resist) DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS IMAGE WAS CREATED: I used Moray to model everything; lots of csg merges and differences. I was able to multi-task the test renders by using POV for windows for long renders and POV for Dos for quick ones. The aspic, which is traditionally served in small blocks, is made from three height fields and the top of the mint jelly is also a height field. Getting the textures and the lighting right took a long time. All the textures were created using Moray's texture editor. The marble is similar to one that I have. The mint jelly is a layered texture that simulates the bits of mint that is found in good mint jelly. The texture of the aspic is due to some trial and error and the interplay of light on the positions of the height fields. The lighting is colored and positioned to create shadows and the faked caustics. I modified the lens Flare Plug in to create points of light that showed up in the real thing but not in the render. I would like to thank Nathan Kopp for his Lens Flare Plug in which can be found at (DO NOT use the one in my .zip file. It has been modified.) and Charles Fusner who put his Caustics tutorial on the web before it became part of the POVRAY Docs