TITLE: HGLASS2 NAME: Patrick LeBlanc COUNTRY: Canada EMAIL: 6pgl@qlink.queensu.ca WEBPAGE: http://qlink.queensu.ca/~6pgl TOPIC: Glass COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT. JPGFILE: hglass2.jpg ZIPFILE: hglass2.zip RENDERER USED: POVRAY 3.01 for Windows TOOLS USED: Moray 2.5 RENDER TIME: approximately 6 hours HARDWARE USED: P60 running Win95 IMAGE DESCRIPTION: An hourglass designed for a friend who recently wrote a poem with hourglass imagery. When she suggested the idea, I thought hmmmm, sounds like a challenge... DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS IMAGE WAS CREATED: This image was modelled using Moray. The glass and the sand are both done with rotational sweeps. The most difficult part was all the test rendering and fidgeting I needed to do in order to get the sand looking more or less like real sand. Patrick L.