EMAIL: NAME: Karl Manning TOPIC: Science Fiction COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT. RENDERER USED: POVRAY Dos v 2.2 TOOLS USED: Lots of graph paper. Paintshop Pro to convert to jpg RENDER TIME: 8 hours (about) HARDWARE USED: 486 75mhz IMAGE DESCRIPTION: I thought this theme was rather difficult to do anything original with as ray tracers lend themselves to alien/robot/spacehip forms. I was originally going to do a band performing on stage, but I wasn't very happy with it. I was discussing it with a friend, when he said you don't see aliens doing "normal" things like their laundry, the washing up or getting stuck in traffic jams. The last one appealed to me and several sketches later traffic was born. DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS IMAGE WAS CREATED: This was done slightly differently from my normal raytracing. A rough sketch was made (this is normal enough) but I then traced it on to graph paper and used that to generate the coords. It means that all the objects in picture have not been scaled (except for one of the ufos where I couldnt count the squares properly!) and have just been placed in the picture. All coordinates were worked out by hand, including bezier patches This could be sub-titled "an exercise in boxes and blobs"! All the aliens are blobs and all the buildings are based on boxes The "classic" flying saucer is made up of a few cones and spheres The red and blue "sportster" ufos are made of some squashed toruses and bezier patches. The yellow bus is a cylinder diff'd with several boxes to give the cut out for the windows. The passengers on board are two of the original aliens I created for the band. It seemed a shame to waste them ! The buildings are made of various boxes either diff'd or intersected together. Most had a crand texture added to them, although this seems to has been lost somewhat by the anti-aliasing. The glass used through out was based on the standard glass texture. However when I was just using the Glass texture, several things became apparent. First the images were distorted. Secondly, you couldnt see the glass. Third the colours were not correct. The first was caused by having a high reflective index. A sphere is a solid (unlike a cone/cylinder which could be hollow) and so an object inside a sphere was greatly magnified. Got rid of refractive index value problem solved The second and third problems were solved by using a very light gray colour and a high filter value. Gray doesnt distort the colours as green does, and it allowed you to see the canopies. I welcome any comments Karl Manning 16/10/96