TITLE: The End of SUZ-4N2 NAME: Sharp Hall COUNTRY: United States EMAIL: sharp@ccil.org WEBPAGE: http://sharph.net/suz-4n2 TOPIC: The End of..... COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT. RENDERER USED: Blender TOOLS USED: Blender, mpeg2encode, gimp, cinelerra, BlenderWebRender HARDWARE USED: 3 computers, ~250mhz, ~500mhz, ~1ghz VIEWING RECOMMENDATIONS: Fullscreen ANIMATION DESCRIPTION: This animation shows what it feels like for old technoligy to be replaced with new technoligy. DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS ANIMATION WAS CREATED: Blender for all stuff 3-D. gimp was used to make titles for the movie, and also for the boxes. Cinelerra was used to edit the whole thing together. I also made a tool, BlenderWebRender, to split up the rendering to different computers. (I would also like to add as a side note, that I am within the MPEG file limit by 398 bytes :)