EMAIL: NAME: Mike Norton & Willem-Paul van Overbruggen TOPIC: Robot COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT. TITLE: Revenge COUNTRY: USA/Netherlands WEBPAGE: RENDERER USED: Blender 3D Vs 1.72 TOOLS USED: avi2mpg, Fireworks 3 for the poster CREATION TIME: Render 10 hours (motion blur) total around 1 week HARDWARE USED: Dual 400 Mhz celeron, with 128K ram. TNT2 Ultra video VIEWING RECOMMENDATIONS: Windows Media Player ANIMATION DESCRIPTION: ***NOTICE*** This is a parody and is not meant to hurt or offend anyone. Please forgive me first if I have upset or angered anyone. "Wow, we knew we made it when Weird Al made a parody of our song!" Ok, this animation deals with revenge. I will not mention any names as you can figure it out. I think. I hope. DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS ANIMATION WAS CREATED: This animation was done completly in Blender. No outside software was used, including the final animation editing. Blender has a built in sequencer with fades and plugins. The spider was the first object created. It was fairly simple and was actually fun. The hardest part was IKA'ing the spider so it could walk. The set was created and then lit by Willem, the master of lighting. Man he's good. We started trying to use radiosity but the meshes got too large too fast. So we went with a lighting mechanism that fakes it out. Each scene was placed into its own scene in blender and then set up with the sequencer to render as one avi. Then ran it thorough avi2mpg and voila. Here it the finished product. I am including the source on my web site at if you would like to take a look at it. You can get Blender at And for those in the know, there were no C-Key functions used in this aninmation. It was done completely with all features in the completely free version.