EMAIL: NAME: Greg M. Johnson TOPIC: Animations COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT. TITLE: Pteranodon Races COUNTRY: USA WEBPAGE: (not updated in a while, spending too much time on this.) RENDERER USED: Superpatch POV for 3.1a TOOLS USED: sPatch to model pteranodons; John VanSickle's reorient macro; a sky pattern inspired by Ken; algorithms inspired by Craig Reynolds; CorelPhotoPaint7 to make poster, MainActor to make movie. CREATION TIME: About 8 hours HARDWARE USED: 450 MHz Pentium II Aptiva VIEWING RECOMMENDATIONS: ANIMATION DESCRIPTION: Pretty simple thematically. Hope you enjoy it. DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS ANIMATION WAS CREATED: I further improved upon my flocking algorithm. I modified it to give less pitch, which may be more realistic for flying vertebrates. I made the sPatch model in pieces so that the wing can bend as it flaps.