EMAIL: NAME: Greg M. Johnson TOPIC: Animations COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT. TITLE: Giraffe Races COUNTRY: USA WEBPAGE: (not updated in a while, spending too much time on this.) RENDERER USED: Hash Animation Master 99. TOOLS USED: CorelPhotoPaint7 to make poster, Main Actor to make movie. CREATION TIME: Render time is 1 h 35 m; weeks to learn software; about three days setting up final animation. HARDWARE USED: 450 MHz Pentium II Aptiva VIEWING RECOMMENDATIONS: ANIMATION DESCRIPTION: Pretty simple thematically. Hope you enjoy it. DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS ANIMATION WAS CREATED: Everything in here was created from scratch by my own hand from splines. I must disclose that I was guided in the creation of a giraffe by a tutorial in the book that comes with the software. I only followed the tutorial in the creation of the spline-based model. It was great fun to learn and since I spent most of the past two months mastering the software, I'm sorry I don't have much of a story to tell you. I was pleasantly surprised to get this far before the deadline.