EMAIL: NAME:Chris Bunker TOPIC: horror COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT. TITLE: runnning man COUNTRY: uk WEBPAGE: N/A RENDERER USED: Lightwave (run off Zip disk) TOOLS USED: Photoshop RENDER TIME: 1 minute 22 seconds HARDWARE USED: Powermac G3 300mhz (at Uni) IMAGE DESCRIPTION: What is he running from ? DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS IMAGE WAS CREATED: This image was created by playing around in lightwave that I have just "aquired" (yes I know software piracy is evil and will be the end of civilisation as we know it, but how else are immpoverised students, without the time to learn how to program POV, to get software when its priced so bloody high ?) . The figgure is in 17th centuray costume becouse thats what I was working on at the time I heard of the topic . He was boned and set into possition, then everything else built around him .