NAME:Mikael Kinnunen TOPIC:Imaginary Worlds COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT. TITLE:Atomic Singularity Portal COUNTRY:Canada WEBPAGE: RENDERER USED:PovRay 3.02, PovRay 3.1 TOOLS USED:Rhino, Photoshop 5, Kais Powertools RENDER TIME:5hrs 40min 05sec HARDWARE USED:PII400 64ram IMAGE DESCRIPTION: Human kind has discovered a new means of travel. The concept was simple create a fold in space to take an object from one point to another in no time. Scientists worked like mad to create the technology and it was dubbed the ASP device, the Atmoic Singularity Portal. The term was derived from the technology used, a small black hole, the size of an atom creating the gravity required for space travel. Word had it that an alien race much like our own was existing in another solar system but to get there would take many millenia. A fleet was sanctioned to lead in the invitational party. Armed to the teeth in weaponry, the voyeurs of man-kind were ready, and so was the Portal. The time came and the fleet docked in front of the portal awaiting activation. A blast of energy, a shock wave of power and they were gone. Communication was lost at that point, just as the scientists predicted but the fearless group marched forth, into the world within their own. They saw something of a dust ahead. Like a sand storm on the horizon. It was so far away. The dust grew closer and closer. By that point it was too late. The swarm had engulfed the entire worm hole. The team attempted to fly back. They turned their ships around and hit full thrusters. The lead ship failed to turn quick enough and in no time was torn apart by the organisms. They seemed to eat right through the hulls of ships as if their teeth were titanium. No one survived that expedition. Not one ship returned. Since the night of that dream I've had a totally new outlook on the world. It's because of that dream that I can never finish development on the ASP device, this gate way to an Imaginary World. DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS IMAGE WAS CREATED: Mix the following ingredients: 1 Cup of PovRay 3.02 1 Cup of PovRay 3.1 a teaspoon of Kais Powertools A Hint of Photoshop 5 and a dash of Rhino. Place in a bowl, stir and chill. Enjoy :) I started this venture armed solely with Pov3.02 as I despised the new Media fuctions of 3.1. I modeled the Ships after Voyager and the Defiant and the aliens after the Zerg. As you can see I had a lot of influence from Star Trek and Starcraft for this design :) During a boring Comp Programming class I dl'd pov3.1 onto my Jaz at school and begun to play with the media functions of 3.1. I was impressed and that night I spent a good 5 hrs converting my code. At the same time I also managed to bring a 3day render down to only a few hours... The actual modelling was all done in PovRay. (I despise modellers too :) guess I'll have to pick up Moray during my Programming Exam :) The ship was just a bunch of basic shapes. The aliens were a little more fun. To get the curvature on their bodies I made several loop statements to slowly translate and rotate cylinders to form one complete object. Their tails were the same with a small sin-wave thrown in for god measure. After picking up the Feb issue of MaximumPC I noticed a dmeo version of Rhino and inside the mag a short tutorial on how to make a tunnel. I installed the demo, made the tunnel and imported it into my scene to give it a little more bumpy feel. The texture on the tunnel is a fractal pattern I made at school during a boring Computer Graphics class using Kai's Powertools. All of the image_maps were created at school in Photoshop 5. I then made all of the explosions, flares and effects in custom media statements (custom meaning I copied code from the Help file and modified it) I began working on this in eary January and think I could've had another month or so to finish it but distractions (Tribes, Brood Wars, Half-Life, need I go on?) kept me from working 24/7. Hope you enjoy the image and if you have any questions as to how I did anything, feel free to give me a shout at