TITLE: Grand Canyon NAME: Marco Bucci COUNTRY: Canada EMAIL: bucci@worldy.com WEBPAGE: http://www.worldy.com/~bucci/ongame.htm TOPIC: ELEMENTS COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT. JPGFILE: grandcan.jpg RENDERER USED: trueSpace 3.1 TOOLS USED: trueSpace 3.1 TRIAL, landmaker, seamless textures you can REALLY use CD by Marlin Studios. RENDER TIME: 10 hours 22 mins HARDWARE USED: Pentium 200 IMAGE DESCRIPTION: I always loved the grand canyon, and I always wanted to do a scene in 3D from it so I did. It's of a view of part of the canyon with a telescope in the foreground and cliffs in the background. DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS IMAGE WAS CREATED: All the mountains in the image were created with the land maker plug-in. Photoshop was used to do the grayscales. The mountain which you are "standing" on in the image was created by . He gave me all permission to use it in my image (ask him if you don't beleive me). That's about it. No special techniques were used in this image creation.