EMAIL: NAME: Jim Varner TOPIC: Science Fiction COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT. RENDERER USED: 3DStudio MAX TOOLS USED: None RENDER TIME: ~15 minutes per frame HARDWARE USED: Pentium 90 mhz w/ 32mb IMAGE DESCRIPTION: An imperial Star Destroyer on station in a distant Solar Sytem. DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS IMAGE WAS CREATED: This scene was entirely rendered in one pass, with no layering of objects. This scene is part of an animated cutscene that was rendered in 320x240. The stars and nebula were hand drawn in photoshop, and used as a static backdrop. The planet is actually composed of three meshes. One for ground, atmosphere and clouds respectively. The earthlike terrain was created in Vista Pro 3, and then mapped onto the "ground" sphere. The clouds were taken from a satellite image of the earth and used as an opacity map. The Star Destroyer is a very heavily modified version of the one found on Harry Chang's web site at The tie fighters were also created by Harry Chang. The only post render editing was to alter the size of the image, convert the bmp to *.jpg, and add the homepage text in the corner. It is interesting to note that I had to use the "Shadow Maps" render option, because after 8 hours of rendering time, I had only completed a small portion of the frame with the "ray-traced" shadows option. Thank You Jim V