EMAIL: NAME: James W. Williams TOPIC: Science Fiction COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT. RENDERER USED: Larry Gritz's BMRT 2.3.3 TOOLS USED: custom software to generate RIB files. RENDER TIME: 5:22:31 HARDWARE USED: Pentium Overdrive 83MHz, in a 486VLB board, 48MB RAM IMAGE DESCRIPTION: This view of Larry Niven's Ringworld displays the surface of the Ringworld in daylight and in the artificial night created by the Shadow Squares, not visible in this view. DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS IMAGE WAS CREATED: This image is a study in procedural textures. fBm noise was used to create the Ring surface textures and the star patterns. The soft shadows were created by using area lights for the Sun. The Sun is divided into six pieces to make this work correctly. There is very little geometry in the scene. Only the cylinder of the Ring and the sphere for the stars are visible, although there is other geometry not visible in this scene, such as the shadow squares and the sun.