EMAIL: NAME: Rod Phillips TOPIC: science-fiction COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT. RENDERER USED: Caligari trueSpace2 TOOLS USED: Corel Photo-Paint 5 RENDER TIME: app. 30 minutes HARDWARE USED: P166 w/ 32 megs RAM, 2 meg video card, Win95 IMAGE DESCRIPTION: The star-freighter Anthar Traverse rockets away from the planet Caladaan seeking freedom and fortune in a galaxy far, far away... DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS IMAGE WAS CREATED: The spaceship was modeled in trueSpace2, and textured with image maps I created in Corel Photo-Paint 5. I made 2 copies of the maps after I decided on the look I liked; the first copy was used as the "bump" map, the second was detailed further in CPP5 (rust and dirt smears, flaky paint, etc.) and used as the texture map (this was how I got the "paneled" look on the hull). The "engine glow" effect was accomplished by placing a flat round, transparent plane (mapped with a gradient image placed at the plane's center) behind each of the drive pylons. A small light was placed near each one to further accentuate the effect (all this because trueSpace2 does not do "glow" or "flare" effects). The large blue planet is a sphere mapped with a "procedural marble" texture with vein colors set to blue and a yellowish color. A second, slightly larger partially transparent sphere forms the "cloud cover" on the blue planet. It was also textured with procedural marble, this time with the vein colors set to a transparent white and total transparency. The reddish-orange planet is another sphere simply mapped with (again) a procedural marble texture (vein colors red and bright orange). The small moon is another sphere bump mapped with an inverted orange peel texture. The lovely nebula in the background is a flat, transparent plane mapped with (surprise!) the ever-versatile procedural marble texture, this time with the vein colors set to total transparency and a soft magenta color. The starfield is simply an image I created in CPP5. To cut down on rendering time, I rendered the planets, nebula and starfield first (render time: about 10 minutes). I then used this as a background image when I rendered the spaceship.