Image:		SjG_temple.JPG

Background:	Entry for the October 1995 Internet Raytrace Competition

Render time: 	800x600 with 2x oversample anti-aliasing
		3 hours 45 minutes using Strata Studio Pro 1.5.2 on
		on a PowerMac 8100/80 with 64 Meg of memory.

Legal:		Created by Samuel J. Goldstein.
		This file is Copyright (C) 1995. All rights reserved. You may
		use the source file to create the scene or use the components
		in your own scenes, with or without modifications, freely
		for NON-COMMERCIAL purposes. Please send me a copy of any
		scene (other than the original) that incorporates any
		significant part of this file.

		Commercial users please contact me for terms of use or
		information about my art services.

		I can be reached at:
		4227 Sunnyside Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90066-5609

I'm getting ready for a 3-month journey through Thailand, Nepal, India, Egypt, Israel, and
Jordan.  My thoughts on architecture have been effected accordingly...

This one's a ruined temple. It's not based on anything real, other than architectural
elements (stupas and dagabas) from Khmer and ancient Thai structures. The trees are
supposed to be deodars, which flourish here in California, but originate in the Himalayas.

All scene objects and textures are original.

Source is 1.3MB, and requires Strata Studio Pro to read (rumor has it that Strata 3D will
also work fine). I'd be happy to send the source to anyone who's interested.
Email me for arrangements.