Name: Jamie McCarter 511 Hibiscus Avenue London, Ontario, Canada N6H 3P2 I would love to answer any questions you might have concerning this image and the process through which I arrived at it. Filename: DrgnRmPv.Jpg 800x600. Rendering time on my 486dx2-66 was, well, I really don't know. Due to the other games on my system, others in my household continuously cancelled the render part way. I believe it to be somewhere around 25 to 35 hours. Animating this thing is going to be horrific! Anyone have an ONYX I could borrow? The other include files that I didn't upload are just plain bezier objects and textures, nothing of really great interest. Scale: Sort of 1 foot = 1 unit. The camera is situated at 6 feet, as though one were actually looking through the eyes of the warrior. What it is: The idea for the image came from having played fantasy role playing games on my computer, but primarily inspired by the works of J.R.R. Tolkien, Robert Jordan, and George Lucas. Programs Used: I used Moray for moulding each individual bezier objects then I used a ordinary text editor for touching up and placing each. I mainly used a simple text editor for manually creating most of the objects. For the textures I used DeluxePaint II for creating and touching up the image maps, Graphics Workshop for Windows for converting my file formats, ColourRender for the specular highlights, Windows for rendering in the background (so I could do homework as well), Piclab for the odd job, and Deskscan (someone else has the scanner, I just borrow the use of it) for scanning in the image maps. And of course my Windsor Newtons watercolours and Staedtler watercolour pencils for creating the dragon's skin. How I Created it: I just used graph paper for most of it, Moray for interactively pushing and pulling the bezier splines, and lots of time. I created the dragon with it's components separately in separate files so that I could easily exclude certain ones for test renders. I also created all of the dragon objects using variables for the rotation values so that I could have each dragon with it's mouth open differently, tongue differently aimed and head and neck rotate differently. I did this by basically creating hierarchial control points that when rotated would affect the objects attached to it. I also can have now an animation where the dragon twists its neck and wiggles its tongue, etc... I did this by having several recursive unions of the objects each with a rotate value and then a translate value for each. So that the rotate value rotated everything above it in the unions and then the translate value lifted everything up to the top of the object beneath it. The Story so Far: The battle hardened hero opened the door slowly. Strewn behind him was a myriad of victorious battles with Orcs and Trolls. He had overcome great obstacles to finally arrive at this, the last hindrance blocking his way to glorious victory. Yet, opening the door to the Hydra's chamber revealed a surprise: this Hydra was over twenty feet tall. He unsheathed his sturdy sword, and gasped. From the carnage scattered across the floor it was obvious that this dragon had eaten better warriors than he. It would be near impossible for him to best such a creature. However, this quester had a single advantage. He reached down, and deftly keyed in the cheat code from the hint book he had purchased but an hour ago. The dragon, understanding what was occurring, screeched in terror. It flailed it's head about and fire burst forth, but it was no match for the hero, and his code. The dragon was bested with ease, the land saved for eternity, and the hero went back to his algebra geometry.