    _    __      _     <>_   __      _     ||
   /\\    |\    /||    ||   /  `    /\\    || Amiga Update -News and Rumors
  /__\\   | \  / ||    ||  || ___  /__\\   ||(A Very Occasional Newsletter)
 /    \\_ |  \/  ||_  _||_  \__// /    \\_ ||
            BACK FOR THE FUTURE            ||
    AMIGA and the Amiga logo are trademarks of Amiga Technolgies, GmbH
         O F F I C I A L   W O R D   F R O M   V I S C O R P 
        &   M O R E   O N   T H E   V I S C O R P   S T A F F
       D R A C O   -   T H E   A M I G A   C O M P A T I B L E 

          A M I G A   C O N V E N T I O N   I N   J A P A N 

        R E B I R T H   O F   W O N D E R   C O M P U T E R S 

 VIScorp has now issued a statement on the buyout of Amiga Technologies. We
carry their press release below and follow it up with more information
about their staff. It's all very interesting and bound to become more so as
time passes. At this point, there's still no announced plan from VIScorp.
The press release sheds some light on why, and what VIScorp is thinking. 
We'll continue to keep you posted as we learn more. We do anticipate 
newsletters becomming more "occasional" again, now that things are 
settling down some, but we won't let anything significant slip by.
 Were you aware that the Amiga is NOT the only computer that runs AmigaOS?
You were if you're a long time reader of "AmigaUpdate" or European Amiga
magazines. The "other" Amiga is the DraCo, a German creation designed
specifically for video work, especially non-linear editing. Draco is also a
complete Amiga except for the custom chips. Graphics is handled through an
AGA compatible graphics board.  We haven't heard much from DraCo recently
but the product and American distributor Draco Systems have apparently just
become a presence on the Internet.  We bring you the spec sheet for DraCo
from their new site, which proves the DraCo is still with us. We find that
very pleasing.
 Prowling the net we turned up an announcement of an upcoming Amiga
convention, in Japan. While we have a real yen to attend that one (boo,
hiss) we doubt we'll be able to make it. If you find yourself in Japan
later this month, check it out. We especially like their theme of "Amiga -
the last hobby computer" though we suspect the Linux folk might argue that
point. If you get there, please explain to us the reference to the dog.
 Many Amigans remember the Canadian company "Wonder Computers".  The
company had gone into bankruptcy but has now returned from the grave.
Where have we heard that before?
 Enjoy the issue!

VIScorp - Memo - 19APR96



    Permission Granted to Distribute without Alteration


    The Phoenix Strategy

Much has been said and written about the recent announcement of the 
signing of <I>a letter of understanding between VIScorp
and Escom AG Germany.  In addition, VIScorp has received hundreds of 
telephone, fax and Email communications requesting information as to 
the status of the deal and our plans for the Amiga.  We are providing 
this posting to inform those interested in the knowing about the current 
arrangements -- and will provide additional information as the they 

VIScorp is currently conducting a thorough due diligence assessment 
of Escom's Amiga holdings.  This process is painstaking and extremely 
time consuming; however, without full disclosure, no satisfactory deal 
can be concluded.

Due to the letter of understanding, VIScorp is restricted from 
releasing information relating to the negotiations until they are 
completed.  Until such time, Amiga remains the asset of Amiga 
Technologies/Escom and all inquires relating to current Amiga
operations should be directed to 
Amiga Technologies/Escom.

VIScorp currently holds a license to the Amiga OS and chip sets and 
is developing a family of TV-based products that utilize the Amiga's 
unique functionalities.

Many of VIScorp's senior management have previously worked for 
Commodore and have a thorough knowledge of the Amiga.

Our intent to purchase the Amiga comes out of (i) an appreciation of 
the core technology and its importance to VIScorp's long-term business 
development and (ii) a belief that the Amiga can -- like the Phoenix -- 
rise from the ashes and become a profitable technology for the future.

Over the coming days and weeks we anticipate to see a flood a 
mis-statements in the press, on the Net and via voice communications -- 
some will be made out of ignorance, others out of malice.

We will do our best to keep the Amiga community regularly informed.

We have received hundreds of messages and anticipate many more to be 
received until final resolution of formal negotiations is completed.  
While we are making every effort to do so, please excuse us if we do 
not respond to your individual message.

David Rosen

Vice President, Business Development

April 19, 1996

{Following is a list of some VIScorp Engineering Team members with
Amiga related experience, as spotted in a note from Carl Sassenrath dated
14 April. Brad}

  Don Gilbreath - VP - Yes, CDTV HW, Commodore for ten years.
  Steve Kreckman - Director of HW - Commodore, consulting engr.
  Carl Sassenrath - Director of SW - Orig Amiga Team, CDTV SW, Apple, HP, etc.
  Jim Goodnow - Senior SW Engr - Creator of MANX C, Zardoz, Videostream, etc.


        E - L E T T E R S   T O   T H E   E - D I T O R 

 We don't expect this to become a regular feature and in fact take care of
most of our correspondence one on one. However, something contained in a
recent letter from a reader was a very good suggestion:

>... BTW, do you have a web page or FTP site or some 
>such for posting the back-issues of your newsletter?  Just a thought...
>Thanks again.

 We didn't have such a site but we do after receiving that note.  You can
find all the "AmigaUpdate" issues we still have copies of on line as of
this last weekend.  We're still working on the site, but you can download
what's there so far.  Using a web browser, go to site
http://www.globaldialog.com/AdventureCentral and use the link to
AmigaUpdate.  The files are also available via ftp.  Use anonymous
ftp to site ftp.globaldialog.com then directory pub/amiga-update-archive.  
All newsletters are listed by date of issue in our standard yymmdd format. 
Over time we hope to add guides making it easier to find specific items 
from past issues.
 Keep in mind that this newsletter grew out of private correspondence from
me to other Amiga users.  As such, the first "issues" are more like letters
and in fact many are now missing.  What we still have are now available to 
you, along with all recent issues. Brad.

      I N F O R M A T I O N   O N   T H E   D R A C O   S Y S T E M  

About DraCo Systems, Inc.
DraCo, The Nonlinear Workstation
DraCo Systems
3591 Nyland Way
Lafayette, CO 
Phone:> 303.499.1975
Fax: 303.499.1979
Technical Support: 303.447.8126
Email: draco-info@draco.com

DraCo Systems, Inc. is a division of Micro Reps, Incorporated, a 
12-year-old international marketing and distribution firm. DraCo Systems 
began distributing the award-winning line of MacroSystem products out of 
Germany in June of 1994.

DraCo Systems, Inc. provides innovative, creative, affordable, and practical
tools for the digital video market. 

DraCo Product Specifications

DraCo, The Nonlinear Workstation

Audio Inputs/Outputs: RCA are standard, Optional XLR 
Audio Hardware: DAT quality stereo audio 
Digital Audio Sampling: 16 bits/48kHz 
Video Inputs/Outputs: Composite, S-Video are standard 
Optional Component, Uncompressed Digital, 
Compressed Digital (Firewire DV Standard)
Compression Algorithm: Motion JPEG 
Compression Range: Selectable from 2:1 - 50:1
Maximum Data Rate: 10 MB per second with SCSI II 
Graphics Modes: From 320 x 240 to 1600 x 992 
Video Standard:> NTSC or PAL 
Image Resolution: CCIR 601 standard 720 x 480 

MovieShop: Sophisticated, easy-to-use and powerful package
Near Real-Time DVE's: Optional DEC Alpha Co-Processor for near real-time 

All of It
CPU/Speed: Motorola MC 68060: 50 MHz 
Optional DEC Alpha rendering co-processor: 233 MHz 
Operating Systems: Amiga OS standard, Mac OS via ShapeShifter 
All PC OS via PC board option, Net BMD UNIX 
Memory: 8MB Standard 72 pin SIMMS 
Expandable to 128MB on board
Case:</B> Tower 
SCSI Ports: Fast SCSI II - 6 Internal, 1 External
External Interfaces: SCSI II, Serial, Parallel, Mouse, Keyboard,
RCA or XLR audio, Composite and S-Video, optional breakout for other video
Internal Interfaces: 6 SCSI II
Internal Slots: Passive backplane with 2 for the DraCo board, 3 DraCo
direct, 2 PCI slots, and 3 16-bit slots 
Internal Drive Bays: 6 horizontal 5.25&quot; full height 4 horizontal
5.25&quot; half height 
Disk Drives: 4x CD ROM, HD Floppy 
Mouse: 3 button opto-mechanical 
Keyboard: Detachable 101 key 
Power Supply: Switchable: 110/220 
Software Included: MovieShop, AmigaDOS 3.1, XiPaint, ADPro, 
MorphPlus, CyberGraphix 
Suggested Retail:> $8,995 
$10,995 with 1GB System Drive &amp; 4GB Video Drive


          J A P A N E S E   A M I G A   C O N V E N T I O N 

Author:	Makoto Yagihashi(yagih@vier.mech.nitech.ac.jp)

"Amiga Convention in Hamamatsu '96"

The last hobby computer, AMIGA
               afternoon:pre-meeting dedicated to a dog?
               13:00 - 14:05:Lecture
               14:15 - 17:00:Exchanging information
      Sunbia Hamamatsu
     If you want to join us, please mail to
 Meeting place
     Hamamatsu Shoukoukaigisho
      Council room:C on the 10th Floor

     10 minutes from JR Hamamatsu station where Super 
     Express SHINKANSEN stops by ENTETSU bus.
     Please come to the meeting place directory

 Admission Fee
 Last Amiga Convention in Hamamatsu('95)
  If you have any question about this convention, please mail to

 If you have any question, please mail to


    W O N D E R   C O M P U T E R S   B A C K   I N   B U S I N E S S 

      Ottawa, Ontario * (613) 798-3617 * Fax: (613) 798-6923

                   Lazarus Engineering Corporation
                 Secures Amiga Intellectual Property

Ottawa, Ontario - Lazarus Engineering Corporation would like to
announce that its tender to purchase the Intellectual Property assets
of the former Wonder Computers Inc. has been accepted by their
trustees in bankruptcy.

Commercial software products included with the transaction include:
DesignWorks, PowerManager, Flow, QuickWrite, Profonts, WordMaker,
Mac2Dos, Dos2Dos and Disk2Disk.  Commercial hardware products
included the KB-10 IBM-Amiga keyboard protocol converter.  All other
intellectual property including unfinished software and hardware
projects, marketing materials, commercial graphics, in-house
as well as out-sourced developed utilities, and production stock
were also included in the transaction.

Mr. Steve R. Cockwell, President and CEO of Lazarus Engineering,
has renewed his committment to the Amiga platform with this
acquisition.  "Our strength is in the people around us.  From our
talented engineers, technical writers, graphic artists, and support
staff to the customers around the world that have shown us their
support through the EMails, Faxes and letters that we have
received in the past few months.  It takes an entire community to
make a company like this possible, and we are proud to say that we
are a part of the one called Amiga."

Mr. Cockwell also noted that production will soon begin again for
Lazarus Engineering's newest commercial products: KB-10 and
DesignWorks 2.0, and that a special promotion for these will be
announced shortly.

Lazarus Engineering Corporation was founded in 1993 by Steve
R. Cockwell, a long-time veteran of Corel Corporation in Ottawa,
Ontario.  The company can be reached for comment about any of the
above information during regular office hours (8:30 to 17:00 EST,
Monday to Friday) or via EMail at the above address.
    _    __      _     <>_   __      _     ||  Brad Webb/AmigaUpdate 
   /\\    |\    /||    ||   /  `    /\\    ||  webb@malamute.med.ge.com
  /__\\   | \  / ||    ||  || ___  /__\\   ||  bandr@globaldialog.com
 /    \\_ |  \/  ||_  _||_  \__// /    \\_ ||  Portal -- XJumpdisk